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PENTRU DOODLE ROCK pe pluta mea CONSTRUITĂ ACASA! | Supraviețuire: Fântâna Tineretului
36 thoughts on “PENTRU DOODLE ROCK pe pluta mea CONSTRUITĂ ACASA! | Supraviețuire: Fântâna Tineretului”
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Fatal dehydration after only 9 hours…that's…ridiculous.
Woodle time yall. Loving this game and series
Everything you need to advance is on copper island- bring your big boy pants- and materials to make a new dock on the island
Oh yeah one more thing you are going to need a cart for all the loot
I'm a bit further on than you, but it was around this point the game started crashing at certain points (nearing the rock while sailing, activating the cutscene at the top of it, using fast travel). May be related to how many hours the file has been going, but hope you can avoid similar issues.
Love the fact that you can just yeet yourself off of the ginormous rock back to your boat… so much fun!
Really, really enjoyed, great job getting stuff done! You need to explore your blueprints a little, you can make a cart to pull behind you that holds 80 weight I believe, you can make multiple date palm juice collectors, the food dehydrator can dry dates for great food to carry while exploring, and somewhere in the blueprints is a basic backpack you can craft to make do until you repair or make the advanced bag. It's up to you but there is still a good chunk of island you haven't explored with useful items, and the living water you see at the white rock place in the mountains is up on the walls, you can climb up and get it. Strongly suggest you invest in alchemistry to start unlocking the potions, very useful! Thanks for sharing the fun!!
Don't forget to double check the cave and map to figure out where the telescope is!
Great game
Hey Josh, take a look at crafting the regular cart then you can just drag that bad boy around with you on all your adventures! Mobile storage unit! It'll be your BFF. Not quite a Sammy the Sledge, but Kenny the Kart makes the gathering/moving around part of the game 1000x easier!
your dock was set up backwards ladders are supposed to be facing out so if you fall off the boat you don't have to swim all the way back
As often as you snap your knee caps. Jumping off a cliff into water was rather daring 😅
43:33 How convenient
I like how it takes more in game time to create a wooden structure then it does to harvest 5 berries 😂
Love that you sailed all the way out to the rock and did not see what the fire was because it was on the opposite side of the harpy side.
This game seems interesting for a survival crafting game, the time and weight mechanics feel a bit annoying though.
the sound the character makes in game is annoying but game seems cool
This has fifteen million work benches. Rather just watch the muppet than play this.
Do we think he hasn't seen the middle-mouse-button option to place a marker, or that he's tried it and it's not working in the game yet?
You should build a cart to take on your exploration trips. It can hold 80 and has save me a ton of time and effort. There is also a log cart that can hold 6 logs.
Almost an hour of The Master of Muppet's!!! Love it!
Guess I'm confused. Are the skeletons from a different shipwreck? These bodies wouldn't be bleached bones even after weeks of exposure. Maybe there is something going on with time like its moving slowly for the MC? Where was the smoke plume coming from on that rock? Bones starting fires? All kind of odd.
Well done JaWoodle. Legend man
Bag broken, maybe Josh should have prioritized base building & resource finding/gathering earlier…
Stalagmites are on the ground, stalactites are on the ceiling. The easiest way to tell the difference is the end of stalactites sounds like tight, like it hold tight to the ceiling.
Dread Captain JaWoodle,.Thanks Josh
wrong side of island for wide leaves, also get rid of the rotten food, its taking up space in your inventory. Also next perk point should go to carrying capacity.
The water in those collectors evaporates rather fast, you'll need to get some more flasks to collect it when it's raining. Also, need to finish making the leaf clothing to get your defenses to weather up, and continue to make the new clothing/armor as you unlock it, as it'll keep you from dying on the other islands. Loving the series!
accordingly coconut trees are a tree that can regrow.
Woodle is back to the sea! Shanties time!!
The ocean is not ready for Josh 😜
Be aware of injury chance when harvesting or building stuff. At night you have about 20% chance to injure yourself. This can be reduced to the normal 1% by simply lighting your torch.