Casă mică, mare aventură: turul nostru uimitor cu barca de 46 de minute | Duminica navigatie

Casă mică, mare aventură: turul nostru uimitor cu barca de 46 de minute |  Duminica navigatie

Bine ați venit la bordul iahtului nostru de 46 de picioare, micuța noastră casă pe apă! Alăturați-vă nouă pentru un tur uimitor cu barca, în timp ce împărtășim călătoria noastră de patru ani, trăind și navigând în jurul lumii, din Europa traversând Oceanul Atlantic până în Caraibe. Suntem încântați să vă arătăm casa noastră mică, confortabilă și luxoasă, care străbate lumea! Fie că sunteți fani ai Sailing La Vagabond, Sv Delos, Gone with the Wynns sau sunteți doar în căutarea următoarei aventuri, micuța noastră casă de Sailing Sunday vă va inspira cu siguranță să călătoriți în lume! Nu rata călătoria noastră incredibilă și apasă butonul de redare acum și vino să vezi cum ne mutăm acasă pe apă! SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: PATREON: https: // SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi de Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub


45 thoughts on “Casă mică, mare aventură: turul nostru uimitor cu barca de 46 de minute | Duminica navigatie

  1. Hey guys… one thing I can't fathom is that over the time that you have had the boat is that you haven't given the cockpit table and companion way doors any love and it makes it look tatty. Little things but worth doing before it's too late for the wood. Love your vids and take care.

  2. I've always enjoyed following the sailing adventures of you three, including your guest critters that I never really gave much thought to the details of your boat. I must say, now after the tour, I am impressed with everything, the size, storage room, conveniences, and how clean everything is. You have a well maintained sailboat. Stay safe and stay groovy. PS Your pet rescues are brilliant, and thoughtful beyond words.

  3. Love your videos and all the great work you do. My wife and I are currently in Georgetown, Bahamas on our Island Packet 485. Hope to run into some day so I can buy you a beer!

  4. Thank you Brittni that was a very interesting and informativ boattour,looks so nice and you can see the Joy and happiness and confident inside,belonging too the most wonderful Crew….and one question : These pads on the steps ?…one second to see in the Video….looks good and easy walking up for Jackson….really a nice boat…a very nice following you through the years…many happy sundays…..stay happy and healthy ….🐾🐾👣👣⛵🍀😍😇🤩😘

  5. I've seen a bunch of boat tours, gotta say the Beneteau is right at the top of the list of boats I'd want if I were buying a blue water boat.. Not just beautiful designed interiors, she's also well known as a fast and sturdy vessel… Other youtube sailing channels that I've watched doing these boat tours weren't the owners of the boats being toured and spoke very highly of the Beneteau line… I really like SV Delos' Amel too, but she's the only Amel I've seen enough of to judge. Catamaran's have their place, but I think I'd want the monohull.

  6. Hahaha was that a egg flip spatula that I saw hour scraping the hull with 🤣 great job on the video guys! Loved it and was great to finally see what the boat looks like inside and out 🙌🏼

  7. She's a beauty! Our boat was also an owners' version with just two cabins. So much more comfortable as a liveaboard to have all that space and I'm sure Jackson is happy with it too! Thanks for the tour you guys. x

  8. It was great seeing a new segment, looks like you;re taking care of yourself, didn't realize the boat was as big, NICE …….. Looking forward to see Ryan return, strange that he hasn't shared any videos of his visit to the mainland, hummmmmm…….

  9. OK…be truthful……how long did it take to make Sunday viewable?… a boat owner, I could never get mine that clean and spartan, in at least 2 months…lol. Great vid guys, nice to see you all back. P.S. hows the pups?

  10. Thanks for the boat tour! So you love you boat, I feel like my question was answered ❤ You're very kind to let us into your home. It's an amazing boat and you take such great care of it, beautiful vessel ⛵

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