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Pregătiți-vă pentru navigație OFFSHORE și URGENȚE pe mare!
21 thoughts on “Pregătiți-vă pentru navigație OFFSHORE și URGENȚE pe mare!”
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Yes Paul & Sheryl… training is IMHO part of seamanship…. I've only had ASA101/103… the courses named are termed as 'introductory'… notwithstanding I would be much more uncomfortable without those trainings… I would like to be able to apply practical skill with formal training… working for 4 years on my boat has proven to be a challenge to make my sloop seaworthy… your videos keep me inspired to do as much as I can everyday to make my boat a better vessel to take me as far as I can both under sail and power… Thanks so much for all you two do for the sailing enthusiast… Fair Winds…
Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel! Get up to 60% OFF your subscription Here: https://go.babbel.com/t?bsc=1200m60-youtube-distantshorestv-may-2023&btp=default&utm_term=generic_v1&utm_medium=paidsocial&utm_source=YouTube&utm_content=Influencer..distantshorestv..USA..YouTube
Thank you very much! I want to thank you for the new video. It's great that you're learning! You are great! Thank you very much for adding subtitles! This allows people from different countries and us, your viewers from Russia, to watch you! Yes, you have a lot of fans from Russia! Thank you! And of course I want to see updates on the construction of your new yacht. We look forward to your updates!
Did a couple of RYA trainings on the Solent too! Just a fantastic area to experience so many different situations that you hardly come accross anywhere else. There are also very nice pubs to explore of course. Originally did my offshore sailing license (ICC (International Certificate of Competence)) in Switzerland.
You guys know how to celebrate a birthday! How many times have we enjoyed watching you take "Distant Shores III" for her inaugural sail on April 12, 2018, and now this!
Wij hebben weer erg genoten van deze video!
Some Sailing channels show MOB as a joke. These so called sailors, are a joke. When the time come, they will NOT think so.
I have had the pleasure of sailing with Paul and Sheryl on a Sail a Way holiday. Paul is an amazing captain, his experience, knowledge, skills and abilities shine through from the first meeting and inspire confidence. They take strangers onto their boat, take responsibility for them and deliver an amazing experience. There is no doubt in my mind that Sheryl would pass this course with flying colours too.
I love the docking practice under different circumstances. Lifelong learning is essential. Thank you for sharing.
I’ve never sailed but I’m obsessed with everything sailing and sailboats. Love your channel.
I've got only the most basic course, but from what I see on Youtube, that puts me ahead of about half the cruising Youtubers out there in terms of skills. I was working on my coastal skipper's license when Covid stopped me, but I'm planning on restarting the course this or next year.
Another great instruction. Thanks!
Do you need the Yacht masters to get your boat insurance
Nice to see you are sailing where I come from. I never sailed there though, just worked for a couple of marine companies around the harbour. I did the same on-line course as part of my Coastal Skipper exam in Palamos. A much warmer place to train, also with strong winds, but no tide to practice with. I never understand why the UK hasn't enforced some basic qualification like most of the EU have, especially as it's so busy in places like the Solent, you learn so much from the Day Skipper!
Correction: you trained out of Gosport, not Portsmouth. Its the opposite side of the inlet.
Thank you Paul and Sheryl for this wonderful video – we're so glad you enjoyed your training at the MSA facilities in Dover, UK!
The new boat looks great, beautiful shape. Hope I see her sail some day, I have my boat in Volendam also in the IJselmeer. When is it ready to sail?
Happy Birthday, Paul!
Congratulations on the certification Paul
Fantastic video