Navigarea va fi noua abilitate în OSRS? | Sailing Refinement Blog UIM Progress Series: Top 20 de pluginuri Runelite de care aveți nevoie în 2023 (OSTRS7/OSTRS7) ns Ghidul Riftului 2022 Seria OSRS Ironman Progress: Seria de tutoriale către Twisted Bow Island: :// Sfaturi și trucuri pentru organizarea OSRS Bank | Cum să-ți organizezi banca dezordonată în Old School Runescape! COMANDA MAXING OSRS 2021| Cum să maximizezi în OSRS – Cele mai bune modalități de a atinge toate anii 99 – Old School Runescape Obiectivele de joc târziu în OSRS pentru a măcina – Ghid de progres al contului OSRS 2021 https://www. Abonare: Discord Cântece: Mâine, Spirit, călătorie, Camelot, armonie, Prifddinas Primul lot. De la Runescape, Ellinia Feild, smery snitch
Navigarea va fi noua abilitate în OSRS? | Blogul de rafinament al navigației

19 thoughts on “Navigarea va fi noua abilitate în OSRS? | Blogul de rafinament al navigației”
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It would be cool if they added a dock or port of some sort at the PoH where you could access your ship
Thought about it some more and think sailing would be cool long as they do something like viking longships(fremennik)keep it lore friendly.
I think they should now put a straight vote between sailing and shamanism, so the few that voted taming can have their say.
Rate your interest in things regarding Sailing – Navigating challenging sea terrain. No Help: "Fuck no, dislike! Anyways that's it guys, I really think Sailing would be great!"
New skill and e.o.c. prayers will kill the game
Man a mini game as a skill never though would see the day in my 19 years of sunescape
but they better be able hire a crew and sent them out to island to get items, just just copy black flag and I'll be all for it!
Runescape just makes sense to have sailing as a core gameplay mechanic. There's water, there's ports, there's boats, there's fish… I'm surprised this game doesn't have sailing yet to be honest.
I think sailling isnt good for osrs as a skill nor shamanism or the other skill, if sailling was a kind of favor I could agree, but the way it is sucks, the new prayer book I agree.
I just don’t want player owned ports!
Voted for shamanism and I plan on voting against sailing out of spite.
Would love to incorporate a strong PVP aspect for those who want to bring the ships to the wilderness. Clan wars would be epic.
"It would be weird if you couldn't see Varrock or any of the other places."
It would be a bit weird to see Varrock considering it's not super close to the sea. TBH I'm not really sure how they sail the Bone Voyage ship up and down the river Salve. Call me crazy but it would be super cool to move the Rag and Bone man house and turn that area into a proper port that connects to the wilderness sea.
I really hope it passes the vote!
BRO, The facecam is my new and favourite addition to this channel <3
Thank you ! ! !
As someone who voted for shamanism i kinda hope they will give us the option to let them refine shamanism also and then pick between the two. We will see
Since cannonballs are already in game for the multicannon, would be interesting to see if Jagex allowed us to make canonballs for pvp sailing. Also, firemaking could get some use if we could use it to make a flamethrower type weapon for our ships
Maybe there could be diving as a part of sailing. And maybe there could be a 2nd variation of the kraken
So much for OLDSCHOOL runescape. Welcome to runescape 4!