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am rupt motorul electric al bărcii noastre cu vele pentru ASTA!

36 thoughts on “am rupt motorul electric al bărcii noastre cu vele pentru ASTA!”
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Congrats on the 50k subscribers!
I think you will get more out of the motor as rlthe transmission was moving parts + friction wich = drain of torque.
Thank the stars it actually appears to be working. Taking it out on the water a, that will be the test.
Beau is a riot!!! Funny man
Ingenuity! Great work!!!!!
Electric sailboats are just not right
Was it really a good job? There was no blood.
Must be a nice feeling to have a solid motor/transmission again!
Donate for a Dream
That is NEVER going to work long term. The looseness in the chain coupler will allow the shaft to beat the stuffing box and seal to death. The proper way was to make the shaft rigid by using the flange that was on the shaft and a new flange for the motor shaft. PowerTrain Engineering 101.
(;-) TP
Very good idea to back off on belt tightness. I would think the bearings in the motor have a tiny bet of play allowing magnets touch and all current was lost. You might be thinking front and rear bearing for motor future replacement. Just saying…
Your new mount should hold up well. A couple of tips that might be useful 1) for areas of high exposure to water (bilge) and that have any penetrations (fasteners), it is worth considering G10 or similar material as a choice over plywood for an encapsulated substrate, and 2) sometimes when grinding or cutting fiberglass or similar material it is easier and safer to keep it wet and clean up the slurry, than to deal with the dust. Cheers
Best with the Sea Trial on your new install.
Beau gets
for "right as rain" and the little dance.
Is that where you store The Gimp??
We get new keyways cut all the time usually within a few minutes and very inexpensive. Don't know what's up with the machine shops around there. Anyway, nice job. Much love ya'll.
How is the difference between transmission and the gear
These goobs sitting at a computer with nacho dust on their lap really need an outside hobby! My bet is they glow in the dark.
Edit: …and prob vote for shady character's.
Well done.
I would like to see your subscriber count increase. I have watched all your content. You should consider linking up with other YouTubers like Sailing Uma, Sailing Project Atticus and Sailing Nandji. You should reference those channels and those channels reference yours. I want to see your channel grow in subscribers because you deserve it. Thanks for the content and I am only trying to offer a suggestion that you could potentially benefit from.
Nice install!! And you did the hole job without swearing
Great you're staying with electric. I have all my components, but can't get my motor (14KW) working with Kelly controller
Love you guys.
Excellent travaille

I'm hoping you did apply some locktite red on all the threaded fasteners. It still has some subtle vibration you cant see, the loctite will lock the fasteners until you need to disassemble
I have an 18kw 96v setup from ThunderStruck with the reducer. Works great. Make sure those bolts are tight on the flexible shaft coupler or you may find your shaft trying to go for a walk when you go hard in reverse.
PB Blaster
Belt too tight.
There was a time when I wanted a sail boat. Not that long ago actually. I know I would have enjoyed the sailing and I know I would NOT enjoy constantly working on the boat. The one thing all cruiser vids have in common…they are full time mechanics and part time sailors. Wish it weren't so…
get a Ashwoods Axial Flux Motor……and those key ways are broached, so if it was hardened afterwards, moding it might cost more than getting the right one.
what nominal voltage are you running?
i think that's why these systems are sold in pieces….it's probably no problem, ( no regulation violation as of yet ), and just becomes at the installers own risk, and that's all.
but people need to know that 38.4Vnom is a saltwater maximum, beyond which it is at your own risk.
and i think systems running higher than that would have to be dismantled before reselling the yacht.
That chain coupler has no business being on a boat. I would do yourself a favor and buy a proper marine coupling.
Always amazed at you guys’ patience and perseverance through the process. I think my video channel would be a bunch of throwing tools and cussing a lot.
Alot of swearing in between cuts? Lol

I’m extremely allergic to chronically underpowered propulsion systems in Sailboats after Crewing on such boats that got stuck in some petty serious situations it was impossible to Sail or Motor Out of. Luckily dropping anchor and waiting for high Tide Slack Water got us out of Really deep Doodoo, and no Storm was incoming while we waited it out. My Next Sailboat, a 44ft comes as standard with an 80hp inboard Diesel for very good reasons, and my 10ft Tender will have a 6hp four stroke outboard for the same Safety Reasons . At Sea, even close to Shore, Conditions can get really nasty and not as forecast way faster than most people seem to realise from Calm as a Millpond to Oh Shit Now What do we do.
Hit the end of the puller with a good sized hamer when under tension. Also with belt reduction and a bigger prop for regeneration
What did the motor cost and what was it intended for?