Episodul 7 Moruya la Batemans Bay

Episodul 7 Moruya la Batemans Bay

După ce te-ai relaxat în Moruya pentru câteva zile, vremea este potrivită pentru a se îndrepta puțin mai departe spre Batemans Bay, unde Wombi se întoarce la bord. Navigam extins de-a lungul Coastei Australiei de Est cu catamaranul nostru de 13 metri. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce explorăm noi zone de croazieră, bare transversale, remediam tot felul de probleme, călărim în vreme nefavorabilă și trăim la bord pentru perioade lungi de timp. Avem chiar și o listă de redare care ne duce pe bărcile altor oameni. Sperăm că videoclipurile noastre îi încurajează pe alții să se îmbarce și să experimenteze acest stil de viață fantastic. Dacă doriți să ne urmăriți în timp real, consultați pagina noastră de Facebook …… Marfa Cruising East Coast Australia este acum disponibilă la:- https://motor-sailing-for-old-dudes.creator-spring.com /listing/motor-sailing-for-of-dudes.


14 thoughts on “Episodul 7 Moruya la Batemans Bay

  1. Thanks Norm, great info. Could you give the maximum draft at these location? I am about to take delivery of a deep keel yacht and fear we will be excluded from many of these great spots.

  2. I am extremely jealous. We have had the worst luck with our boat, which we have just bought, up at Airlie Beach. We went up at Easter and the stb engine would not start. It turned out that we had a couple of loose wires to the fuel pump (we have 2 x 8.1L Mercruiser engines and I am no mechanic). Got that sorted and then we came back last weekend with friends to do a bit of cruising and it rained all weekend with wind as well. All I can say is "bugger".

  3. Gosh NSW Maritime at heir best you were the only one there…the marina looks a better place more secure etc thank-you for the Journey I'm enjoying your travels…regards
    Doc from Down Under…the Ex Fisho from Paynesville…Safe travels

  4. batemans bay, my stomping ground forever (being brought up in Canberra, its a given lol) not the same without the old bridge , but they did plan the new one well. Frank

  5. Well old cock if the change of tide bangs the boy for half an hour is so problem I wish I had your problem I enjoy your videos keep them up 👍

  6. Love your true blue boating experience, thanks for taking the time to give us all a ride on the seas!!

  7. Hi, we draw 2 metres and we’re told by some other Yachties we wouldn’t get into Batemans but saw as you were coming into the marina there were a number of keel boats there. What are your thoughts? Once again, really enjoyed the video, thanks! Rod & Lillian

  8. Always great to get an outsiders view of our little Village here on the South Coast.

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