Încercăm câteva manevre pentru a ne scutura rugina de pe reflexe după 6 luni în port. Lucrurile nu merg conform planului… –- Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, puteți oricând să lăsați un bacșiș în borcanul nostru de cafea https://ko-fi.com/sailingyachtsaltylass Grupuri menționate Royal St George Yacht club https: //www.rsgyc.ie/ Navigație și croazieră Irlanda de Nord https://www.facebook.com/groups/SailingandCruisingNorthernIreland –- Link-uri afiliate –- Mr D Cookware – https://mrdscookware.com/product- category/thermal-cookers?wpam_id=1 –– Despre noi –– Am început o aventură pe croaia pe Bavaria 36, Salty Lass. Misiunea noastră continuă este să explorăm porturi noi ciudate, să căutăm bucătării și culturi noi pentru noi, să mergem cu îndrăzneală acolo unde ne duce vântul și să ne placă –– Urmărește-ne –– http://www. saltylass.co.uk/sailing-fail-heaving-to-goes-wrong-twice https://facebook.com/salty.lass.1 https://twitter.com/sy_lass https://instagram.com/sy .saltylass –- Muzică –- Există un loc special pentru unii oameni de Chris Zabriskie este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/ There was a Time de Scott Buckley (@ScottBuckley) lansat sub CC-BY 4.0. https://scottbuckley.com.au
Sailing Ireland – Ardglass – Dundalk – Marea Irlandei – Heaving to – Ep. 289

22 thoughts on “Sailing Ireland – Ardglass – Dundalk – Marea Irlandei – Heaving to – Ep. 289”
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Finally, on your way to sail around Ireland. Cheers.
Thought you could only heave to on 2 sails. Learning new stuff from your channel as always
Captain Bev running her crew ragged
Cheers Ladies..
Love the door cover/ tv looks really nice. Looks so nice where you are in this video
Busy sailing day but loved the last footage especially of the anchoring and sunset, no boats around. That's why we sail!! Have fun.
Top class faffing there…
That was excellent way to show what was going on – many thanks for this, I know how difficult to edit all that was! You know your boat the best, you know what to do and you listen to your boat – perfect!
Great video. We've just arrived in the republic. Currently anchored off Malin Harbour. Need to put up courtesy flag when it stops raining
Salty Girl is sailing sweetly, maybe ur both in rhythm and sync with her.

Not read the other comments but your head sail was not backed correctly. It needs to be solidly to windward to begin with (to depower it) not leeward (which is where most of the sail was, with a deep aerofoil shape too).
Two sails are needed for hove to. They balance each other, cancelling each other out to get neutral steering. I have never done it with just one sail.
It's something well worth practicing for the time when you really need to.
Where was that anchorage? Off Gyles Quay?
Are you absolutely sure you are on the Irish Sea or have you been feeding Gaynor Magic Mushrooms or someting
You've no idea how long it took me to learn to heave to (as opposed to just drifting around in circles
). Never seen anyone try it on only the headsail, though!
I am a heave too nutter, use it all the time for reefing, resting, sorting out problems etc, like you I found it’s essential to reduce headsail for it to work properly. I have never tried to be hoved with only the heady, I believe it won’t work well for reasons others have commented on. I always raise main under power with auto-helm on, and into wind as I am often solo, and use an electric winch assist to aid that. I do everything from the cockpit. Love the door TV hanging, nice pics, is it HD?
What a wonderful video. First of all…lots of sailing action! Fascinating to watch you heave to in an attempt to raise the main. I’ve never done that…always have used the engine. I’m usually sailing solo so I have to do that on my own (but I do have an electric winch). Secondly you showed bits of the Northern Irish Coast that I know so well: St Johns lighthouse and the Mourne and then the Carlingford Mountains in the Republic.
I loved it!
Good video! We need to catch up…
Beautiful day there! I have a fin keel and it’s difficult to heave to. Depending on the wind speeds the Genoa gets furled minimum or lots. Therefore, I reef while on a close reach and let the mainsail out then put in 1, 2, or 3rd reef! Can get nasty along the California coast by San Francisco! Darn fog makes it cold too! At least we can get some warmth here. You gals are in cold weather most of the time- you’re some die hard sailors! Love you videos and your laughter!!
The Irish Sea is a great place to learn Heaving To, and it resulted in me totally changing my thinking, on the Suit of Sails, and rigging arrangement on Sailboats. Now I will only have Sloop Rig, no Cutter Rig and No Ketch Rig, with in Mast Furling. To have no Sail destroying furling Cross Cut Sails – you can wreck a Genoa by Furling one to Reef it, I have a Triradial with medium weight cloth and three reinforced reefing points designed and built in to preserve Sail Shape that is fully furled in when heaving to. Furling Mainsail Also Triradial Heavy Cloth Battenless with 3.5 Reefs designed and built in, with the last 1.5 Reef as a double, So can bee three Reefs in, 1.5 out, and can be furled in again for half aa reef of Cloth out, with the loading carried onto the Furled Cloth under it. So all wind forces are at about the CoG at the Mast, and no Cloth forward or Aft to produce that SeeSaw motion that breaks a Heave To. It works for me, and I get very long lasting Sails into the Bargain, for about from double the price of Crosscut Sails, plus Batttenless Triradial Furling Mains, recover most of the Performance you get with Battens, and pretty much eliminate batten caused wear and Tear. Also your Mainsail Cloth is heavily protected from UV damage in Hot places, by being inside that Aluminium Mast. while at Anchor. Hopefully some food for thought. Bob in Wales.

Hi guys, love your channel. I’m local and have a question. I’m on the lookout for a yacht over the next twelve months or so and am wondering have you sussed out the perfect pattern of mooring your boat over a twelve month period of time with regards to the most economical method ? Ive seen 6 month and 12 month contracts at the marinas etc but not sure about this as I’d be away sailing in the summer months so I don’t want to be paying for the marina if I’m away sailing elsewhere … so basically what is your most economical method of mooring and maintaining your boat in Northern Ireland over the year …. Cheers Nigel
You can't heave to with one sail,it's all about the balance between the two sails, the rudder and the keel,and all sail boats tend behave differently.the need to furl the head sail or not,will depend entirely on the head sail being used at the time,ie genoa,working jib,storm jib etc etc.you need to practice to learn your own boats idiosyncrasies,Fair winds,love your channel