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NU-MI VINE SĂ CRED! Furious William DESCHIDE CUTIA PANDORA pe Harry, în timp ce Palatul atacă în sfârșit Megxit după încoronare.

23 thoughts on “NU-MI VINE SĂ CRED! Furious William DESCHIDE CUTIA PANDORA pe Harry, în timp ce Palatul atacă în sfârșit Megxit după încoronare.”
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Love your podcasts. Thanks for the info.
Ps: love your accent!
Rather deal with Andrew than Harry at least Andrew didn’t do half the damage Harry and Megan has done
Sorry Prince William I understand as parent that I have 1 child who tries her best in life and another that prefers to do some bad things or things I disagree with but I can never turn my back on her. If you ever end up in this situation ( I hope never happens ) you will love your child regardless. No but I am only talking as a parent we unconditionally love our children regardless of what they do. If they break the law and cops want to charge them. You don't interfere. There were times when we disappointed our parents but they still loved us and told us to do better.
Harry is becoming less & less important in the eyes of the Royals! MM has never counted as a Royal & will never be a Royal! KCIII will need to get his heart right when it comes to Harry & his miserable attitude!
Andrew has served the UK honoably in several ambassadorial positions.He was set up by Epstein because he knew Meghan was a workinggirl on Epstein's yacht and got wind that Epstein was going to set up Harry with Meghan. They paid the girl to lie about Andrew to disgrace him and keep him quiet about Meghan.
Good morning host
The whole situation is so sad. Harry could have had it all but he was swayed by his grifter wife. Now KC is torn between the natural love he has for his wayward son and the good of the monarchy. Prince William's attitude is most understandable. He has been maligned by his brother in the most hurtful way and see things in a different light therefore will have a harder time accepting any excuse Harry will come up for reconciliation. Every time Harry opens his mouth he just seems to make things worse. IMO he needs to shut up and move on and live his own life and leave the RF alone. Maybe after some time things could get better but if he continues to insert himself in all these ridiculous situations I don't see it happening. At least Andrew has had the common sense to "lay low" and just carry on without drawing unnecessary attention to himself.
Harry is a ungrateful young man who was really spoiled by his family and has now become a traitor to his family, actually he truly is not a very bright person and totally ungrateful SON!
After last night i think that Harry belongs in mental hospital along with MM. it was so wrong
Please be more creative with your videos, it is really annoying watching you read

William has had a lot on his shoulders but to have his wife and him personal private things should never be talked about but also the worst his children attack physically he’s lucky he didn’t break more than his nickless rearrange his face. God Bless William and his beautiful family. ♥️♥️

Harry is an absolute disloyal, disgraceful, vile person. He has trashed his family and can never ever be trusted again
At least Andrew can keep his mouth shut not like the other two
Please, get rid of that annoying British accent, it's too strong!
Very true plus all the poison being fed to him by Meghan markle
This obsession of reconciling is crazy. That’s a family thing who cares. Harry is doing his own stupid thing lol. These royals are not our f as moly Harry is irrelevant
He's not his son charles has to tell people the truth he got informed before the coronation Mr Soames charle friend had the document giving DNA he felt time charles knew about this evil human. So Now charles has to tell the people and take the titles as he's no Prince he's just haz no ROYAL BLOOD and it's in the document the proof so if he wants money he has to contact his real father charles has covered for him for so long now it's time for him to let haz go and get on with his life he has to grow up and be a man and take care of his family thats what he should be doing rather than want handouts for the evil wife who spends all the money on gold jewelery and clothes, thats haz problem and any money charles has spare give it to the homeless in the UK , not the harkles they can make their money, they brag about all the money their making millions so where has it gone.
Honestly you never get to the subject as advertised! Just a lot of fluff.
Everyone has become a commentator on Harry and Meghan, just to make ends meet.
That's an ancient photograph!!
William, is absolutely right.Harry said the most disgusting thing s about his family.he has shown no respect for family.the havoc he has caused has been for his own self interest MONEY
I was married to a girl who suffered from the same condition Meghan does ie narcissistic personality disorder. I know the hell his life is right now but when you're in it you don't realize it.. They learn to imitate emotions they are incapable of feeling themselves most prominent being love and empathy. Hopefully he'll connect the dots and see that everything negative that occurs in his life points back to her