PAVILIZA CROATIA CUM SĂ ANDOCARE: Acostare în Marea Mediterană cu Ancoră

PAVILIZA CROATIA CUM SĂ ANDOCARE: Acostare în Marea Mediterană cu Ancoră

SHARPEN UP EPISODUL 10 CUM SĂ ANDOCAREA: AMARAREA MEDITERRANEANĂ CU ANCORA În acest videoclip, experimentați adevărata afacere cu filmări brute ale antrenamentelor de acostare în Marea Mediterană. Îți place ce vezi? Rămâneți la curent cu următorul episod în care Nick va oferi o detaliere a acțiunii, oferind informații valoroase și îndrumări de specialitate. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru această experiență autentică de navigație pe Flotila noastră Sharpen Up, care va avea loc în octombrie 2023 și obțineți o înțelegere mai profundă a tehnicilor de acostare mediteraneeană și multe altele. =========================== Doriți să navigați în Croația? Iată patru modalități prin care vă putem ajuta să faceți acest lucru: ⛵️ ⛵️ Tururi Premium ➡︎ ➡︎ ⛵️ ⛵️ Săptămânile de navigație pe flotilă ➡︎ ➡︎ ➡︎ ⛵️ ⛵️ ︎ ⛵️ ⛵️ Cumpărați un iaht ➡︎ ➡︎ ====================================================================================================== Cumparati un iaht ➡︎ ➡︎ 🛟 Serviciu Premium Charter 🛟 Ghid de charter de iahturi 🛟 Lista de verificare pentru charter de iahturi 🛟 Bareboat Assist 🛟 Serviciu de planificare itinerariu de Epidemic Sounds. Începeți versiunea de încercare gratuită aici ➡︎ ➡︎ =========================== Conectează-te cu Nick & 45D pe Social Media: ============================link-in https://=========. 03b60934/ ➡︎ ➡︎ ➡︎ ================================= Coffee 45D Swag:


14 thoughts on “PAVILIZA CROATIA CUM SĂ ANDOCARE: Acostare în Marea Mediterană cu Ancoră

  1. Thank you for this video, Nick.. You make it look simple! With some pre-planning with the lines, anchor already dangling in the water, and a remote windlass control in the cockpit, one could do that single-handed.. Just fantastic..

  2. There is no rush. This is a simple thing that can be so easy to forget. Well instructed and demonstrated Nick!

  3. would you say start setting the hook when you are 1 boat length off the boat on the dock (if there is no boat then two) – then you have 3 in total from the dock. Same idea with scope, but you dont want to do to early and run out. Good work with the wind – hard to tell which way you were being blown.

  4. Infinite patience and “No Rush”

    We did this on the “Sharpen Up Flotilla” last week. Nick gave a clear briefing and answered all questions before we set off for Drvenik and he was then was on hand on the dock if needed. Being solo the “No Rush” approach is key and I managed to successfully dock first time with no assistance. Well that’s if you ignore the two times I dropped my anchor too early and despite having 100m of chain I ran out! 😂.

    The “Sharpen Up Flotillas” are a fantastic way to learn these skill and to increase you confidence.

    Key watching the channel as I am sure Nick will be posting videos from last week 👍

  5. Why the second test of the anchor holding once you were up against the dock? As I understand it you tested it once whilst you were further out; so with the second test, so close to the dock, if it did fail you have no room to recover (I guess you'd be relying on fenders)?

  6. Is it always best to have the stern lines go straight back i.e. would you ever have a case where you crossed them over like a short spring line – so that if you have a strong cross wind there's less lateral movement? Or is the assumption that the lines are so short there's no major play in the first place?

  7. What about releasing the pressure on windlass? Should we put a rope around the chain and let it take the load or is it not necessary in that kind of setup?

  8. There is a high chance of chain crossing if there are a lot of boats in the marina moored this way right? Any chance we can see a chain untangling technique? 🙂

  9. We back up into the marina here as well and dock with stern to the dock. To make it easier for the person at the wheel and engine controls I recommend you stand in front of the wheel and face backward (ie: the direction your going) if your boat layout allows and then steering is just like in your car , turn left go left – turn right go right, and engine controls are also now simple and logical where push gear control away from you and boat goes that way (in reverse) and then to slow down or stop pull gear lever toward you (into forward). This simple change to stand in front of wheel and face aft made backing up in a tight marina even with a strong wind so much easier for me. Cheers from Canada!

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