Este timpul să pornești în aventura vieții cu șapte YouTuberi AUSSIE EXCITING – The HILARIOUS Jayson & Janaye de la @LeadingtheEscapade , AMAZING Kristina & John de la @KristinasTravels AWSOME Slim și Soph de la @SlimandSophSailingNakama de la @ One and Only Ryanday , rau! Înfruntăm apele curate ale Whitsundays la bordul acestui catamaran de lux și ești invitat să ni te alături la fiecare pas! Pregătește-te pentru râsete non-stop, senzații tari de inimă și momente de neuitat care te vor face să vrei să-ți faci bagajele și să mergi în marea liberă cu noi. De la snorkeling cu pești tropicali până la relaxare la soare pe punte, avem totul – și vă împărtășim totul în cea mai recentă senzație virală cu acest grup minunat de YouTuber! Așa că ia-ți vesta de salvare și apasă butonul de abonare pentru că aceasta este o aventură pe care nu vei dori să o ratezi! ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––– PORTLAND ROADS CHARTER REDUCERE SITE WEB: REZERVĂ AICI: 20% REDUCERE Cod de reducere: SUNDAY-20 ––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –- SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: PATREON: SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub
Ultimate Whitsunday Adventure: 7 YouTuberi iau un CATAMARAN DE LUX – PARTEA 1 | Duminica navigatie

30 thoughts on “Ultimate Whitsunday Adventure: 7 YouTuberi iau un CATAMARAN DE LUX – PARTEA 1 | Duminica navigatie”
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Hey Guys! Hope you enjoy our adventure this week in the Whitsundays with all these awesome YouTubers! Kristinas Travels, Slim & Soph Sailing Nakama and Leading the Escapade and us, well, Ryan from Sailing Sunday! Woohoo!!! Enjoy Part 1 of this wicked sailing trip!
Yewww!!! Awesome guys! Had so much fun with you all, Britt you’re coming next time!
You’re having entirely too much fun
Never sailed a cat but I’ve been told 20+ knots of wind and the sea state to go along with that is an adrenaline filled adventure. Whereas on a monohull that’s a normal day of sailing.
Congratulations Team, @kristinastravels will this replace the new boat in the Mediterranean
Well it just not the same with out Brittni & Jackson. But know you could pick up a hurricane damaged 450 & do what Parley Revival did, just a little bit of boat work.
What Carter did you use ?
Some of my favorite YouTubers all together ….Effin great !

From Saint Louis Missouri USA
Wow, I just came across this, and I would’ve never stopped and watched, but I saw Jason and his beautiful wife. That sure is a nice catamaran, but those sailing catamarans are too lite and that is why they rock ‘n’ roll. Can’t wait to watch more, have fun on that little thing, can’t wait to have you aboard
This is priceless, and such a laugh listening to Ryan’s commentary. Such a pleasure hosting you Mr. 1/3 of Sailing Sunday; And pumped for the next episodes of your time with us in the Whitsundays

Another top video. Looks like you had a torrid time away from SUNDAY, your girl and boy. Dare to go across to the dark side…!!!
Quite a gathering in Ozzy land. These new catamarans seem more like floating apartments than real sailboats, all in all, they also look like a gas. A groovy bunch of sailings. Should be groovy. Stay safe and stay groovy.

So many lol’s. What a crew! I feel like this is going to have to be an annual reunion!! Next time, bring Brit pls!!
Crazy , we follow escapade , Christina's and you guys, along with a few others including millennial falcon , great video , you crack us up every time , Shame Britney isn't there but in sure Jackson is happy, enjoy brother
Far out man!!! What an epic video!! Just made us wish we were back there! Definitely agree with Kristina on the annual reunion
You captured the high energy so well, we were smiling from ear to ear watching this. Can't wait for the next instalment. P.S Get a dog sitter so Brittni can come next time 
Cracking video. Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
You boys need to try harder like the girls do dressed in their g banger swimmers so you boys need to man-kinny up and attract alot more sponsorship money if you want a Cat

Ryan, you owe Brittany big time. Thanks for sharing.
If you like the Lagoon 450 that much, you are in luck: This particular model of Lagoon had some forward bulkhead issues, meaning they could crack or deform over time. An issue, that Lagoon has put up to 50k Euro for each boat to repair, by the way. Still, this means, that this is actually a relatively cheap catamaran on the boat market, if you look around, easily down to 400k Euro for a ready to sail 450. Just check, that it have had the forward bulkheads checked and fixed already. However, if you go down a class in size, you can get catamarans for half that price in Europe now, and in good conditions. For instance a Bali 4.0 at 200k Euro. Catamarans is not that much more expensive than a monohul, if you really look around, as people expect. Where catamarans begins to be costly of course is, if you want to dock much and is not satisfied being at anchor or mooring all the time: It typically cost twice as much to dock a catamaran than a monohul at the same lenght, for obvious reasons.
You seem cool " houuuuuuuuuuuu whuu we tawkin expense and glory " cant FUND YA MAYTE. Brittany
I'm here as the president of the Mr Jackson fan club. In order to voice our displeasure with the fact that Mr Jackson was Not included in this adventure!! Other than that, Awesome Episode. Ha! <3
Thanks guys! Seeing this from four different perspectives!
Wow…smiling the whole time while watching your Video…and Jacksom would like that cat feeling too cause of walking space…enjoy and have fun…

Britney, it would have been nice if you had gone also. Just tell Ryan, the party is over and for him to get his behind back to you…….
Now we want to go back to Australiaaa!!! hehehehe
Omg guys that was off it’s tits!

Great group and video
Loved this! Big Aussie love
I follow all you guys every week How good seeing you all do it together in Australia


I was going to watch a quick video before bed
Now I’m doing a marathon of 4 of my favourite channels
Congrats guys
Looking forward to more fun