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Burnout – Chiar nu știu dacă putem continua.

37 thoughts on “Burnout – Chiar nu știu dacă putem continua.”
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Yesssssss she is back thankyou both and the kids
Take all the time you need. We appreciate you.
love u so so much elayna, im so so glad you were able to have those 3 weeks of rejuvenation!!! i wish i was able to go on a women's retreat and experience a similar… experience lol someday! also i love your new hair!!! it looks beautiful on you <3
The vast majority of mental disorders are from one cause, the brain is overloaded with toxic debris, and simultaneously starving for proper nutrition. The solution is simple! Eat foods that give the brain the nutrition it is designed to function with, and STOP eating foods that damage and overwhelm the mitochondria, the cells in our bodies that produce energy.
The ketogenic diet IS the way to achieve lasting relief from any and all brain disorders, even ones that we have been told are uncurable. In short, that means a diet that is very low in carbohydrates, very high is quality fats, and a moderate amount of protein.
Dr Berry has been helping thousands of people cure themselves from all types of 'diseases'. The cure is always the same…get them on keto, or carnivore diet, and let nature do the rest.
His guest, Dr Christopher Palmer is someone who healed his own disorders from the keto lifestyle. He wants us all to learn just what a ketone is and how it effects our energy and metabolism, and our well being. This is not just another fad, but a very doable way of life, that is fulfilling and satisfying.
We love you and your family, and how you have given joy and comfort to so many of us. My wish is for you the make a speedy and complete recovery, and tell the rest of us how you did it, because so many of us need to find a way to heal ourselves. This way of living not only heals the brain, but all our our bodily ailments as well.
I hope to see you in person some day!
I wish you all the best. Relax, rejuvenate and thank you for sharing your struggles with mental health. It is so important for everyone to recognize and seek helps and with you bringing this very important issues today hoping others will be encourage to do the same.
Keep seeking and praying for your answers. A 50 year old woman once told me that 50s are way better than 40s. Who would have guessed it, but in a lot of ways she was right. 30s and 40s were hard. It took me until age 28 to learn how to heal my constant stuffy head and foggy thinking, and my digestive system greatly improved. At age 52 I finally figured out how to heal my gut. So I’m gaining health naturally even at a later age. In other words, don’t give up.
Elayna you are a fantastic mom, partner, and woman who is so brave to bring your health to the forefront. I always said I would work as long as I was enjoying it. I stuck to that philosophy and am retired. Catching your breath is good for you and the family. It’s time to step back and let others have fun making videos and seeing the hard work that you’ve doing for so long. You have a wonderful family and support system, and a life that leads you on mystical adventures. Go enjoy them. We will all be here when you decide you’re ready to pop in and out. Have fun and take a breath of life. Enjoy it.
OMG seriously? You've said this before but I think you've lost your way… expressing gratitude and gratefulness is not something you do when you remind yourself how well you are doing in comparison to others who are less fortunate. A way to avoid getting into a 'funk' is to truly BE grateful and express gratitude not as an action but as a state of being. When you become this person then you see your 'job' as a means and you're just lucky you can just post videos to support an entire family and live a life of adventure. Imagine what your life would have been before the age of the internet?
Mental health and fortitude is not always 'allowing' yourself to be weak. There's never a good time to be weak and this generation prides itself too much on thinking that being connected to themselves allows them to be weak. Sure, you can be that way but it's simply not the better way. How do I know? I don't but I can tell you that I used to be much different and when I changed my state of being and simply said to myself that I don't need to be weak or admit times of weakness to be strong. You CAN avoid that part and just be strong all of the time… don't think it's possible? Ask yourself 'why not' and if your answer to this is just 'well… that's just impossible, no one can be strong all the time'… oh ya? Who said so? Only weak people
Buck up, make a change… make a true change, not for your viewers, not because you think you 'should'. Do it because it's simply the ONLY way and know that it's the only way to move forward. Shed your weakness, be strong… anyone can do it.
Sending prayers your way Elayna. Please continue to take intermittent leaves if needed. We'll miss you, but Lenny and Darwin have proven they can hold it dow. Just hand Dad the camera.
Wow just wow! Lots of women are stressed, lots of women have multiple children, most women don’t have nannies, lots of women are single raising children alone, lots of women work multiple jobs. Most women don’t have the luxury to travel the world, they don’t have the luxury to go on a retreat. You advertise for a mental health site yet it hasn’t seemed to help you. Most women would be on the street if they didn’t get out of bed and go to work. It would seem you don’t appreciate what you have. Life is tough, children are work, toughen up and appreciate what you have.
We have your back, love you. Sending love and prayers you way.
YOU ARE GOLD TO US ALL TAKE A COMPLETE BREAK, take magnesium and get help definitely… I had that same thing and it’s real … counselling and healing of all kinds if required and you Will be ok
PLEASE HIRE someone to do your videos as you’re both full on We love you guys not the video s so it’s fine to let that go to someone else you trust 

