Majoritatea BĂRBAȚILOR SUNT TAPETE: ieși în evidență sau lumea va trece pe lângă tine

Majoritatea BĂRBAȚILOR SUNT TAPETE: ieși în evidență sau lumea va trece pe lângă tine

Cel mai mare risc pe care îl poate asuma un bărbat este să nu-și asume un risc. Dacă un om nu iese în evidență, lumea va trece pe lângă el. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că, dacă un bărbat nu se distinge de mediul său, atunci el este funcțional tapet: câmp nu focalizare. Una dintre cele mai ușoare moduri în care un bărbat poate ieși în evidență este prezentarea sa vizuală, pe care o poate considera brandingul său. În acest episod, vă voi prezenta mai multe exemple de arhetipuri de întâlniri masculine dintr-o sursă puțin probabilă (vezi mai jos). „Dream Daddy”: Social Media Facebook: LinkedIn: https://www. Instagram: Twitter: Site web: Mă gândesc să merg la absolvire şcoală? Consultați STELLAR, cel mai bine cotat programul meu de auto-studiu GRE, bazat pe singurul sistem de pregătire pentru teste validat empiric din lume. Folosește codul „PSYCH” pentru 10% reducere la toate planurile de membru: GRE Bites: Deveniți un psihonaut și alăturați-vă comunității membre PsycHack: Rezervați o consultație plătită: https://oriontarabanpsyd. com/consultations Sponsorizează un episod: Mixare/editare de sunet de @valntinomusic. Prezentat de Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks oferă spectatorilor un videoclip scurt, care provoacă gânduri, câteva zile pe săptămână, pe o varietate de subiecte psihologice, inspirat de practica sa clinică. Intenția este ca ideea de bază conținută în fiecare videoclip să inspire spectatorii să vadă ceva despre ei sau despre lumea lor într-o lumină ușor diferită. Misiunea finală a canalului este de a reduce cantitatea de suferință inutilă din lume. #bărbați #întâlniri #stil


44 thoughts on “Majoritatea BĂRBAȚILOR SUNT TAPETE: ieși în evidență sau lumea va trece pe lângă tine

  1. The other day I had on a sweater, a vest, and a scarf with complimentary colors. My girlfriend and her friend lost their shit over how good they thought I looked. I didn't plan it as an outfit or anything, it was cold, I had them, and they kind of matched so I wore them. They went on and on about it for like 10 minutes. This stuff is a big deal to women and it only takes a little bit of effort to stand out a lot. Your competition isn't even trying.

  2. The potential of a man’s value exceeds the value of a women.

    Remember men, in order to increase your value you have to produce value through your efforts and showcase yourself to world.

    In return you should receive the status, money, and opportunities with women.

  3. On the flip-side, the whole concept of "gray man" is about melding into the background and being left alone.

  4. This is where I have issues branding myself. I’m into fitness, art, and technology (I code for a living). But I’m also husky cause I like food.

    How the hell am I supposed to create something out of all of this?

  5. It may be dangerous for men, but ultimately it ends up coming back to women. The less males chosen by women to reproduce leaves very few to fight over, so eventually they’ll end up alone too. Specially in the Bay Area, it’s hard to not feel constantly inadequate as a valued member of labor force but also not valued as a potential mate. It’s fcken draining.

  6. Stop giving anything to women… and regain control again!! You don’t need anything to anyone. Men are taken for granted!! Stop giving…

  7. How you dress reflects a lot about your personality. This is more because we are expected to cater to a particular social norm. My preferences for people tend to focus on the content of their character and personality, rather than the quantity of their clothes. Thanks!

  8. 100% correct about men having to take risks in order to be successful in life. And the younger you do this, the better. Its a lot easier to bounce back from a loss in your 20s than your 40s plus.

  9. I love being wallpaper! No need at all for female validation anymore, just as I dont need validation from fools or retards. Once I understood women, I no longer want to deal with them. As the saying goes, you can love women, or understand women, but never do both. Femininity has evolved simply to exploit men, and once a man truly realise this he will no longer get the same instinctive dopamine rush as he did before (when he was naive) when dealing with women. And then he is liberated. But dating coaches also want to exploit men, so I guess dating coaches dont really want the ugly truth about women to be out there…. :-p

  10. Excellent video – Just one bone of contention. There is a good reason for woman to be the ones who stand out. The more a woman stands out, the more choices she has for potential partners. Hence, she can afford to be very picky and that has an evolutionary advantage. (Select the guy with the best genes insinuated from the typical desirable traits.) Since woman do control the reproductive resources, and men are in competition with each other, it also follows that men are competing with other men – and that looks very different. More cock fighting than peacocks. 😅

  11. As a woman, I can honestly say the way a man didnt stand out from the crowd by dressing, didnt phaze me at all. I happen to think men look dashing in tuxedos and bow ties, and there's a reason for the saying "all women love a man in a uniform" – the emphasis being on uniform. Men who dress like peacocks and show ponies sometimes are not at all attractive to women, unless they are accompanied by the flashy car, yacht and showing off that certain wonen go for. Sometimes those men that stand out are gay, so friendship material only.

  12. I find I actually stand out very prominently exactly by not standing out at all. I get people coming up to talk to me all the time because I look exactly like someone else they know, usually a cousin or nephew. Such a generic look that I remind everybody of someone else, and I guess it must be someone they like, because they always want to talk to me about it, or at least that is very frequently the ice breaker.

