Vino în timp ce ne plimbăm prin Vila noastră cu 2 ETAJE EDGE pe frumoasa navă de croazieră Celebrity EDGE. Jon și cu mine avem plăcerea minunată de a fi în această cabină MAGNIFICA pentru croaziera noastră transatlantică de 15 nopți săptămâna aceasta. Sperăm că vă place acest videoclip și îl găsiți util și informativ. Jon și cu mine am fost în peste 100 de croaziere și în ultimii ani și este a cincea oară pe Celebrity Edge. Ne-am familiarizat FOARTE cu ea și vom fi bucuroși să vă ajutăm cu orice întrebări ați putea avea, așa că vă rugăm să întrebați în secțiunea de comentarii de mai jos. Sperăm că vă place acest tur complet al VILA EDGE de pe Celebrity EDGE, nu uitați să apăsați cu degetul mare pentru a ne anunța că v-a plăcut și să apăsați clopoțelul
pentru a primi o notificare când punem un nou videoclip . Vă invităm să vă ABONAȚI la canalul nostru, dacă nu ați făcut-o deja, este gratuit pentru voi și ne ajută foarte mult. VA MULȚUMIM că ne urmăriți și ne susțineți, vă apreciem foarte mult
, ca să nu ratați niciun videoclip nou de la noi și să distribuiți videoclipurile noastre
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NOU 20.04.2023 – TUR COMPLET EDGE VILLA pe nava Celebrity EDGE

29 thoughts on “NOU 20.04.2023 – TUR COMPLET EDGE VILLA pe nava Celebrity EDGE”
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What a paradise—I’m convinced it’s worth the splurge!
Happy Anniversary to youse guys. I’m watching this video on my big screen TV. That cabin location is SUPER!
Zen? How about zensational?
Thanks so much for the tour.
What can one say but……
W O W! ! !
What a fabulous way to push your anniversary celebration over the edge!! (ok, that was bad!
But seriously, Happy anniversary and enjoy every minute!!
Nice way to live. Enjoy
Happy anniversary
just absolutely gorgeous. What a way to live in style
. Enjoy every minute in that balcony. Let me know if you ever need company. Wink wink 
Happy anniversary! Love that balcony

How do you like the TV in the bedroom that comes down from the ceiling?
Thank you for such a detailed tour of Edge Villa. The only comment I can leave is…WOW! I hope the level of service will be adequate for this villa, I'd love to hear about it as well. Living large Joyce and Jon ! What an incredible space and a luxury to have a long journey! I'd spend a lot of time IN, the rest of the ship can wait!
The room is absolutely beautiful. The video could've been about 10 minutes shorter. It was excessive showing the outlets, the light switches/controllers, the thermostat, the bathroom fixtures, the inside of the every drawer and closet
. But I guess you were so excited never having stayed in a room of that caliber on a cruise ship. Anyways, hope you two have an amazing time for your Anniversary.
Oh to be rich
Absolutely gorgeous
Hope you had a very HAPPY anniversary and are thoroughly enjoying that cabin.
Oh my gosh, now that is what I call living the life! It’s absolutely stunning and so luxurious. What a way to cross the Atlantic. I’m sure you are having an amazing experience. Thank you for the detailed tour of that gorgeous Villa! ♥️
Oh my word!! how gorgeous is that. Living a dream for sure. I would never want to leave that villa. Thanks again for a great tour. I was going to say cabin tour but It's more like a house tour. LOL!!
Absolutely beautiful! That view from the balcony and bed can’t be beat! I thought I was totally spoiled after staying in a Sky Suite. That cabin would make me never want to go home!
Enjoy every minute. You two deserve it!
Was there a phone anywhere near the living areas or does one need to go to the bath or bedroom to use the phone, communicate with the butler, etc.? Thanks for sharing.
That was an intense room tour. Beautiful cabin. Enjoy!
Wow Joyce what a amazing Suite thanks for the review
Amazing. It kept getting better and better through out the room tour. The location of the Villa next to the suite lounge and the lounge deck were extra perks as well. Nothing but luxury. Thank you for sharing. Happy. Anniversary.
Wow that’s amazing! Thank you for sharing

im so happy you can enjoy your anniversary in this beautiful suite 
Hi, there are no words. More than amazing. Thank you for sharing with us!
Happy anniversary to you!

Love the video and tour! Amazing cabin and perfect place to spend 14 days with so many of them at sea.
My goodness – I don't think I would ever leave this villa LOL
So beautiful I'm sure you enjoyed it !!!
How much did you bid?
Did you get sea sick in this cabin? I noticed that you are up high and you are at the front of the ship.
Thank you for this terrific, very thorough cabin tour! I'm looking forward to our stay in this class of cabin, next November. I've also subscribed.
You 2 are too darn cute! Great video!