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Navigați în Oldschool RuneScape: Tot ce trebuie să știți

22 thoughts on “Navigați în Oldschool RuneScape: Tot ce trebuie să știți”
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mans really tagged pking in his description for this vid
Bro plug your podcast. Its great, and more people should know about it.
This might just end up being something that lures me back to oldschool.
Minty we gonna get another 1 hour Wednesday or those gone altogether?
Minto, look into GentleTractors contribution to OSRS, he really be doing the most sometimes
Minty you have the most humble optimistic outlooks on these updates and I can’t possibly disagree with you any harder but I like the positivity
This skill is going to insane! can't wait, keep up with the updates ty
I really like the idea behind sailing but how in the heck are we supposed to get exp? It feels more like a minigame at this point.
Like mourning but mooring hahaha loved that
I pray for gielenor sea of thieves, please give me pvp in waters above wildy ditch
I was thinking like, groupies. Lol!! Thanks for the update bro!!
this skill is yikes, not good
Yay minigame for a "skill" fantastic.. …m
God I can't wait to vote no on this again just for the brandead casual majority to pass it anyway
7:56 andddddddd unsubscribed
Love the video, thanks for the update! Was curious what it will be about
Will Trouver parchments be usable in new bounty hunter craters
The garage door literally made me lol
Imagine not voting for shamanism
Gentle tractor helped with the redesign of Zeah. that's why there is "ancient machinery" in Hosidius that appears to be a tractor