Cum să ARUNCI 5K $ | Dezastrul nostru de instalație de apă (*Actualizare*)| Sailing Joco EP106

Cum să ARUNCI 5K $ |  Dezastrul nostru de instalație de apă (*Actualizare*)|  Sailing Joco EP106

Veștile proaste lovesc din nou și vă anunțăm cum merg lucrurile cu Watermaker-ul nostru (alias o bucată de gunoi de 5.000 USD). Te rog ajută-ne!! Multumesc pentru vizionare! Urmărește-ne pe Instagram pentru actualizări în timp real! Dacă vă place conținutul nostru, vă rugăm să vă gândiți să deveniți un Patron! Apreciem atât de mult 🙂


15 thoughts on “Cum să ARUNCI 5K $ | Dezastrul nostru de instalație de apă (*Actualizare*)| Sailing Joco EP106

  1. heat the shaft of the pump and squeeze it with pliers when red hot to make it flatter then when cooler push the impeller on. But yeah I wouldnt trust my water to a small plastic thing like that

  2. Oh wow, your videos are really long ago!! New Year’s Eve, happy new year. Where are you now????? Hope you are both well?

  3. Such a major bummer! Tag the name of the water maker company and put them on blast as much as possible! It’s ridiculous that they won’t help you with product that they shipped BROKEN! Fires me up! Hoping this will come together soon for you guys 🙏

  4. Um watermakers are something I've invested a lot of time into making, fixing, and researching. I do see a couple of potential problems with the system. First off if it is a dc system the amperage draw worries me a little. 40 amps is probably a very low hp motor maybe 1/2hp or 1/3hp depending on motor quality. I do see also that you've gotten one of the stubby housings for the membrane. The typical single membrane unit is on a 1/2hp motor and the typical one I see draws like 40ish to 60 amps. There are more efficient motors but that is what I usually see as a range. The pump head will typically have a flow rate of 1.2 GPM | 1500 PSI | 1750 RPM. What model pump head do you have and model motor? The AR pump heads are typically a fairly good quality. Its the motor that worries me. The boost pump you bought is a good model, I have one in my RV Overlander and two in my boat. So far no problems at all. Also typically with 1/2hp installs the membrane is a 25×40 model. Honestly I've never seen such a small membrane on this style of watermaker(One with a pressure washer head). What company sold it to you?? It may be that the pump motor wiring is undersized for 40 amps. Not looking at a wiring gauge chart it needs to be fed by 8 gauge wire at least I'd think with a silicon insulation. What I have is a dual 25×40 membrane, Comet Pump – LWS 1809, 1hp DC 1750rpm, 56c flange mount motor that draws 80 amps, and some assorted bits. The same boost pump. Depending on what is happening it could be your needle valve or membrane has a problem. Answer my questions and maybe I can help you if it hasn't been resolved.

  5. So sorry for the trouble trying to get a watermaker in….,how frustrating and expensive. Good job with the seaflow pump-I used one of those in my RV I restored. Keep at it!

  6. We had watermaker problems cruising the Bahamas, carrying water cans on deck as a backup, because you cannot run out of water on passage across the Atlantic.

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