ARCHIE A VENIT DIN UN SURROGAT! Meghan devine palidă ca palatul pentru a renunța la recordul de naștere sigilat al lui Archie de 4 ani Urmăriți cel mai recent videoclip la:
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: // Prințul Archie din LA se apropie de o zi mare, ziua lui este 6 mai, aceeași zi cu încoronarea bunicului său, Regele Carol, la Westminster Abbey. În mijloc se află tatăl lui Archie și fiul lui Charles, Prințul Harry. Harry va participa la încoronare, dar se presupune că va pleca imediat după ce coroana va fi coborâtă pe capul lui Charles, sperând să se întoarcă în oraș pentru baloane și tortul aniversar. Poți să pariezi că nu va zbura în reclamă în acel program. Mama Meghan Markle nu merge în Marea Britanie pentru cel mai mare eveniment al calendarului de până acum, ci probabil că va fi ocupată cu aruncarea în aer cu baloane în Montecito. #princeharry #meghanmarkle #lilibet #princewilliam #katemiddleton #royal #kingcharles #archie #queenelizabeth #queen
ARCHIE A VENIT DIN UN SURROGAT! Meghan devine palidă ca Palat pentru a renunța la recordul de naștere sigilat al lui Archie de 4 ani

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FRIENDS?!?! They don't have any friends!! Nobody wants to associate with them!
I think we all want it to happen,but cant see it.but its not going to go away so needs sorting
Don't these two ever invite children to their children's birthday parties? When I was growing up, at my parties MY friends were invited, not people my parents were hoping to score a networking opportunity with!!
This just get wilder, & wilder. The lies keep growing. The baptism photos for Archie baptism now sounds photoshopped. And the records of his birth being sealed at the request of HMTQ sounds fishy too. BC I still believe the surrogate is British, lives in UK… & decided to keep him. After possibly monitoring them. Deciding it's in his best interest. Just like the fake Lilibet. She too is with her birth/biological mother. That baby was a teenage girls oops. Forced to put baby up by parents. She was having a changed of mind when they were trying to get custody of her after birth. The real mom didn't want her to go to them MM threatened lawsuit. The set of twins earlier that year via surrogate, one didn't live. Idk if the other died too. Or the birth mom kept her. It was all put out online at the time. No one's seen any children. I think it's time for this whole scam to end. I wish the Coronation is done so we can hear more about these issues and we can all be done with these fantasies of MM. CAN'T WAIT!!

If all these surrogates have changed their minds… The gut instincts of a new mother are probably heightened & sharp as a razor to protect infants. So, I'm guessing they had some bad gut instincts tell them to keep the babies, keep them safe. Just my thought… 3 surrogates. Must be like evil…
Why did the obg dr have to quit?
I lost all interest in this new monarchy. Flled with lies and stupidity. How can surrogate and fake children get titles.
Why not open the records for a Royal child should be of Royal blood and born of the mother and the Royal prince. The Children are going to be taken care of by royal family and the citizens of the United Kingdom has the authority to know that the children are indeed surrogates children or actually born of Meghan and Harry! They are not in my opinion no two pictures are the same child and the UK should not be responsible for the children. They should be removed from the line of succession as this is not real blood children and it’s hidden from the public because of the damage that it’s going to cause the Monarchy problem s . In my opinion they are not Royal blood children. DNA testing should be conducted by Scotland Yard and reported to the public. This is ridiculous as the longer the King waits to give the information to the UK The worst is that the Monarchy knows what the harkels have lied about the children and pregnancies . Why hide it if legitimate ?
There are no children born of H & M
In the first place to deceive the RF into marrying Harry to fulfill her dream knowing fully well that she's too old for Harry & has surgical menopause at age 27 is WRONG. Pust aside the two illegitimates, sin 25 & daughter 22. This was not what Harry was looking for in the first place. Shocking!
We all knew that Meghan couldn't have children because she'd had a hysterectomy! Therefore, both these children are either born of a surrogate or borrowed from their real parents, or hired for photoshoots. All of these DISQUALIFY both of them from having any titles at all. I am surprised that the King gave them the titles! They need to be removed!!
Well Meghan was once a unknown person like me . Had only a small role in TV . Now she is a well known person all over the world . The press helped her with that . Lots of Free Publicity . It does matter if it is good or bad . Wow she really went up in life . Even King Charles had never so much Publicity .She got what she wants .
I wonder if Harry is the biological father
I'm pretty sure Lilly is too!
Pourquoi le dossier médical de Archie est scellé ?
Si Meghan Markell avait porté son fils en gros être enceinte rien ne justifie que le dossier de Archie soit scellé,car étant sa mère biologique la déclaration de naissance est très simple.
A mon avis il y a un problème.
Who cares how he was born if he is harrys son what difference does it make who carried him?
Well my way of thinking is ,The reason the birth records are being Unsealed is because ,Now that charles is king his birth certificate will have to be Amended to say Prince Archy ,and not just Plain master Archy as it was written on his first birth certifaicate Thats my thoughts ?
Everyone knows about the surrogate…don’t know what planet you been living on…but NO ONE GOES TO MEGAN’S PARTIES…NO ONE WANTS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE HARKLES …NO ONE IN HOLLYWEIRD WILL ASSOCIATE WITH MARKLE…get real
Priyak, Ellen, Serena, Jamilla, maybe Oprah, Gayle King and Tyler Perry. Orlando Bloom? Highly unlikely. All the same names, all the time. Never anyone new or different. For someone who portrays herself as a kind, likeable person, she sure can't make any new friends, can she? And in L.A., of all places.
Can't believe all this fuss over a 4th birthday party. It's for kids for christ sake. If there are grown ups there, they will be drinking
Charles has set a dangerous precedent if the children of Harry and Meghan
were born by surrogate and then placed in the line of succession and
given titles.
Shame on The Royal families and the Markels they are dishonest.. allowing a lie to take place.. Obama did it with Michelle and Royals doing it with the world. Figure it out Donald Trump said it best.
More likely to have been the Harkles who wanted them sealed !
Hides the true parentage of course ! So pleased that real notice is now
being taken of the fraud of Archies Christening ! Been rumoured for years !
La photo du baptême a ete phitoshopee bien avant le soit disant jour du bapteme.. Celui ci n'a jamais eu lieu on le sait depuis au moins deux ans.
There are NO children. Pictures these days are manipulated. His supposed Godparents were kept secret. No medical certificate either.
She used a new born doll while in UK. Then flew across pond. Tyson and Serena have already stated there are NO CHILDREN in the house they found dolls of a ages thrown in a descrete corner. She tried to use a false clergyman to baptise a doll. He said no. So as both are self confessed Sterile people they physically cannot gave any children. A surrogate has to use either her eggs (non as taken away) or Harry's sperm by his own admission he fires blanks. Due again to a past misdemeanor… Therefore l wish all media esp. UTubers would refrain from spouting the Sussex lies and give us all a bit of piece.
why are the inviting celebreties to a 4 yr old where are his friends this is a party for her
All the people here must lead very boring and bitter lives,Shame on the world of nasty negative comments!!!
That a lie just like anything Megan -Harry do the Royal are the liar