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Repere | Marea finală a sezonului 3 Mubadala SailGP
11 thoughts on “Repere | Marea finală a sezonului 3 Mubadala SailGP”
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what is going on with Spithill??? He used to be able to race anyone??
"amazing team", says it all
Slingsby Blingsby; Ice Cool 😎 Straya Crew Drippin’ GP Gouda
It is fantastic watching this series, but I don’t wish to watch all the results before seeing the live stream. It is Tuesday morning in Australia and we are still waiting for the day 2. races. So I will be happy to watch all these short clips of highlights etc. But only after I’ve seen the actual races otherwise it’s watching the finish before the start. Cheers from down under, Rustie.
Amazing 👏
Go new zealand 🇳🇿 go go go
Peter 👍
Thx guys For upload 👏
Still no full race? These highlights are bs
I came here just to give you a thumbs down for interrupting my show with your BS 10 min advertising. Just want to say a big old FY for that. KMA
How can I watch this live?
Great coverage and great season again. Thanks for these highlights packages for easy quick catch up if missed it live and don't have time to scrub thru the full event broadcasts. See you for Season 4!
Surprised no one got their sailboats stolen or broken into being in San Fransisco in 2023!
You guys sticking this, as Ad's in other channels really stinks SailGP. You ad's are not Ad's but Full channels. It stinks and is not fair on channels.