Acest iaht este de vânzare: SHOP Colecția Rico Rox: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Știți că suntem MARI Fani ai pisicilor Horizon Power și am așteptat de mult acest model nou-nouț din 2023 de PC68. Cea mai incitantă caracteristică, după părerea mea, este prova reproiectată și terasa fabuloasă a arcului adăugată. Sincer, există prea multe funcții noi grozave la bordul acestui catamaran de lux, așa că va trebui să urmărești Turul și să-mi spui care a fost preferatul tău. Acest HULL #1 are deja un proprietar fericit și o păsărică ne-a spus că va fi disponibilă pentru charter (și, desigur, ar face un croiboard uimitor). Prețul de pornire al modelului Toured este de 5.200.000 USD. Bucurați-vă de Tur! Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta în comentarii. Mai multe excursii cu catamaran: Mulțumim imens THE POWERCAT COMPANY pentru că ne-ați lăsat să explorăm pe cont propriu. Vă interesează să cumpărați un catamaran Horizon? Listare și contact: #PowerCatamaran #YachtTour #HorizonPC68 //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: De la început, am decis să ne păstrăm independența și integritatea , deci nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucrem pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tour navele pe care le considerăm interesante pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUB-UNĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
//URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: ○ Facebook: NautiStyles/ //CUMPĂRAT NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA UTILIZAT: ○ Camera – ○ Drone – ○ Microfoane wireless – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – ○ Gimbal – ○ Lumină – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //WATCH NEXT: ○ UNIQUE YACHTS: =PL_MuaHEC2JeVkxJIS2lz_SeSQx4lnGSxM ○ BORDA ACCESIBILĂ: 0:00 Introducere 0:31 Exterior 6:00 Prora 8:30 Flybridge 13:31 Timp 5 Motor 18:3:31 Interior 18:3:31 Cabine 123:33 52 SPECIFICAȚII Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile mele, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să pot continua să ofer conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
2023 HORIZON PC68 LUXURY POWER CATAMARAN Tur de iaht cu croazieră

44 thoughts on “2023 HORIZON PC68 LUXURY POWER CATAMARAN Tur de iaht cu croazieră”
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HUGE announcement on @nautiGuys channel today
I missed the continued tour after the specs, my mistake, sorry. Sunreef 70 has a 37.2 foot beam giving the boat 3,239 feet of living space, no comparison, 1/2 of this boat is missing, or it's just a stretched out version of a 48 footer. Good for Med docking I guess?
What is the total weight ????
Very well thought-out cat. And huge as well
Thanks for the review.
Tell her to stop with the Spray tan!
OMG! I had a callout halfway thru this (I'm a firefighter) and came back thinking I was seeing the main salon and then realised it was the fly. This thing is incredible, all the boat I would ever need.
That layout on the inside of the fly I do have an issue with, it's at the same height and open to the window, the window needs a couple of wires. That fly space forward stb low? Protect the panels with covers and that would be my doggo's kennel. The electrics would even keep him warm.
Main salon? A minor disagreement with the style but that's normal, the basic layout is great. Gally: cooktop needs fiddles, the space is great, love dual sinks, the corners are too sharp, a 68-footer needs a trash compactor.
Oh my dear, sweet summer child, if there are two of you in a shower you already like each other.
This is as much boat as anyone really needs unless you need (?) more guests, range or toys. Those are the only three reasons this cat is insufficient. And, praise be no IPS drives! I work in shallow water, we run with maybe 2 foot under the keel a lot so the last thing I want is to have drives sticking down below the rest.
Nice work Horizon, I'll see you in a few days at Sanctuary Cove Boat Show.
Cptn. Col
PS: Nauti, when are you guys going to make it Down Under to the Sthn Hemisphere's greatest boat show?
I'm a boat novice but love being out on the water. Is there a major difference between this type of boat and a traditional hull? Is one more stable than the other? If the conditions get choppy. Like 6ft waves or bigger. I would consider a 36ft to 50ft boat. Just enough for weekend getaways or a few days.
Beautiful boat and layout. Easily live on this Yaght!
yeah, we've enjoyed your tour of that one
Groovy video. You two can make anything look and sound exciting.
The cockpit storage there were three. Did she say, "at least I can count"? He has patience.
From the onboard committee it is now mandatory on boats under 75’ to open ANY/ALL storage compartments. Thank you for your cooperation
I'm in love with these cat. Wow!! Thanks guys for bring this video. All the spaces are just the right size for me. I can see myself spending the entire winter living and hopping around the Bahamas especially The Exumas having the time of my life. I'm gonna look into this further and if I go through with this I will make you a promise. That is that I will go into the Bahamas and track down that Beautiful Bering that you will have by then and have some sun downers and laughs with you both.
Thanks again
Jersey Lou
Cruising the rivers of the U.S in summer.With this Cat the parties would be endless. It would need a refit come fall. I probably wouldnt survive. But what a way to go.
Do I like it more than the Aquila 70…..? Need to watch both videos together,
What is the benefit of a catamaran?
Build a DJ platform that hangs from the crane.

