Începe să vorbești o nouă limbă în 3 săptămâni cu Babbel 🎉. Obțineți până la 60% REDUCERE la abonament ➡Aici: https://go.babbel.com/t?bsc=1200m60-youtube-sailingprojectatticus-may-2023&btp=default&utm_term=generic_v1&utm_medium=paidsocial&utm_source=YourTube. ..YouTube Când am călcat prima dată la bordul Atticus 2, am simțit că n-am mai văzut în viața mea o barcă cu pânze Bluewater mai robustă sau mai frumoasă. Dar de la bun început am știut că acest crucișător de weekend foarte bine întreținut va avea nevoie de o cantitate enormă de muncă pentru a o transforma în nava expediționară pe care ne-am imaginat că ar putea deveni. Și de-a lungul ultimilor doi ani, am făcut un progres uriaș. Am instalat baterii cu litiu, panouri solare și un alternator de mare putere, acum are Shade, dinghy, o mașină de spălat și chiar internet. Dar există încă un lucru care ne ține legați de civilizație, un lucru care ne împiedică să răsturnăm societatea pasărea și să ne îndreptăm spre mijlocul neantului, și anume apa dulce.
Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/ProjectAtticus
Ochelari de soare: https://shrsl.com/35iim Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: https://www.highfieldboats.com/ultralite-290/ Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: https://bit.ly/2DfSqPw Sails: https: //www.precisionsailloft.com/ Ancoră primară: https://www.mantusmarine.com/ Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: https://edsonmarine.com/ Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: https://mbsy.co /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: https://www.predictwind.com/affiliate/atticus Keen Footwear: http://bit.ly/2GSEMjt
Sunete epidemic
I found it ironic the labeling on the BMS literally says NEVERDIE on the unit that Jordan had to replace because it failed.
Happy for you and your sobriety. 🙌 It only makes life better/easier. You guys are doing great things.
Project mode can sure be a challenge, but there is a lot to look forward to.
Love your YouTube. Followed you from the start. This is not to be rude. But my kid is now 15. And I see your falling in to a typical "first born dilemma". The baby can be unhappy. It's not that of a big deal. Your not gonna like this tip right now. But trust me, when you get the next one you'll understand. Just want to make life a bit easier 😊
Hi, you guys! Watched your latest episode this morning. We put in a Spectra water maker while we were doing our refit on Allegro that was completed in 2000. I don't think they make that model any more it was so long ago – haha! But it was one of the best things we did. It gave us so much independence, I really would not want to cruise without one and was concerned when you guys left the States without a water maker (though I was relieved to learn that you had the portable unit). Often when we had to motor, we would get double duty out of that time by running the water maker also. We did find, though, since the raw water intake fed both the engine, which in our case is raw water cooled, and the water maker, we did not get as much efficiency out of the water maker until we installed a "scoop" for the raw water intake. That scoop helped a lot to funnel the water in that was needed by both the engine and the water maker. Just something simple like that made a big difference for us that I wanted to mention. While in places like the Rio Dulce, we continued to use the Spectra water maker to maintain our water supply – it automatically adjusted the pressure needed to give us potable water. Over the years, we have had Spectra update our Clark pump. We are prepared to use it to set up a system here in Rio Dulce if we ever need to augment our well. So far, our well is doing fine. Hugs to you all !! Vickie, Jim and Flaca
Thanks for another great and informative video.
Congrats on a year, 38 at the end of the month for me…Funny if it was your 2nd kid you would just toss them in the corner with something sharp to play with…
You guys gotta keep using the old epidemic sound music you used a few months ago, hits different.
great 👍job on ditching the alcohol….
great 👍job on the work you did too..
ya all are looking fantastic too..
For a man, a sink in a v berth, is a hot and cold running urinal….😂
Always good to keep up on your evolving story. Thanks for sharing some stuff there Jordan. One little thought for you: babies cry. Some more then others but they all cry. I think you might do well to work more on accepting and coping with that than on trying to schedule life around it. Not saying it is easy (I battled) but I still suggest it. All respect. Your kid your life your call. Love and respect.
Love following along with you guys. Great videos! Congrats on 1 year of sobriety!
The V berth sink is otherwise known as the vomit sink… For anyone who gets seasick.
I know you are new young parents and you won’t feel the same way when the second one comes around you’ll tend to relax a bit more. Just remember you control the baby not the baby controls you
I love how bubbly and talkative Isa is becoming. I’m a retired RN who worked in Pediatrics and babies are my real joy. I’m predicting that your girl is gonna talk early and talk often. Prepare for 10,000 questions a day.
Good job Jordan. There's a lot to learn being a Dad. My kids are 12 & 16. I still have tons to learn. You're in the "easy" years, just poop, laughs, cuteness and fun times!!
The manuel island unfortunately is in a big dispute as one construction magnate company wants to redevelop it into a big residential complex with a couple of towers.. Us residents are still fighting against this ! this place should remain public and reopen after restoration
If you are sailing by Kefalonia late June or end of August / beginning of September , you can come and visit and stay!
How many languages do y’all know
Love the tattoo. My husband and I have been watching you guys for a long time and we wanted to say congratulations on your 1 yr sobriety so proud of you 🎉 also on your beautiful daughter ❤looking forward to her and ozo becoming besties
Issa is beautiful!!! Also, congratulations on your year of sobriety, Jordan!!!
Good call on strapping down the car seat, it's the only way. We did that with both of our kids from day one. Always when docking or cruising in rough weather; they would be in the car seat. Kept it that way until they car walk on their own with the motion of the boat. We would pull them out while cruising if it was smooth but we always felt it was a good habit and they become used to it. It keeps them safe just like in a car. So much easier for boat handling when two people are required.
Jordan… its great to show off the smallest and quietest water maker for your boat. You should mention the 340C is the most expensive on the market for its size.
Amazing as always, and she is so darn cute 🙂 well done .
HAHA totally agree with you on the V berth sink. We have an Outbound with a sink in the V berth – it has never been used by the original owner and in 5 years, we have not used it either. We store our extra starting battery under it.
Congratulations on not drinking. I have cut back to only drinking a couple glasses of wine per week. And, i have about 600 bottles of wine in my cellar. With my age, i don’t need to buy anymore wine and I shouldn’t run out. Hahaha
From the title: "This Project Changes Everything".
I didn't get why the boat was lifted to the dry dock, but I guess that will be mentioned in the next video.
Btw, we here are so pleased you are finding the issues with Isa manageable and she is growing so well and looking so great with either of you. Congratulations to you all!
Good to see you again! I had a massive change in my life which meant I didn’t have an internet connection, anyway I am back, you have a lovely little addition to your family.
Look At That Pretty Smile!
Isa has a fabulous smile! What an adorable little crew member! Congrats on a year sober too.
Thank you