2023 Preakness Mize | LIVE Seminarul de handicap All Stakes Pick 5

2023 Preakness Mize |  LIVE Seminarul de handicap All Stakes Pick 5

PTF îi găzduiește pe Jonathon Kinchen, Michelle Yu și John Piassek în timp ce parcurg Pick Five pentru toate mizele Zilei Preakness, cu o scufundare profundă asupra Preakness în sine. ***Pentru a reaminti, vă puteți înscrie pentru buletinul informativ GRATUIT al jucătorilor la https://www.inthemoneypodcast.com/email – Acest buletin informativ săptămânal, trimis vineri, este un hub pentru conținutul despre cursele de cai de la echipa ITM și partenerii noștri. ***Dacă doriți și mai multe analize de handicap premium, inclusiv podcasturi exclusive, analize scrise detaliate și note de emisiune din podcasturile gratuite, vă rugăm să consultați ITM Plus – https://www.inthemoneypodcast.com/plus


13 thoughts on “2023 Preakness Mize | LIVE Seminarul de handicap All Stakes Pick 5

  1. Mage Will 100% Absolutely be The Favorite…You Know it..I Know it…Racing Knows it…Claiming FM Might be The Favorite is Your Typical "Watch How Smart I am and In The Know I am" Prediction…You Do Not Genuinely Believe FM Might be The Fave

  2. I have to say I've been watching you guys for over a year now and between the four of you couldn't pick a winner to save your lives

  3. This should help you handicappers the Andy Byer speed figured don't mean a f**** thing throw it out and just gamble

  4. Great show as always! Really enjoyed John and his different takes! Anyone can pick favorites, feel like he really does his homework and knows his shit!!! Good luck this weekend everyone!

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