Răspuns la întrebările tale! Ruby Rose 2 Catamaran Build

Răspuns la întrebările tale!  Ruby Rose 2 Catamaran Build

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43 thoughts on “Răspuns la întrebările tale! Ruby Rose 2 Catamaran Build

  1. I came here specifically to comment on the lack of a visible drain plug for those under seat insulated boxes, but it seems like 5 other people have already beaten me to that. So I will just say that the rest of the video was enjoyably informative as always and I am looking forward to seeing some of the things discussed, such as the salt and fresh water deck washdowns, because I was curious about that among many other little things.
    I'm also curious, Nick: did you ever consider going the route of hydraulics for things like the anchor windlass and powered winches?

  2. It’s an amazing project but I think the risk is too high buying an early production boat. I’d prefer to wait a year or so before taking the plunge. But hats off to you to show us how complicated it is to bring a new boat to market

  3. I think this build has taken a huge toll on you. Perhaps if you had bought a small but serviceable wee boat to keep you going, you may not be banging on about cupboards so much, instead, enjoying some sailing, with a little cupboards thrown in !
    I am not wishing to be a killjoy, as when I started and subscribed, you are born maybe less than 50miles away.
    This has not been a sailing video for as long as you know.
    I sincerely hope I may see you happy, chilled, with your partner, playing your guitar, aboard an amazing craft and in good mood, so, may I live long enough to see such. x

  4. Nick, reference question #6, I didn't see any sort of drain in the bottom? Might be something to consider if you intend on putting ice and/or wet stuff in that compartment.

  5. Super nice! – BUT – Trying to get my head around a "sail drive" vs "shaft drive" on a cruising catamaran. Why on earth go for a sail drive. You have hated that in the past and I can't find anyone who agrees with it as a serious world cruising sailboat? What am I missing???

  6. Anyone else catch that in the discussion of all those involved in the design decisions, Terysa was not even mentioned. At what point do you address not only her absence from the videos, but apparently the fact that she is no longer involved in the build.

  7. Nick/Terysa, is there some reason you are not shooting and uploading to YT in 4K? I can understand not doing it when you are sailing or somewhere remote, but I think Vietnam's ISPs are up to the task. Thanks again for the continuous updates!

  8. Wow, when you mentioned about six weeks to launch Nick I got a shiver or two that’s for sure. I can only imagine how you guys must be feeling the excitement must be palpable for you and those who’ve followed this part of your journey. It looks and sounds like you will get the boat you desire or at least very, very close to it. Keep the vids coming as anticipation is everything at this point years later. 🎉🎉🎉

  9. I can’t wait till your boat is done so you can get back to sailing this is getting boring sorry!

  10. Great video, Nick. Great stuff happening at Seawind with the 1370. Based on what you're showing us, and what is out there, this is a huge endorsement for the company and I'm sure that they are going to profit from it with the number of boats they'll be selling, because of the stuff you're putting out.

  11. Are there any rainwater collection gullies on the boat and filters to clean the water. Saw this idea on a recent video and thought it an amazing idea

  12. Good video Nick. Sounds like you're driving the crew a little crazy. Seawind seems to be a very patient bunch of professionals. Happy Sails

  13. Hey Nick!
    We are going to need a "proof of life" video from Terysa or something! lol

    My friend says you could have substituted her voice with AI. 😂😂😂

    Seriously though, I enjoy your videos and the amazing work that the folks at Seawind are doing.
    It truly is amazing to really see what goes on during and boat build!!

  14. Understand your conversion to a cataraman sailor, but that is just not for me. Not that ;you should care, but I'm out.

  15. I have one question and a comment. Call me acutely paranoid, but, if the rear hatch were to somehow slam shut with you inside the compartment, can it be unlatched and opened from the inside? Second, I saw a sail boat recently that had what seems like a clever interior design feature. Just below each window in the main saloon there was black mat trim installed to reduce the harsh glare of sunlight coming in and reflecting off an otherwise bright white surface. That seems smart.

  16. With all of those changes and moving target custom needs doesn't this push the builder towards lower margins or even loss?

  17. im sure you have answered it before, i just cant find it. what is the sqft of the inside / outside living space space?

  18. Great interior. Nice and methodically arrange spaces
    Q1. In rough sea how to thing laying on the cook stove and other utensil laying in cupboard from being thrown around. How to secure?
    Q2. What about security at sea or when you go ashore for a night or two.?

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