Dacă la început nu reușiți… Încercați, încercați, din nou! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 179)

Dacă la început nu reușiți... Încercați, încercați, din nou!  (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 179)

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48 thoughts on “Dacă la început nu reușiți… Încercați, încercați, din nou! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 179)

  1. Cheering you on in your boat repairs and healing. Saw the goodbyes by Nugs. She loves you so much. Special friends are when you reconnect, you pick right up where you just left off! Grace Bill are so fun that you will have a new crew of buddy boat friends sailing the seas. Praying for Good health got you 2 and your boat!😊

  2. Hey Bill next time u have to pull a wire if you have a wet dry vac try a small peice of nylon string an a peice of plastic an sux it through if you have it I know you just don't have stuff laying around 😉

  3. I just went back in the water yesterday but makes me think I should have checked the rudder packing. I did the stuffing box and the stern tube had a leak but tightened the hose clamps. Arista is a sailboat again, just engineless until the new Beta 30 arrives. .

  4. Great idea to protect the corners of the solar panels with stainless steel (SS) angled pieces. However these short upright pieces may still be catching points for your reefing line loops… Suggest you look at welding some short flat bar or piece of (angled) tube as a deflecting ramps on both the outboard SS angle iron stubs and a piece of flat bar or tube between the middle (centre) pieces of SS angle iron. This to prevent these solar panel protection pieces from becoming catching points for ropes and lines, during a crash gibe situation, that could result in serious damage to your lines or new solar arch…
    Great progress on your extensive refit! Big job!

  5. Nice video. Thank you. One piece of advise for when you splash. Coat your engine and genset impellers with Dawn soap. It lubricates and helps create a better seal for suction. A dry impeller causes the most damage. And the Dawn soap is safe for the water.

  6. Bill was a crack showing on the quadrant? Grace you look great. Bill keep up your can do work. Calico Sky’s is looking better all the time. Prayer continues. 👍⛵️🏝

  7. The wind gen cable through that gland on the deck is going to leak without some silicon around it. Just saying.

  8. God Bless you Grace and your editing skills.

    Waiting for you, Grace, to get back in the saddle. About a hundred episodes ago, you had some epic reef footage that I commented on. It was Jacque Cousteau on steroids, the footage was very good. Hoping to see positive things.

    As always, God Bless and fair winds…

  9. Tip for running wires in tubing…use a piece of cloth attached to fish line and suck it through with a shop vac. Usually works well

  10. So many skills in that shipyard! I am always amazed how industrious sailors are. Here's to Grace and Calico Skies getting better and stronger and healthier with each day.

  11. I'm so glad that you're tackling all these important maintenance needs. The addons like the new arch etc. are great but all the maintenance related issues are SO important. failures 1000 miles from land are not what you want or need. Calico Skies is looking like a new boat and your fixes and upgrades will make her much more comfortable for you. Bill, you've done some masterful work and it's fun to follow along as you work at each task. Grace, I so hope you're doing well. I'm eager to see Calico Skies as a finished product now!

  12. Well done Bill, was a little worried about your tongue when putting the wind gen up.
    If a first you don’t succeed, get a bigger Hammer.

  13. An idea from another vlog – shade on the deck by putting cloth over the boom ? – They had pieces of material sewn onto the side of the sail bag then each side could then be opened as needed and attached to the safety lines etc

  14. journey across the pacific delayed by repairs ?? Is a trip to the hawaiian islands a possibility as the hurricane season is over in the north ?? Then when ready just sneak across the equator

  15. Looks like Calico Skies is really coming along great.. nice to see some of those bigger jobs done or very near completion… now comes those one and 2 day jobs you've probably been putting off until the big jobs were out of the way, that's probably a whole different list… lol

  16. Man, you really puting in the grind. Doing boat repairs, filming, editing and then Grace traveling back and forth to US. All the love for you! ❤

  17. A great trick for running messenger lines through any pipe or conduit is to tie some toilet paper in a loose ball to a string and suck it through the pipe with a shop vac. Ran some speaker wire in a home theatre that way many years ago. Works like a charm and is VERY quick.

  18. What looked like a simple rudder re-install, turns out to be a bit more complicated than anticipated. What's new with boat work? Cheers, Richard

  19. Amazing at what you are able to accomplish Bill during this time and our thoughts and prayers for you Grace.

  20. Find a used or broken shift cable and clip the end off and slide out the ss center, they make great wire snakes and don't rust

  21. Very impressed with all the updates and improvement you guys have mad to your sailboat, and the talent you have to do it all. Most importantly to me is Grace's health. Stay safe and stay groovy.

  22. Bill, you need to learn the vacuum and string trick. use a vacuum cleaner to supply a vacuum from one end of your pipe/conduit while feeding a string (kite string works great if you got it) from the other end. the vacuum will guide the string to the outlet hole. I like your channel stuff. bummed you couldn't make the pacific crossing with Delos..

    Steve. SV Jen Chelsea

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