Robert și Coco navighează de la St Augustine FL la Charleston SC cu Ketch Cutter din 1979
Peste noapte, navighează singur în larg în Oceanul Atlantic

8 thoughts on “Peste noapte, navighează singur în larg în Oceanul Atlantic”
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Beautiful video, beautiful Shannon, beautiful Coco! Thanks!!
Hey hope y’all are having a great time great video
from your Uber driver in Beaufort
Hi Robert!
Thanks for the video. I'm glad you didn't stay in Florida but are pushing on to higher latitudes. I really like the "positive and hopeful" tone of your voice.
I'm really sold on using an induction stove top on a sailboat. They don't add any heat to the boat, which is great in hot weather. My wife is really scared of having a fire on a boat, so I may end up taking my propane stove out entirely and go with an induction stove and an air fryer. You need big batteries for this though.
Hi uncle Bob say hi to Coco for me
Nice headband

Great content! Also, your dog coco was very nice when I watched her.
Awesome!! Nice to meet you. This is Alex, we met at the taxi boat in Annapolis