Sailing Minkies & Chausey Isles. Detergent cu ultrasunete pentru carenă!

Sailing Minkies & Chausey Isles.  Detergent cu ultrasunete pentru carenă!

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34 thoughts on “Sailing Minkies & Chausey Isles. Detergent cu ultrasunete pentru carenă!

  1. Ultrasonic devices on a boat seems like it would be hell to the wildlife- whales and dolphins and whatnot.
    Sound carries like nothing else in water after all and theyre clearly sensitive to it since they use it to talk and stuff.
    I hope im wrong!

  2. If the ultrasonic growth inhibitor doesn't work, you might want to check out the ultrasonic pressure sprayers. It's a neat technology that can somehow dislodge barnacles without taking as much paint with them.

  3. I wonder if that ultrasonic device will anger and attract those killer whales as you had down the Portugal coast 😯

  4. "You don't know what's in your heaven or hell?".. Perdition..
    (in Christian theology) a "state" of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death.
    Love and Rockets – So Alive HD

  5. Hay sam it so great to tune into your channel there is always someone new year going on, your adventures inspired me I just baught a new boat so hopefully I'm going to bump into you out there, Barry that old sea dog say safe until we meet 🤙🏾

  6. I was reading about Hull-Shield and the way you did it it will not work very efective. There is need to clean the Hull before because of the microscopic growth that's allready on the Hull. It will not remove it and not stop this growth.

  7. Nice to see you using metal hook. Funny that everybody uses them in baltic sea, but i havent seen such a simple hook nowhere else.

  8. Been to those Chausey islands years ago visiting a clam farm on the foreshore, interesting place with huge tides. Close by and all along the intertidal banks especially around Mont St. Michelle there are extensive “Bouchot” (rows and rows of wooden stakes 2-3 meters tall) mussel cultivation farms! SkipRay.

  9. Hello Sam: You are far too young to remember this but there is a famous movie called "The Wreck of the Mary Deare" (with two actors you won't recognize: Gary Cooper and Charlton Heston) in which the ship was deliberately grounded on the Minkies. Big court case involved. Was a big movie at the time.

  10. Whether you decide to go to Mont Saint Michel or Saint Malo you will surely enjoy it! I visited family back there a couple years back and it is an amazing area!!

  11. Fab! The Minkies are a real treat at low tide – I was fortunate to go in a heatwave – it was 32 degrees C and absolutely stunning – like a British Maldives lol!
    There's a great book written by Hammond Innes called the Wreck of the Mary Deare – it ends up at the Minkies and as a seafaring man, I'm sure you'd find it interesting.
    Looking forward to Mont St Michel –

  12. I've been toying with the idea of ultrasonic antifoul for a little while. I'd be interested to hear what you think of it a few months down the line. Keep us posted.

  13. I sailed at a land yachting championship not far from Mont Saint Michel great fun, and spectacular pictures of the land yachts with the abbey in the background.

  14. Im just wandering what that ultra sonic unit will do for the killer whales, will it help attract them or discouraged them, they should be able to here it

  15. Dude. You have the most Greek nose I’ve ever seen. Your nose bridge angle is like almost perfectly straight. Your ancestors must have been courageous adventurers of noble birth.

  16. I'm sure you've been asked this a million times, but what app is it that you run on the phone for your charts? Navionics?

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