În videoclipul de astăzi pregătim terenul pentru însămânțare prin împrăștierea bălegarului, nămolul de conducte și în cele din urmă arăndu-l. Pământul este încă lipicios și va dura câteva zile să se usuce, dar măcar eram gata să ne grăpăm și să ne semănăm sfecla și porumbul atunci când va veni șansa. Sper să vă placă, orice întrebări m-au lovit în comentariile de mai jos, mulțumesc pentru vizionare! G’Luck Vă rugăm să dați un like și să vă abonați pentru mai multe. Videoclipuri în fiecare marți, joi și duminică. Marfa FARMER PHIL: https://www.stewartfamilyfarmlongford.com/farmer-phil-merch Stewart Family Farm – Carne de vită și porc produse în casă https://www.stewartfamilyfarmlongford.com Telefon: 0892022420 E-mail: stewartfamilyfarmlongford@gmail.com Eir9Co C6V6 Stewart Agri Pagina de Facebook pentru orice întrebări legate de muncă – https://www.facebook.com/stewartagri De asemenea, mergeți la magazinul meu Amazon pentru a verifica produsele pe care le folosesc și le-aș recomanda cu căldură: https://www.amazon.co .uk/shop/farmerphil Pentru cei care întreabă cum pot ajuta ferma și ne pot sprijini: https://paypal.me/FARMERPHIL135?locale.x=en_US Lickd – Muzică YouTube cu licență: https://lickd.co/ r/farmerphil3690 Întrebări despre afaceri: farmerphil135@gmail.com FACEBOOK: FARMER PHIL INSTAGRAM: farmer_phil_135 TikTok: farmerphil135

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Liked the opening music as well as color in camera work !
Can u plz do a video one day on how to plow bc I would like to learn how
Looking at that pile of manure I would say bro needs a bigger spreader!
Would you not put a rear set of discs on?there not expensive
Hon da bro
a great driver . Team Stewart
RIP IAN . Gone but not forgotten 
Yeah great sound of them 62 straight pipe now
Really enjoyed this video Phil.
Ploughing is a slow job, but very satisfying.
When driving through the countryside, it lovely to see the fields ploughed, and knowing that soon the crops will be set again.
Goodman phil another good video, great see the crops are going in, class sound out of the 6290, fair play bro for continuing too help out, keep videos coming
Get a straight pipe for the 6290
Great to have the memories of you and uncle Ian flat out ploughing
Need to get a straight pipe for the 6290 for the shits and giggles
Great to c bro out working and Father Phil in the digger loading muck. And u ploughing
Multi species is a waste of time , we sowed 9 acres of it last year and won’t put it in again you be better with just good grass variety’s and clover
Yea Phil… weather is shocking. Now much sign of an improvement yet.
Thats some dung pit that must of tuck a few years
Why are you not ploughing with the 6499?
Another very interesting video
phil, put peroxide on that wound it will clean out any infection
Great video Phil. Enjoyed watching
Well come ji
Good to see the spring has sprung and your onto the fields
FP in da house you have good day sir
Lovely comment you made for your uncle Ian ,Phil,I will keep turning it for him.
Well said.
Great video. Gutsy sound of the 6290 and the smell of freshly turned soil… what more could you want?
Great to hear the memories about you’re uncle Ian. Keep turning them sods.

You tryna grow a mullet Phil
straight pipe next for the 6290 would look smashing job

We in the UK forget that you have to pay for medical treatment in Ireland.
nice video
Nice to see some ploughing. Can't wait for the new stone picker soon.
This is great to see the plough back in action
Great video! we have spring work starting in about a month. at the moment there is still 80-90cm of snow in the fields.
When phil was looking back at ploughing a daddy long legs was walking up the back windscreen Patrick 135…..8111
Good job. Was ploughing myself this weekend. Ground was surprisingly dry underneath. Bit slippery on top
Wen u going to show us the 99 stuck
Must be great to have those memories of plowing with uncle Ian. Great video as always.

Great plowing skills farmer Phil, just love to see farming equipment and machinery and of course mothernature working in harmony. I leave next to pullens who are potatoes, maise and got apple orchards which supplies to local cider distilleries and crisps. We're in the southwest in Tintinhull
Does that tractor need a new seat by any chance ?
I can swap you welding rods for steak… I'm at Leitrim Cross, near Protrans Ltd…. Drumlish Rd
could you not subsoil the field
Great to hear about your memory’s with uncle Ian Phil and listening to the Note if that 6200 pulling makes me regret getting rid of our 6279 excel sooo much
What did you do/study in college?