TUR complet cu barca cu vele [Tiny 30ft, Full Time Live Aboard, & Ocean Sailing Monohull] {18.000 USD}

TUR complet cu barca cu vele  [Tiny 30ft, Full Time Live Aboard, & Ocean Sailing Monohull] {18.000 USD}

BINE ATI VENIT!!! La acest tur complet în profunzime al micuței barci cu pânze a prietenilor mei Huub. S/V „Limonada” este un Alberg 30 din 1971. Este o barcă cu pânze monococă cu chilă completă, care a căpătat o tonă de caracter în ultima jumătate de secol! De asemenea, aceasta este casa umilă a lui Huub pe mare. În urmă cu trei ani, Huub a mers în Guatemala și a găsit această barcă care se presupune că era gata să navigheze. S-a îndrăgostit de ea puțin repede. Și apoi a aflat, după ce a plătit 18.000 de dolari, că era mai gata să se scufunde decât să navigheze. Dar nu a renunțat! După ce nu au lipsit sângele, transpirația și lacrimile. Grija și determinarea lui au câștigat. În cele din urmă, a făcut această barcă cu pânze suficient de pregătită pentru a naviga până în Guatemala, până în Jamaica și în întreaga Caraibe de Est. Chiar dacă nu are plută de salvare sau echipament de urgență. O dovadă a convingerii sale de a deveni un adevărat marinar. Ceva ce majoritatea nu ar putea face niciodată. Huub a fost un creator de conținut de multă vreme cu canalul său „Huub’s Vlog” https://m.youtube.com/@HuubVlogs A călătorit în toată lumea. Dar ca oricine se duce la mare astfel. A aflat repede că aici este un joc de minge diferit și dificil. Dar prin multe încercări și dezastre. El a rămas cu ea și a învățat atât de multe pe parcurs. Așa că aruncați o privire pe canalul lui și vedeți singur. Aceasta este o barcă cu pânze foarte umilă. În principal din cauza dimensiunii sale, nu cred că majoritatea oamenilor ar putea trăi în ea. Dar asta cred că este un avantaj. Pentru că, spre deosebire de majoritatea catamaranelor și a altor nave mai mari. Această barcă cu pânze este foarte accesibilă și are un cost extrem de scăzut de întreținere. Permițând lui Huub să poată naviga și naviga cu normă întreagă. Fără să vă faceți griji de a sparge banca. . . Dacă poți, aș recomanda cu adevărat să verifici pagina lui Patreon. El depune mult efort în baza sa de fani dedicati. Și știu că ar aprecia sprijinul tău. https://www.patreon.com/huubvlogs De asemenea, verifică aceste alte colaborări pe care le-am făcut eu și Huub: https://youtu.be/tveHlt4qTQo. . . Dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip și canalul meu, vă rugăm să vă gândiți să deveniți un Patron al meu. Puțin sprijin este un drum lung: www.patreon.com/adventuremandan Sau urmăriți-mă pe celelalte platforme ale mele: Instagram.com/adventureman_dan/ Facebook.com/adventuremandan.life/


22 thoughts on “TUR complet cu barca cu vele [Tiny 30ft, Full Time Live Aboard, & Ocean Sailing Monohull] {18.000 USD}

  1. Not sure if I should replace the tiller with a rudder on my boat. I'd love the extra cockpit space, but not sure if it's worth it? What's huub's input?

  2. Alberg 30 is legend, totally bulletproof. Check out sailing triteia for another, he's down in the south pacific now

  3. Dude 3 years on a 22 foot westerly cirrus. At times very frustrating but set it up for success. Enclosed head, shower , laundry, 6 foot headroom, cat box sucks. Stove, oven, inboard 1 gm10 yanmar, better be a minimalist…

  4. I have a westsail 32. Added watermaker and hydrovane and 900 watts of solar. It was totaled a month ago. A drunk POS t-boned it with a jet ski ND fortunately he died as it saved me from. Going to prison. I was anchor. Moving to the Philippine. Safer there as many here and 2 men here lost their houses to reparations.

  5. $18K for a boat this solid isn't crazy at all. Maybe you could have negotiated the price down some, but if it came re-powered with that diesel (I'm pretty sure they all originally came with Atomic 4's) and the other gear you've shown us, I'd say that you have done well.  

    Spending $200K for a new Beneteau 30, now that's crazy. And ask yourself which boat you'd rather be in if you get caught out in a gale.

