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Acest lucru îl RUINE pentru noi (Sailing in England) #63

12 thoughts on “Acest lucru îl RUINE pentru noi (Sailing in England) #63”
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Vad är chansen att tappa två ? , styrke kramar till er . Å gunnnar prova choklad tricket när kaptenens mod tryter

It would have been worth a wander around to Royal William yard, walking from the Barbican, around towards The Hoe on the waterfront – Lovely views across seeing both Devon and Cornish Hills sticking out into the Plymouth Sound. . But yes, the best bits of Plymouth are the bits around it! Your draught may be too deep, but going up the Tamar River to Cothele Quay and Cothele house is worth it on a sunny day, perhaps taking the tender up to Calstock too! Cellar bay has a nice anchorage for a stop, and its worth going up to Salcombe (although very expensive/busy). Many boats also anchor off Kingsand/Cawsand in the Plymouth Sound and flock to the villages for fish and chips, you can walk to Mt Edgecumbe from there (there are some lovely walks around there). Anyway, it's real shame you're having bad luck with the boat. I just joined the Patreon to help you out a little and follow you along your journey. Sending you my luck from Chichester and i hope England treats you well for the rest of your journey!
A bit of cabin fever, I think. Stay strong. Keep going and keep sharing.
I am Swedish sailor both proffesional and for pleasure, and I'm sorry for your problems in UK, but it doesn't surprise me, England is a developing country not much is working there.
pro tip – get yourself a jiggle syphon for refueling – no mess no lifting cans of fuel, can use it at sea with no mess
Skönt att det ordnade sig för er till slut. Lång väntan i bara regn som bara kostar en massa är inte kul.
If you stated why you lost your propeller, I missed it. Was it an installation error or a defective prop, or what?
Wow! Vilket äventyr ni är ute på. Keep up the good work

Great episode guys thank you for sharing . Greetings from beautiful tropical island Kauai . Fear winds
Don't worry Tilda. You are swedish people, so everything goes well. You just remember that everything is better in Sweden, everything goes well, it is genetic thing. We met in Sweden (in Sunne) man who was most hated man in Sweden. Everyone just loves him, because he was so difficult and hated person. You are lovely guys, nothing bad happens to you.
I guess if you put to sea and your propellor falls off, only a few days after a haul out, you should know who to point your finger at for all the misery and frustration – and it ain't Fowey! Normally, those cranes are booked solidly – you should be very grateful they made space for you – I guess the local sailors know what they're doing.
Well done for getting through that tough situation! I hope the weather brightens up for you and that you have the opportunity to make happy memories in England – Best wishes from Cambridge