În timp ce continuăm să navigăm pe coasta Mexicului, o lăsăm pe Elle să conducă barca pentru o zi de ziua ei. Așa că decidem să facem un exercițiu de tip bărbat peste bord cu ea, care a avut rezultate mixte!! SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Au găsit avarii în peretele etanșului catamaranului lor din Panama, așa că au reparat-o și sunt aproape gata să traverseze Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a ni se alătura pe Patreon și pentru a obține conținut exclusiv și șansa de a veni cu noi, faceți clic aici! https://www.patreon.com/parlayrevival Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! https://parlayrevival.com/collections Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ym5nvt Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! https://www.instagram.com/parlayrevival_colin/ Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parlayrevival Editat de @flippyhipped (instagram) #sail #livingonaboat #sailing #boatlife #sailingchannel
Prima ei oară ca căpitan se termină în salvare – episodul 207

20 thoughts on “Prima ei oară ca căpitan se termină în salvare – episodul 207”
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I started watching this show because it was a couple of guys chasing down a dream…there was no sales pitch..I could learn about what matters to me….Same with Sailing Zatara…And I see these sailing channels that use girls to get people to watch the channel…Kinda like sucker them in..
and I feel your now doing the same thing now….And for that my friend, I think I'm going to have to let you go
All of these sailing channels have the boob thumbnails, I think it’s in their contract. So predictable!
I have been hooked on your channel ever since my trip to Fiji was cancelled due to covid. I watch both your channel and Breaking Waves. They started in the same waters we cruise all the time and it was fun watching them cruise south and now they are cruising with you.
Carrying $1 gallon of distilled water can save $1,000+ electronics. Remember, most electronic assembly lines perform a final rinse with distilled or RO water, particularly after being run through a wave solder machine. You don't want to drown it, but do give them a thorough rinse followed by shots from canned air or the backside of a vacuum cleaner.
Get busy living! Wise words
Colin, did you teach your dog to track female crew this way @ 9:50 ?
Another fun episode – random – this and that – you know boat life as it happens. Stay groovy.
Colin was that a Swandri you were wearing?
What happened to then3D Sinar you installed before splashing?
Trying to concentrate on Jamie's little segment about a beach BBQ, meanwhile the dog's sniffin an arse in the background hahaha https://youtu.be/sv5R50qXq9s?t=590 classic guys, classic!
Next man overboard when it’s for real it will take twice the time to be rescued because most people would think it’s an exercise.
Elle looks like a female version of Jack Black.
9:52 Pooch must be part blood hound he's on a scent! Lol
Earth is in, or just beginning an El Nino event. The temps of the Pacific you pass through as you head West will go from warm to cool…. you could have science on board and educate folks about how the earth works – and even get in a plug about Climate Change here and there. And where might you find a scientist/sailor? I don't have the vaguest….
Why not invest in a SwellPro drone? They are meant for use in and around water. The cost is a little higher to start with then the DJI but given that yall keep killing the DJI drones it is the better route.
Hi Colin, my niece (30 y/o) and her high school friend are currently in Auckland New Zealand on vacation from the USA until May 12…what are the best restaurants/sight-seeing locations?
thank you
I looove seeing Sylfia….I love her! She's the hottest
and best
So happy to have found your channel
And thats a wrap for this episode. Great party and like you said Colin. it is always great when its with people you like and get along with.