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Navigare în afara rețelei | Viață în afara rețelei

27 thoughts on “Navigare în afara rețelei | Viață în afara rețelei”
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More off grid sailing vlogs to look forward to. Nice!
such nice snippets of your lives together
Oh my! Those clouds you left behind looked so dark and ominous! But you look cool, calm and collected for the rest of the video
Looking forward to your off-grid adventures! Stay safe and well 
Wonderful, it makes my heart sing to see you out on the water again. I was most impressed by the fact that even though you were motoring with flat water you both had your flotation harness on, I see so many of the channels I follow, under sail, on deck, no flotation and not tethered, scary. I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to catch my boat if I went overboard. Hope your sail was great, looking forward to following your summer on the water.
And they are under way! YAY
“It is not that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better.”
― Sir Francis Drake
Easy for beautiful electrical expert and coffee !
Go to our sponsor for 10% off your first month of therapy
with BetterHelp and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help!
Your videography and editing is 1000 times better. Congrats.
Great detective work on the AC adaptor… you've got skills kiddo. I'm a contractor… with that and your wood building skills, I'd hire you.
Glad to see you get underway., heading for the islands. Looking forward to your summer videos with new challenges and adventures. Enjoy.
So gentle, so kind, so enjoyable to watch.
I use adhesive backed Velcro on the bottom of my hand soap and counter to keep the dispenser in place while sailing
You can use a multi-meter to check if something is putting out the voltage that it is supposed to.
It seems so early for you two going off grid. I love that area, so much to see. someday go to Friday Harbor and ride the mopeds around the island when it gets warmer.
Great to see you heading out again!
When was the last time the boat was hauled out for hull cleaning?
Does she have a wedding ring on?
Hello to you both. I've been watching your channel for a while and enjoying it. As I watch this episode there are a few things that pop up that might help your channel, but PLEASE don't take this as a criticism. If you love what you're currently doing and love having 22Kish subscribers then this is AWESOME!! But, if you would rather have 220k subscribers then here are some simple things to think about: First – audio quality – I personally believe this is far more important than video quality. And this is supported by research (okay, don't ask me what research…). If audio is great then people will tolerate marginal video, but if video is great and audio is bad then people turn off. In this episode the audio of you guys talking could have been much, much better!! Second – while people love to know the struggles of a particular journey (boat life, in this case), we all have tons of struggle in our own lives, and we don't want to see too much more of the same in others. So yes – a bit of struggle – it's real, and we need to know that you are human and have struggles too. But then – PLEASE – fill us with inspiration and beauty. Make our feeble hearts sing as we each personally embrace the magical perfection of your journey – something that most of us can only dream about. Here is some inspiration: Of course anyone in the sailing-YouTube world knows about SV Delos. They have nearing a million subscribers and I think they have the most successful sailing YouTube channel out there. But go back and watch season 1. It is complete sh!t. It is worse than the worse home video you ever watched. It is really, really bad. As I look back at their journey I see a few things that led to their massive success. First – they persevered through it all (and you are doing this 10 times more!!), second – they upped their game consistently and got much much better at the "YouTube Thing" (Please – do this – you absolutely can!!!), third – they had an amazing mystical journey through distant lands (yea – you need to dot this if you want to 10X your presence), and finally – they set each video up with an amazing video of exciting journeys. Of course – yes – you see their struggles (10% or less of their videos) but then you are on board, and (most importantly) they were true to themselves!! So please – don't try to be the next SV Delos. Try to be the next best version of yourselves. Take us on a journey, with uncertain results. Leave us curious, and wondering, and inspired. Let your hearts and your journey truly soar. Bring us along. Blow us away. Leave us wanting more. Let me close with this: I sincerely love the crew on SV Delos. They are amazing, and I love their journey. But along side that I would LOVE to see what your channel could become. There is an innocence and beauty and purity about your journey that escapes a simple explanation. Up your game just a bit more and I'm a thousand percent more onboard. But again – don't do this for more subscribers. Do it to really let your story and your hearts sing on this magnificent platform. Many blessings to you both!!
Hiya from New Zealand…great vid and can really understand the nerves…don't know if you know but is best to start a diesel with very little to no throttle as can be bad for them…best luck and fun for your trip…
Just wondering do you ever put the boat on dry
And inspect the hull and other none seen items.
Plus maybe painting just curious if that is something
You just don’t post.
I watch a lot and don’t recall ever being hauled out
For inspections.
You two are inspirational. I'm planning on moving into a Catalina 30 here soon and your videos have definitely motivated me even more to make the move.
Seems like your leaving the docks early this year. We always enjoy your videos, you two have figured out how to take the simplest situations and make great content out of them. Looking forward to your off-grid sailing adventures…..