Watched this video 4 days ago and can't get you off my mind. I'm praying for your total healing, Elayna. Praying for your whole family, as this affects all of you. You're on the right track so keep going forward one day at a time. Like others have pointed out, you have 1.84M out here pulling for you

Continuing to search out woo is not where you want to go. Having no "home" for this period and having to struggle with the loss of resource control you had is probably the fault.
Elayna you're a beautiful and talented person… Everyone goes through difficult times and we understand your struggle. Know that many of us are supporting and pulling for you to feel better. Love yourself and peace will find you and those warm water will make you feel at one with nature. We are wishing you calm seas and fair winds… LOVE you and your amazing family…
Feeling for you beautiful soul! You are super brave Abe always an inspiration in so many ways
You deserve all the help you can get and some extra thrown in too! Treat yourself gently 

I am running an animal shelter after working hours in the UAE trying to help stray animals that were dumbed in the desert and it obviously demad allot of social media time, making videos etc. and I must agree with you, after 2 weeks of intense campaigns I feel the same.
Technology can be overwhelming and I think its partly because we see technology as a quick productive sollution to free up time in our private lives but in reality it is intrusive, consumes allot of our time which is in reality the opposite of what our expectations are. It is supposed to be rewarding but it becomes disruptive and we cannot get away from it.
You have to take a break from the devices at times to rebuild mental hygiene.
Thank guys for share this vlog with us. I'm an italian psychology, i feel so gratuful to see a beatiful people, as you, speak the mental heath, burnout e panic dirsorder. Because the life go up and down and it is not always possible to show only the beatiful and up part of our life. I send all my love and light. Take a break….and breath. With love, Francesca.
Try few long hour retained Enema, course correction along with spouse(cytoplasm is always spare with him)… Feeling is a chromide nature (cytonsis is inner most personal job, only job to work for)
I wish you guys all the best
Like one episode ago, might have worm. Then burnout… could be worm, might check for that. Get well soon. And take breaks. We all need breaks.
some times we need a break. life is like a neddle and tread we need to just relax and look after ourselfs. sorry to hear that you are ill. sit back and we will be here when you feel better
burn out ? what is it? its when you do something you really do not want to do. where to go, what to do? kids need , stability friends that maybe last a lifetime, there is no normal life, just life. you guys need to back to australia connect with your families for 5 to 8 years then go again. then ur kids dont want to do anymore they want their life . thats life.riles swallow ur pride and do what you know is right for all of u!
Hire an editor. Live your life. Film it. Enjoy.
You guys are doing what everyone in life needs to do. Be more responsible for themselves. As parents living on the ocean must be extremely stressful bc of the dangers for the kiddies let alone just you two adults. I think if you guys bought a piece of land or water to call your own n make a home I think the stress will even out with the good. Depression on the other hand mixes in w stress. Depression can be holding onto the past things you once loved and can’t let go( freedoms as a childless mother) envy of others and or truths you keep to yourself and don’t share.
If your mind is too far in the future you will have bad anxiety. If you live too far in the past you’ll have depression.
Live in the moment. Love yourself but live for others. Praying and thanking your Creator is a great way of having a spiritual inward problem solver.
And remember to only worry about the things you can change. Be the wind be the waves be the laughter that spills from the life you and your husband have created! Be happy!
Who needs fame when you can self sustain!
Elena, you have done such an exceptional job for so long now. I love just hearing your voice. I got to visit Australia 50 some years ago and absolutely loved it. Now you have been my connection to that time in my life. I pray for your healing in the name of Jesus! Love gary
I never comment !
Well done guys. Glad to see and hear that you are doing better Elayna. Look after yourself.
Family comes first, second and third mate – look after yourselves for yourselves – not for us.
Thanks for sharing
I went through something almost identical last year in September. 13 years building a career left me bedridden and mentally wrecked. I was diagnosed with melancholic depression and severe anxiety… it was a scary place to be. I know what a relief it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel too. Big hugs!
Everyone needs a break! Don’t feel bad about taking care of YOURSELF!!! I couldn’t do it in the smaller boats with two kids

Find purpose, And importance in every day life. Your children, husband,
work. That's all we need. If you talk to tribes in Africa, ask them are they sad do you know what depression is… They will tell you no, I don't know what that is. I have a husband an children, why shouldn't I be happy.. people living in mud huts..
There's many people in this world, that don't know what depression is.
There just happy, because they have what they need at the time.
I am so proud of you Elayna! You guys are the best, stay strong!
just rent 7 days in the middle of new york… and all be ok after
Hi Riley, were do you get the navigation books that have all the important information regarding navigation dangers?
Best wishes Elayna