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Prima privire la demonstrația OSRS Sailing – Arata INSANE (Ramble 2)

27 thoughts on “Prima privire la demonstrația OSRS Sailing – Arata INSANE (Ramble 2)”
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as far as sailing im guessing you will just set a voyage point or whatever and set sail, but will have a few instances along the way like bad weather, repairs, pirates, treasure, stuff like that i would assume..
looks good but still a shit skill idea, still should be a mini game
7:16 this is whats going to happen. the OS "team" is a handful of people that arent particuarily talented or hardworking.
Most of the things they do is like how people complete a project or homework in school, they do the bare minimum and pretend to misunderstand the expectations of the assignment to get away with less work. They check the boxes and say "look see this is what you asked for, you wanted X Y Z and it DOES have XYZ riiiightttt?" They just make things in the easiest way that satisfies the requirements. If you criticize it or are dissapointed, then they act like their job is sooooo hard and that its unrealistic to have high expectations for a game that is from 2006 that we pay $10 a month for. I think its because they just arent good at their job, thats why they have to find the easiest ways to do things, and that ends up being boring or bad content.
Its 2023 and these graphics are 20 years old but they pat themselves on the back for spending months making a couple NPCS in the wilderness, like this wasnt done 15 years ago with less time. Youd think they could make some crazy things with the engine, i mean regular people were making their own private servers in their spare time before smart phones and wifi even existed. They can make anything in this game, thats how games work, but it seems like 70% of what they make is lame and half assed. With the large talent pool now, and the internet, they have managed to get really mediocre people, I dont know if its naivity or just picking people based on like personalities or something but it seems like i could take everyone who works in software and has played OSRS before, pick 4 names out of a hat, and have them literally make whatever they want and OSRS would be 3x bigger and better. In 2007 they were churning out good content quickly with wayy less resources available to them, less technology, game design has advanced so far but its like the OSRS team has became less skilled than they were 15 years ago.
People have great ideas and fantasies for sailing, but its just not going to happen, the OSRS team isnt skilled or passionate enough to do it, theyll take all the shortcuts they can and pretend it was soooo hard, well maybe it was for them, because if youre not good at something, then everything is really hard for you.
My prediction, theyll force sailing through the polls because it sounds so Grand, and that they can use "Sailing" as a cover to keep the community hopeful and distracted and they can pretend to look busy working on "Sailing".
But in reality sailng is just the eaiest one they can throw together by copy and pasting some quest cutscene boats and arbitrarily locking some islands theyve already made behind a skill requirement. I wouldnt be surprised if they just make 10 islands the size of the sandcrab one, have you do tasks for each island like "mine 6 gold ore" and thats how you get xp.
2 years into it, the project will be scrapped because they cant even half ass it, its like a quarter ass and theyll all realize collectively they can put this out because its just TOOO bad, they knew it was gonna be bad, but even they know it looks lazy. Then theyll tell some content creators to do some videos to convince the community Sailing is a bad idea. Then theyll use that vague condescending language that they always use, on a newspost talking about how its too hard to do and blame the community saying its too hard to make them happy and its our fault they cant do their job
I’m definitely voting no when the poll comes out. It sounds horrible, plus there’s been enough spite “vote no to pvp” time to spite vote PvM
its not… this is gona ruin the game MANNNNMN
eating a cordon bleu
love u
RS3 has player owned ports. Amazing lore and 8 regions. Only one is explorable in-game. There are 7 yet unexplored. OSRS could use them in sailing.
im eatin croissants xd
An oakdice video is always the truest stream of consciousness. A trained AI model couldn't capture the whirlwind of thoughts going on in this video
keep the rambles coming!
Fuck sailing
you are bored nothing to do? fam you paid for your rc pretty much, everyone doesnt have a bank like your do to do everything.
Eating a chilli with some aunt may's bajan hot sauce you know I've got some good food as I watch this!
We really went from "no changes" to "im on a fucking boat"
Rambling videos hit way harder than no videos. Keep it up
I dont see how they are going to do it tbh – it will surely be in an instance, seems like such a lame skill, teleports will always be faster and the novelty will wear off quick… this will get voted in regardless as people are hungry for a new skill
Bro… imagine if they made it so sailing combined with construction. And there was a quest where you helped people build a floating barge in the water. Then there would be like a new continent, the floating city (the barge). And you'd have to train sailing and do the quest to unlock it (I guess that sounds similar to Sea Slug quest though). Or even small islands that were previously not on the map. Or using construction to customize your ships. Or you sail to the shores of the wilderness and a message says "you're entering treacherous waters, do you wish to continue?" Then pirate npc's could attack your ship, or you could fight other players, pvp, ship vs ship, with ship cannons and/or range/mage… that could be a pvp minigame actually.
Also the concept of mining stars… put it into fishing. So while you were sailling there would be a chance at finding a whirpool (or something) that contained rare fish. You could anchor your boat there and start fishing until it depleted. Unlocking binoculars to do some whale watching. Attack pvm monsters in the water, or possibly bosses.
nah fuck off, summoning or dead content, #VoteNoGang
Idea for how you get xp……
Some of the waters have waves/environment issues that make sailing harder to do, something you must do while sailing to get through the terrain. If you fail you fail to sail to the location of your choice, and don't get xp.
Maybe something similar to like the thing in morytania people people do on ironmen for bowstrings and stuff. How there's a short, medium, and long path and different amounts of things that can go wrong in each path, and different rewards from each. But it would be the skill itself
Bro always finds a way to be negative about the game
Jagex take your time and make sailing awesome
Youre right, as a software dev this is probably gonna take years or the idea is gonna be heavily slimmed down and not perfect. I do hope they will nail this skill, then maybe ill return one day. I fuckin wish they would put in some type of summoning or animal skill.. or bring dungeoneering back I loved that shit.
pvp wilderness sailing
Osrs doesn't even have 200k subs
i think 1 of the Jmod's said you will gain the xp from doing tasks within the sailing skill, like if you go to another island and do slayer on it you'll gain sailing xp and slayer xp, same go's with all other skills that'll be available through sailing. this isn't final obviously but this is what a Jmod recommended about for it. I do know the community said they didn't want sailing to be "buyable" so i assume it'll be a slowish skill.
damn man knew I was eating