VÂNTURI PUTERNICE DE WILLIWAW! (Navigare spre Alaska iarna)

VÂNTURI PUTERNICE DE WILLIWAW!  (Navigare spre Alaska iarna)

Navigați spre Alaska! De data aceasta trecem prin Canalul Grenville și experimentăm niște vânturi catabatice destul de puternice. Apoi puțină zăpadă și andocare în întuneric în Prince Rupert. Bucurați-vă! Multumesc pentru vizionare! V-a plăcut și doriți să susțineți crearea acestor videoclipuri? http://www.patreon.com/alluringarctic Patronii au acces la videoclipuri fără reclame, la un grup de chat WhatsApp și la o hartă de urmărire a bărcii cu o listă cu toate ancorajele și porturile de până acum 🥳 Tricouri și hanorace organice + autocolante: https ://alluringarctic.myspreadshop.com/ Actualizări în timp real aici (videoclipurile sunt momentan puțin în urmă): http://www.instagram.com/alluringarctic http://www.facebook.com/alluringarctic


35 thoughts on “VÂNTURI PUTERNICE DE WILLIWAW! (Navigare spre Alaska iarna)

  1. Alright, it's been brought to my attention by many of you that the savoury sausage delicacy presented in this video is actually available elsewhere in the world as well, and is called a "pig in a blanket" or a "toad in a hole", or some other loving name, depending on where in the world you are! I didn't know that they'd be available here in North America as well so now I must get my hands on some immediately! 😉 Personally I still like the name "sausage surprise" the best though. Nakkipiilo forever!

    Anyway, thanks for watching, and a commercial message follows… 🤓If you want to support the creation of these videos you can do so on Patreon. Wow, who would have thought?! The address is: https://www.patreon.com/alluringarctic . Patrons get access to a boat tracker, ad-free videos (whenever our Internet connection is good enough for me to upload twice), private WhatsApp chat group etc. And most of all, your penny goes a long way in helping me spend the long hours editing these 💻🎥. Hope you enjoyed and have a great week!

  2. Congrats on Phd. submission. Sohvi is no longer getting sea sickness, on the new boat? The centerboard, problem is solved? would be nightmare to have williwaw arrive with full sails up.

  3. Thanks for your videos! I've made this passage (Seattle to Juneau) many times in small and large boats as passenger and as captain. You really are doing this trip proprly. Nice job!

  4. Love the journey, found your channel at the beginning of your trip north bound out of California and it has quickly become my most favorite sailing channel as of today, keep up the great content your filming is amazing 👍👍

  5. I still can not work out if you are the best cameraman ever or the scenery is making your films look amazing 😂👍 ps its a sausage roll usually bought from Greggs the baker in scotland. 👌

  6. wow – excellent. I was wondering what was the doctorate dissertation about? – what was the topic she was defending? Erik

  7. Congratulations, Sohvi, and thank you both for yet another fine and informative video. I am now proud to be a real supporter of your productions.

  8. When you head to AK best thing is to call USCG as you approach Foggy Bay and ask permission to overnight there. Everybody does this. Then don’t anchor in Foggy Bay but go to the tiny bay in the NE corner of Foggy Bay. You’ll have to feel your way in but once in it is incredibly snug and protected from everything. If you turn the slug trail on on your plotter when you enter it will be easier to leave. It’s harder to get in in winter due to the lack of kelp but I’ve taken much bigger boats than yours in so you’ll be fine.

  9. Thank you! Wonderful vid!
    Kate and Curtis on Sweet Ruca are about as far in South latitude as you are in North latitude. They "rounded Cape Horn" the end of January.

    It would be interesting to see your two boats maybe meet in Panama this August 2023 or sometime… and then head away from each other to the opposite points from where you currently are.

    Congratulations, Sohvi! Much hard work on your part!

  10. Wow. Congratulations on your Doctoral submission Sohvi. I was in Price Rupert in 1981 a smaller port then. I hope you both enjoy your voyage north. Kick ass content as always.🎉👍🤙

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