NFT-uri tematice Titanic, încă o dată, frații Web3 au mers prea departe… blockchain-ul eșuează

NFT-uri tematice Titanic, încă o dată, frații Web3 au mers prea departe... blockchain-ul eșuează

Ce timp să fii în viață, NFT-uri cu tematică titanică pentru… orice motiv. Din nou, cripto și blockchain au mers prea departe… #crypto #blockchain #fail Sprijină-mă: Patreon: Link-uri sociale: Muzică: artist: Cântecul lui Jupiter: Lost Love Spotify:


34 thoughts on “NFT-uri tematice Titanic, încă o dată, frații Web3 au mers prea departe… blockchain-ul eșuează

  1. I am not a graphic designer, but I have worked adjacent to graphics designers (and grown up around artists of varying backgrounds and skill) whilst working on my own craft (programming). It is for this reason, that I feel confident in saying that the bored ape is fucking cringe.

  2. The crypto people on social media are praising these shitty projects in order to convince unsuspecting victims that it's actually chocolate for long enough that they'll buy it.

    But it's always just shit. And I don't think it'll be long before we'll see bored apes from other infamous tragedies. Why stop at Titanic when there's the Hindenburg to fly, the train to Auschwitz to ride and the planes on 9/11 to board?

  3. We can all agree that NFTs are mostly scummy and this project is no different. I don't see how people can buy into this when the NFTs look like ass.

  4. I swear there's a server in Gmod where players could ride the Titanic (Maybe its just a regular cruise ship i dont remember). The ship would move off the map and then transition where it's simulating cruising across the sea. This was a over a decade ago it was coolest maps i've been on. I think it was TTT server.

  5. Staking normally is about either providing liquidity to exchanges or providing authority to nodes on proof of stake networks. You get a small return on your staked crypto for providing your capital to that end.
    I have no idea wtf staking NTF's is meant to achieve.

  6. There's something to be said about an NFT collection being themed off something that is famous mostly for being unsinkable right up until it wasn't.

  7. It's important to understand that the low-quality artwork is a feature, not a bug. If you can look at one of those and say "Yes, this is going to be worth MONEY!", the grifter knows that you are a fool and are more likely to continue to buy into their scams.

  8. Every time I see the promo ads for such parties, my only thought is: "Wow, rich people really have the most boring parties anyone could imagine!" 😀

  9. As someone who still uses Second Life, I can confirm the weird Titanic cruise looks lame as hell even to me. But hey, I appreciate the fact that all these "metaverse" weirdos have finally realized nothing they can create is better the virtual world we've already had for 20 years.

  10. the fact that these nft guys talk about how their NFT is unique, when one could simply copy and paste it to the blockchain and you cannot do anything about it. like if I needed to use a bored ape in my creation for example, instead of giving royalties to the owner, i could just make a fake one myself and use it.

  11. can someone answer me this, when you buy an NFT what do you actually receive? Do you get an email with soem kind of digital receipt or certificate and an actual .jpeg of your NFT or do you get an email with a link to your NFT? or do you even receive some kind of physical document in the mail? Please answer if you actually know.

  12. Next week, Rana Plaza Amputated Ape Club Society Fraternity. NFT bros clearly need a slapping, band of absolute weapons.

    P.S. please don't Image Search "Rana Plaza", it's absolutely horrific. Inspired by the history of Rana Plaza: please stop buying cheap clothes from South Asia as well.

  13. I was going joke about making a new cryptocurrency called Scamcoin – but then I realized it would probably be successful. Like, how could something like that NOT be successful at this point?

  14. So "staking" your NFT is basically a digital chastity cage. I finally get it. The people buying these are the same kind of people who get off on findom, but with exhibitionism in the mix. The humiliation is the point. Amazing.

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