  6. Huge advantage over my last boat, and Endeavour 32 long keel Shallow Draft, iscthe height of the forward V Berth. the bent leg knee height when on the Alberg one was the height of the V Berth Singles in the Endeavour. I fell out of the thing painfully several times, whichever side I slept in. The heads, much larger, it's surprising what just 2ft extra can provide. Stuffing box access via the aft port side pilot berth was pretty decent, and access to the Yamaha 22hp engine was ok too. Si gle helm wheel in Cockpits that size, Suck really horribly, and tillers are much better, plus the Endeavour had a really stupid top of companionway Mainsheet traveller, a right pita. Alberg and Endeavour are good solid boats though. Endeavour so solid, it actually saved my life when attacked by a Wrecking Gang in New York Harbour. It did kill the poor boat though sadly, but she got mecthrough it alive first. Aft Mai sheet travellers usually suck as well as they tend to mess up Aft Cockpit Solar Arch viability with aft cockpit Boats with drop down bathing platforms, that some of us Disabled Old Farts need as Docking points for Tenders, and access too and from the Cockpit, also enabled with Stern Sugar Scoops. Me actually getting on and off boats like the Alberg, Endeavour, etc, turned out to be a pretty big problem, as did a Traditional Mast with Lazy jacks and a stack pack, which also has turned out to not make sense if heading for hot Tropical type places, as the speed with which UV Trashes Sailcloth, is surprising. So next boat, in Mast Furling, Triradial Battenless Furling three reef point Main, with UV protection for the sail area facing the Furling slot when fully furled. Battenless = reliable long service Life, Triradial = recovering most of the oerformance of a fully battened Crosscut Sail, plus no "baggy trousers" losses of Sail Shape. About 10 times the Sail service Life, for about double the Cost seems like a bargain to me. Obviously like all Sails, they benefit from regular Valeting by a Sail Loft. Best Wishes. Bob. 👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️

  7. The thing about boat length, is the range between 32 ft, and 47 ft, is absolutely loaded with Sweet spots, however what it isnt necessarily loaded with what is essential for Cruisers, and that is a Real Shallow Draft of Between 4ft and 5ft. 5ft 5 inches, and there are so many places I have to avoid, but that depth of 5ft 5 inches, you can get with Bolt on Keels wgich for me makes the keelmlength leverage moments low enough that Keel to Hull Join plus bolt stretching are destressed enough to make a bolt on keel acceptable for me. this does bloody Suck though, because a Brand I otherwise Really like Dufour, have a shallow Draft of 5ft 8 inches, and for me, the leverage moments have crossed my Red Line, so they are off my potential ext boat list. This does Confuse the heck out of Sailboats Racers, who love them some high leverage deep draft bolt on keels, but Cruisers have totally different priorities to them. I wish Boat Builders would remember those essentials, and ditch the Stupid stuff like Twin Rudders and Mainsheet Tracks to trip over in the Cockpit. They're supposed to be smarter than that arent they ? 🤔Bob. 👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️

  8. Best way by far for people to start and get an excellent feel for Wind, water, and tide interactions, is Dinghy Sailing with a Two Sails Dinghy. Why? because you learn a heck of a ,ot more with Two Sails, than with One Sail like I did aged 11 with the One Sail Dinghy my Father built. Dint get me wrong, I loved that Dinghy and had great fun with it, but if you watch Croatian guy with Good English video for new Sailors, you will see what I missed outbon, for a number of years, so look through his channel videos to find ot caps so I don't get the spelling wrong – IGOR STROPNIK – which is the best introduction to Sailing Video I have ever seen, and it bears Rewatching. Me, I don't like Catamarans, apart from too much open space in saloons, as .i dont like being a Steel ballbearing in a Pinball machine, but in notbuncommon wave conditions, the Corkscrew Boat motion really messes me up. A Trimaran was so much better, I almost bought one. then found out how much hauling out, increased boatwork expense plus Marina costs were, Koff Koff. Screw that, I've been sticking with monohulls ever since, plus Catamaran build quality in general, really seems to Suck Badly. My next Boat, if still able to si glehand, and which oretty much ticks all the boxes I need due to disability, without outrageous extra expense customisations (which for me, actually makes a new boat cheaper by a substantial margin, compared to modifying and upgrading a secondhand one) is the Island Packet 349 with a 4ft Draft Yaay ! single Skeg hung rudder, and in Mast Furling Two Cabin One Head layout, would be perfection. god I love that boat. BUT, for acceptable insurance, and comfortable accommodation a large galley and two heads for the Skipper and delivery Crew plus me, and no Captains chairs below, so port and starboard Bunk settees, it is going to have to be the IP 439. It's going to take a very full Puggybank that .i haven't got yet. If the price of Silver Bullion (bought very cheap years ago as cheap insurance against the Thieving EU going totally Bonkers, after they Stole my Working Life Pension Pot ), then god willing, I'll be able to place an order this coming Autumn. Maybe someone with a Construction slot at the time, who is not in such a rush, will accept a do ation to help with a later construction slot. Fingers crossed. Im a,ready a seriously old fart, and not being afloat in a boat since the loss of my former loveky Sailboat, is killing me. 😅😅😅

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