Sailing Catalpa II Ce credem?

Sailing Catalpa II Ce credem?

Canalul Bellei este @bellarice. Salutare tuturor pentru vizionare!! Abonați-vă @SailingCatalpa Deveniți un Patron Pentru a-i cumpăra căpitanului o bere sau pentru a DONA doar pentru că ești o LEGENDĂ nenorocită Pentru mai multe despre familia și călătoriile noastre puteți consulta site-ul nostru Urmărește-ne pe Facebook Urmărește-ne pe Instagram https://www.


29 thoughts on “Sailing Catalpa II Ce credem?

  1. The permutations of 4 sails, de powering and balance. Plenty of experimentation ahead just on sail combos. Jib n jigger is very popular for a good balance and lower power.
    Been watching some of your older posts, much slicker now.

  2. Stay with it catalpa family !

    Your doing a great job !

    Good lessons in keeping a positive attitude and can do approach !

    Oh boy this boat work sure piles up !
    Whew !

  3. Hmm…Did ya get yer Nu Sail from Precision? Overall yer Boat is looking pretty Good👍 Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy😎

  4. When mast furling the main, the topping lift is key. If it is too loose, it will be hard to unfurl because the weight of the boom works against you. If it is too tight, it may adversely affect sail shape. Something to play with. Without a fixed vang, the topping lift and vang play off of one another. Something else to play with.
    A fixed vang isn’t necessarily the answer.

  5. The military equipment is awesome. In my job i worked all over that base. The view you have is wet, misty and sometimes rad. The fishing boats headed to the bait barge is where I love to be. Then we head offshore. Blue fin tuna etc…
    Love your all smiles. Good stuff!

  6. Hi, here's a wee trick for your old cutless bearing, feed 1 or 2 pieces of weed eater nylon ( depending on the amount of wiggle/size of nylon) into the groves of of cutless. I realise the lag on these videos you might have hauled out already. Someone else might find it helpful!
    Safe travels

  7. Please! Mizzen, mizzen, mizzen, not back sail. Good to see you guys out and about shaking the dust off those sails and heeling the boat at last.

  8. Hi Catalpa family. Thankyou ALL 4, for all the input into your videos. Us oldies here in Perth WA, have had our times just like you are having now. We are now in our early 70's (guys thats not old), we have to live in the joy of other peoples activities. Believe me, aging sucks, memories become vivid and dreams never fade. Carry on, you are all fabulous people. G

  9. Hey bella, how do u do school?
    Its the second Video i see, first was as u told about buy new boat and next episode.
    U know where u Sail next few weeks?
    Go mediterran or atlantic route?

  10. Have you found out how to get the bubble back under the compass card?
    There's a trick to it, be fast turning it upside down & back….

  11. where do you anchor out in San Diego Bay ? Might be visting from Mexico thanks and love your channel .

  12. There is a YouTube channel called life on the sea . I'm a little confused because it's all you of you on that channel .

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