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Abilitatea de navigare, cu excepția PvP

22 thoughts on “Abilitatea de navigare, cu excepția PvP”
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The ending took me out
fuck this sailing bullshit. i wanted shamanism. shamanism was literally less than 1% below sailing in the poll, and they said they would re-poll close results, then they suddenly pretend like they never said that and are just ramming this "skill" through
I can already smell the disappointment I'll be having
Ngl I was for sailing till I saw this video. I don’t think we have the engine to be able to have the full potential of sailing which is a shame. Would be nice to have dominion tower back speaking of the which. Nightmare zone is outdated
Maybe they'll ask you to do one of those content videos
just make PVP, PVP give the boats a triangle Magic/range/melee same with ship parts 3 types (armor) Fighting is exactly the same Tick based attacks timing and you can drain water with buckets (better buckets for draining like fish) or add wood/metal to "eat" boom its exactly the same new content same feel
the open sea is subject to the Wilderness Tax. the Law is the Law.
Also, pking as you sail reminds me of pillaging in Puzzle Pirates back in the day.
We need to gather at falador at once. Not in a million, even hundred years would i expect this from Yamflex
I was picturing bringing 20 goons straight into the wilderness for a clan war. WOW jagex
This sucks!
Could have been Sea of Thieves osrs style but we get straight garbage w0w
Missed opportunity to use pirate sof carribean music and get copy right striked.
I must say. I blew out a significantly amount of air from my nose, good fkin' meme.
except nobody pictured that? it's called sailing not pirating, if the skill was called pirating you might be more on point. Also how have the price of pirate boots not sky rocketed?? true and serious questions. you know they have to make a sailing skilling outfit so the pirate boots and the pirate hook should be receiving actual updates to make them linked to the sailing skill price should be heading through the roof.
It is going to flop. Can't believe people voted on this. Would be a cool idea but one the devs are very limited on what they can do with this game engine and two it's jagex so it'll suck .
Now this is sailing!
This couldn't have come at a better time since I'm literally learning how to sail irl.
vote NO to sNailing today.
'' why hello there fellow sailer'' is when i knew he f'ed up
Woman making content moment
XD love it! Btw are we ever going to see the return of the granite warlock?
This is y I went FTP only then eventually went rs classic with free membership.