Frumos, dar terifiant – Ep 138

Frumos, dar terifiant - Ep 138

Începeți să vorbiți o nouă limbă în 3 săptămâni cu Babbel 🎉 Obțineți o reducere de 60% la abonament aici: =Influencer..sailingjibsea..SUA..YouTube Ne pregătim pentru navigarea către Spania din Irlanda. Vom traversa Golful Biscaya și vom intra în apele unde se știe că balene ucigașe atacă bărci cu pânze. Comunitatea de croazieră a fost preocupată în special de numărul de incidente care au avut loc cu orcile, lăsând pe unele în situații compromițătoare și periculoase pe mare. Ne pregătim, de asemenea, învățând limba spaniolă și fixând un robinet în capul de la pupa și înlocuindu-l cu un sistem de economisire a apei, prietenos cu barca. VIDEO NOI ÎN FIECARE VINERI! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipurile noastre – fiecare sprijin este foarte apreciat, ne continuă călătoria și conținutul să vină! MÂNERELE NOASTRE DE TROLIU – The Flipper by Easysea – Folosiți codul nostru de cupon: JIBSEA10 pentru o reducere de 5%! o achiziție efectuată prin link-ul de mai jos ajută la sprijinirea călătoriei noastre fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs. 🙂 APARATORUL NOSTRU – SeaWaterPro AC Double Membrane – o achiziție efectuată prin linkul de mai jos ajută la susține călătoria noastră fără costuri suplimentare pentru tine VIZITAȚI MAGAZINUL NOSTRU DE SWAG – arătați-vă sprijinul față de canalul nostru punând niște lucruri interesante 😎 /jibsea-swag-shop DACĂ VREI SUSȚINEȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA – primiți actualizări exclusive și filmări bonus ALTE MODALITĂȚI DE A NE SPRIJINĂ – pentru a contribui o singură dată pentru a ne susține călătoria și canal PayPal: Interac E-Transfer: VREI MAI MULT? Urmărește-ne AICI https :// #sailing #ireland #kinsale


25 thoughts on “Frumos, dar terifiant – Ep 138

  1. Invite Japanese whalers to come and do "scientific research" perhaps a 1,000 orcas a year for 10 years to examine them and determine a possible cause

  2. HaHaHA this is so ridiculous but you guys were so cute on the beach. Orcas attack blue whales and sharks even. They take runs at ice flows to knock seals off. Throwing handfuls of sand??? Well lets hope you have your cameras out cause we all can use a good laugh again. Thanks for being so entertaining. 😉

  3. Orcas have been attacking fishing boats, mostly the nets as fish are caught. So your boat is a threat to the orcas food source. Oddly no one to my knowledge has tried to play classical music underwater. I read that orcas were interested in the music in the Pacific Northwest

  4. Will you need to reverse the hot and cold stickers now that you have installed the controller upside down? Great video by the way, as usual.

  5. …. the Idea of having two taps has always baffled me even in on land applications. Whenever you shut it off you are starting over regulating the temp or do you leave the shower running for the duration and try and soap with the water running .. don't get it … have to say good choice ….. the only article I read on the orca thing was that it was a learned behavior and was thought to stem from interaction with fishing boats …. All I know is that Orcas are Apex predators and are deemed to be smart and have a lot of complex hunting procedures to catch and kill their prey, to name only a couple, seals and dolphins. … there are a lot of unknowns as you also eluded to … all the best with your crossing …. thx for the share .. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans …..

  6. You could've sold your boat in Ireland or the UK, like you said you were going to a while back. Then you could buy a lifting keel/swing keel/dagger board boat & take the French Canal & river system to the Mediterranean.

    Or you could cross the European continent by the French canals to the Rhine-Main-Danube canal/river system to the Black Sea then come back to the Mediterranean through the Bosphorus, Sea of Marmara & Dardsnelles. That would make for some excellent content. I wish Distant shores would have done much more content when they did their canal and river trip touring the towns and cities of interest.

    Then you don't have to worry about those Pesky Rudder Shredding Orcas… Unless they figure out how to negotiate locks and rover deltas to start "admiring" inshore props rudders!

    But you guys are probably far enough behind in your content editing and release that you already made the trip and are Cruising around in the Med.

  7. A quick Google search states that separate hot and cold started as a UK thing to prevent cross contamination from the separate water sources. I guess the practice migrated to boats.

  8. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice work with the shinny stuff. Not sure about the sand, yet as Steph said, hope you never see them. See you next time.✨🌊💨⛵️🏝👙🌞✨

  9. Another truly spectacular editing job, filling empty plastic bottles with beach sand, with pertinent ORCA information. Thank you both so much for sharing.

  10. Interesting information about the sand, I can see how that might stop the Orcas from being able to see what they are doing, hey anything is better then nothing, and it has been happening frequently. Another great vid you guys, shower head is a great addition and that rig worked out to be pretty great haha, great job Travis!!!!

  11. I'm no expert, but I have heard that Orcas do not like and avoid loud noises. Yet no one has ever tried to crank up their stereos with some Led Zeppelin or Metallica to see if will drive them off. Hopefully you do not run into them, if all else fails give it a try

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