    Another thing I've come to discover through living in a … ahem "diverse" city, when I let my hair grow long and dress a bit more relaxed, I get a lot of minority types who seem to want to talk to me and white folk shy away, but when I cut the hair short and dress more professional, the minorities tend to be more distant and the white folk all want to come talk to me. That's not anything about standing out per se, but is about what kind of attention you want to attract. I don't do anything wacky with the hair, nor outlandish with the clothes, just maybe sweatpants vs. dockers, or tee-shirt vs. polo shirt kind of differences. But it's enough that people really notice and react to it. It is quite impressive just how different an experience you can get with relatively small differences in appearance!

  13. Yeah I find it interesting that genetically men are more variable than women. There is more variation in men physically and mentally from what I can see (greater male variability hypothesis etc)
    But in our society men often dress in uniform type clothing, have the same hairstyles. It's almost as if we culturally try to make it easier for women to see what a man is genetically, we peel all the layers off, have short hair to show the shape of our skull, and all layers that hide our physical being are made uniform so that the real differences can be seen. To be a man in our current culture is to be straight forward and honest whereas to be a woman is to decieve (particularly physically)
    I don't think there is too much wrong with this because women attempt to make up for the sameness by making themselves look different whereas men try to tone down variation with clothing. I think also that women seek out men who look most normal and average(for the species) because anything else would be risky. Average doesn't mean "most" in this case, it means they are looking for a functional stereotypical human male and the fewer deviations the better. The only time a women prefers deviation is when the man has very high status

  14. By putting all men as equal as possible (wallpaper term is spot on), those that happen to stand out (positively) even in that setting are beyond the doubt of a woman’s mind the best picks. The guy couldn’t have cheated his way into looking more than what he really is.

    I think it’s all by design, it’s ok for women to lie about their enhanced appearances (multibillion dollars industries, magazines/blogs about it everywhere, etc) but it’s definitely very frowned upon for men to lie about their status, height, etc (just look online about women that discovered later on about their date using taller than usual shoe soils).

    I understand it, one of the worst mistakes a woman can make mate selection wise is thinking she picked a top guy to then later realize it was a low tier one too late afterwards. Also why there’s lately a lot of correction help: easier than ever to trigger a divorce, easier than ever to dispose of pregnancy (99% are elective, in the states that can legally keep track of stats, meaning “I had second thoughts of having HIS kids”), it’s always men’s fault, etc

  15. Hi, would you be able to offer a video around the psychology of work place bullying/harassment, and how this may be integral to the entire socio-economic system of society? Or is this something outside of the scope of the channel? Maybe an interview with someone as well on the topic, or at least a deeper dive.

  16. What kind of ridiculous word salad is this??? I’m female, raised my son 100% on my own, did not use government assistance, so no one gave me ANYTHING. In 17 years as a single mother, I did not get any financial support much less emotional support. No one ever was there for me. So, what the fk are you taking about?!!?

  17. I can’t believe you are talking about women dressing up. We are not animals, forget what people have between their legs and you’ll be a much better person and happier.

  18. Just a reminder about "risk": it carries the connotation of a high percentage of utter failure. People in this culture need to be constantly reminded of that. Probsbly from f*cking movies or whatever.

  19. most people on earth are just dispensable NPC, a handful of folks manage to leave a legacy . . .

    so do what you have to do to enjoy your brief stay here 😉

  20. I am very risk-averse and this is so true. As a man if you do nothing no one is gonna come and give you shit. You do have to take risks.
    Thanks for the video, it really helps making me reflect.

  21. last time I took a risk was 2weeks ago when I drove home 1h with max. speed of 150mph (on of the benefits of my home country 😎).
    And I survived like to 42y before since I got my license.

  22. Lol. Stand out from what? Billions of us, billions and not one purpose to give a fuck about

  23. 1:32 It will bever happen. I think "Healthy Gamer GG" already civered the topic.

    The topic sided asking the lines if "homophobia"; women destroying male relationships by spreading ruonors that they are gay, and men staying away from men out if fear of being called gay.

    Even, in the Oscars, Met Gala, etc… Men that don't eear the black suit, and bowtie get destroyed by people calling them "effeminate", for dressing extravagantly.

    And conservatives, and women b*tch about young straight men for wearing nail polish.

  24. Bro this is a supreme blessing I’m an introvert already I value intellectualism science philosophy Ayn Rand and anything non – collective and anything and everything far away from our defunct and degenerate Statist worship of self serving lying politicos . I’m NOT a BREEDER and I don’t fcking care about “women “ social media apps , the 80/20 rule and the 14% of males over six feet tall can “have it all “- mind games manipulation extramarital often deadly affairs , divorce court , child support , lies , false accusations, back stabbing and not standing behind thier man ( there’s no such animal the feminists communists leftists and big government slaves and bootlickers made all of this redundant and wasteful as well as consuming infinite energy Best reserved for success , hard work , and peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re a ***** mountain and only a select view are ever able to enjoy the view from the summit ( Nietzsche reference). 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  25. Imagine trying to stand out to impress a women. Get a grip simps!


    As soon as you drop the act these women will drop you in a heartbeat!

    Don't try to peacock. Its Pathetic.

  26. I am not a psychologist but I think I read somewhere the reason of the difference you have mentioned, and its very simple and have everything to do with reproduction, when human female make them beautiful its because she want to attract many males to approach her and she can get a chance of refusing those who dont interest her!

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