Trailerul OFF-ROAD suprem

Trailerul OFF-ROAD suprem

Alăturați-vă buletinului nostru informativ: Susține canalul: Nu crește niciodată, Ben. Ashley. Willa. Bodhi.


41 thoughts on “Trailerul OFF-ROAD suprem

  1. As a sailor I prefer oceans in general. But as a 4×4 enthusiast I do like such remote drive expeditions. Although this goals seems a bit…. Hollow 😅

  2. amazing adventure… loved seeing the kids enjoy themselves too.. 
    fancy bathing in gold ✨ I suppose better than sand in your crack.. lol
    that black piece looked like coal… 
    im not sure about the scorpions, I had to look away because crawlies give me nightmares…
    what memories you are making right now… 
    the kids might not remember but they can watch these videos in years to come. 
    imagine for show and tell, talking about visiting a crater site…

    great footage too and that set up looks comfy, it may not be 5 ✨ but you guys can live anywhere and still be happy…

  3. Great video. It made me think what type of impact it would have been, and how much it impacted on earths axis. I learnt that Nagasachi & Herishima had some & some volcano's.
    But another thought is how these find unpopulated areas to hit.

  4. Hi guys cool video as usual just been watching DroneScapes channel re Lancaster bombers of WW2 if I'm not mistaken I'm sure it was narrated by Ben? if so well done you are both verry talented.

  5. I would guess that is not important to you guys you may loose a few because you have so many. Questionable bad language is not entertainment in my view. I've watched you guys probably over a year now and enjoy your shows. But if the bad language continues you'll probably lose me and I'm sure some others. It's too bad cause I've really enjoyed watching your baby's grow and your content that you've shared.

  6. Lekker praat julle nou my moeder taal. Bly julle geniet dit in Suid Afrika. As ek kan voorstel moet julle draai maak in die Kruger Wildtuin en leeus gaan kyk, rugby wedstryd (verkieslik die springbokke) op Loftus

  7. Loved the Afrikaans comment. I have lived for 7 years in SA. Loved my time over there. I am happy you got to get the experience over there. Beautiful people , beautiful country.

  8. Exactly like your host explained…. I had a good chuckle now as I am an Afrikaner and got every word he used, lol. So glad you get to tour such a beautiful continent. Very few people get to taste the waters of the great Oranje river and walk the earth where very few has ever been.

  9. Cool video, lots of adventures and colourful descriptions!! It’s why we love exploring and adventuring here. Keep the good times rolling. 🙌

  10. Ben and Ash, It's a Land Rover – if it's not leaking, it's LOW. Keep an eye on coolant and oil levels!!! One of those adventures that the videos will be pulled out for decades. And, get a snake bite kit in the first aid kit, and I think I saw a Garmin with a SAR policy for these terrestrial adventures.

  11. So great to see. That part of South Africa is so beautiful. Back in the mid 90's when my family lived there, we went white water river rafting down the Orange River for 7 days. Such a great memory, sadly I was young so I don't remember too much of it.

  12. As a South African watching your channel , i am embarrass that you allow Pete to talk about womens private parts while my dauthers was watching

  13. There used to be a time when one could not take a car out of the Orange river mouth area. If you drove in, you left it there, because they did not want to risk people smuggling diamonds out.
    Stunning scenery and landscapes….

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Bwahahahahaahhaa,, you guys are awesome! you made me burst out laughing in this weeks episode,,, it was brilliant.
    Ahh,, when he started "explaining" what happened in that crater!!!
    I am a South African who runs a great little business in Port Moody BC (not too far eh?),, when you guys are back in town I'd love to connect with you, if you ever have the space or time and are ever home in BC,,, In the mean time do you want that translated?/ or have you already gotten that done? hehehhee. My fam and I are huge fans and we've caught every episode for years. PS, When your home I've got all the biltong you'll ever need!

  15. In each of your videos there is always at least one moment where you have us laughing out loud. Thank you for your great sense of humour. Amazing road trip: scenery is magnificent, the camper is nifty, and your experiences always interesting. Take care family. ❤️

  16. 13:39: English Translation: "…there was a f@@king, f@@king huge (there is no literal translation for "moerse") rock, which flew through the air and hit that f@@king mountain smashing a huge hole, and landed here with a huge explosion/mayhem (poesery – again no literal translation), a f@@king, just f@@king dust & fire and everything…and landed here and now there's a huge hole (crater). With many Afrikaans swear words there are no literal translations, and depending what sense you use the word, it can mean many things…like the word poesery…poes means p@ssy but poeesry can mean bullshit or in this case mayhem/confusion/chaos)…I grew up in Cape Town and have never heard the word poesery used so I guess this dude is making it up. Most of the language slang he's using originated from the so called "coloured folk" which is a bastardisation of the Afrikaans language spoken by the Boers (farmers) from the Western Cape area.

  17. Nou's daar net 'n Groot Foken Gat … net so my Maat – Lekker Julle 🤣🤣🤣
    Hope you enjoyed the Orange 😁

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