this isnt really that important, as a fishing boat, its ok, but way to small for a live aboard
Out of curiosity, why do they call them sugar scoops?
What is the MSRP on this Cat?
Fast forwarding on you would just unBeringable!
Yeah I just really have her quick wearing stripes it messes with the camera and people's eyes it is not flattering and makes people want to like myself quit watching
Does anyone else have trouble changing the video quality in settings to something higher than really low?
No way you can nap underway…
Don't you always start with the engine room? The boat is lose less with out it.
Very impressive amount of space, Love It
Spectacular bota, no oven…?

Did I miss washer and dryer?
All it needs are some batteries and solar panels so you can be at anchor and not run the generator all the time. Really great PC
So people buy boats but need a parking spot. How much is a spot in the ocean?
That open slot in the galley.. Dude, plant some herbs!!! I love the width of a cat. I dig it… But I just don't like the way they look while underway.. For a go fast, sure… But on a cruiser yacht, I just have an issue.. I'm sure it's just fine in a heavy swell, but with that open space, I just have visions of that deck just slamming… It's like I want more prow… I'm sure it's just all in my head… What a beautiful boat, that interior has all the storage, and is just beautiful.. I think I need a full displacement shirt.
Horizon is very good with storage. They often have too much grp surfaces everywhere and more teak floor would suit a better looking. Comparing this cat with the FD series, I would rather go for the FD 80 or 75 as it feels much spacier than this cat.
34:15 – Still yacht shopping myself, and I have to say that even if a boat otherwise looks good, if there a mass of spaghetti cabling in the engine room, I never fully trust that it has been properly maintained. It makes me think someone didn't care.
I know this is a new boat, but obviously someone put a lot of thought into how cables were to be run, and that's fantastic.
Very good review as usual, Rico, what about that new AC system you talk about in the engine room part, is it a concern for just this boat, or a new technology that could spread among boat builders for better efficiency ? Danke schön
Do you really need to open every cabinet????
One sort of safety thing I didn't like was that convertible front layout cushion behind the windscreen. You could easily flop out of the bed starboard side and get seriously hurt/thrown overboard. There is no railing to keep you from flopping out. I sometimes have a habit of "drunk sleepwalking" as my friends call it. Very dangerous spot for me to pass out, cause I'd just roll over to starboard like my bed at home, hell I might not even be drunk and just make that mistake out of habit in a groggy/half awake state when its dark.
Only thing missing in this video, for the Port and Starboard aft twin cabins, no TV?
Hey guys, love your channel. Was there a water maker in this videov
What is up with these shower “sizes”? 1.5 person? How is that going to work?
Otherwise, great tour, but we don’t expect anything less from the masters of yacht tours!
Beautiful boat and tour giudes! Thanks!
I love the bow layout and getting up into the top with such ease. The living room area where they put the TV, that's perfect for a movie night with the kids. You can look an see a huge amount of thought and planning went into designing and building this beautiful boat. Unlike the thought of Bud light beer for their idea of having one person make decisions, this boat company worked together and you can see what happens when you do work as a team. Great video you two. If I was ready to buy a boat, this is the perfect one for the follow boat that travels behind the Bering Yacht that I would be on. Love you both, stay healthy to everyone and eat real food because food is our fuel for our bodies to work and so we can get more energy from it. Share Love and Kindness and use common sense daily.
В спецификации по расходу топлива ошибка, в строке на 1600 оборотов в минуту расход 17 галонов в час написано запас хода 570 – это мало!)
This boat has some nice features but it still ain't up to Aquila.
Great video as always. I learn something new every time… up until this video, I thought that Sugar Scoops was a children's breakfast cereal.
Thank you for including the table from sea trials at the end. Always good to get data on how the engines are doing.