Navigați în Scoția Ep 60

Navigați în Scoția Ep 60

Scoția ne-a arătat cât de frumos poate fi când vremea este potrivită! De data aceasta am avut noroc să trecem prin Highlands Scoția și Canalul Caledonian. Și chiar dacă a fost puțin frig, am supraviețuit și unei înot în Loch Ness! S-ar putea să nu avem cea mai bună calitate a filmului, dar este autentic. Asigurați-vă că vă abonați pentru a veni – Urmărește-ne în timp real pe instagram: Aflați mai multe despre noi: Ne puteți urmări și pe: facebook: Jeanette & Fredrik s/y Bushpoint


11 thoughts on “Navigați în Scoția Ep 60

  1. Watching fredrick swim was like watching my father swim in lake superior, finns and swedes sound alike when swimming in cold water.

  2. Perfect timing as we will go through the Caledonian Canal soon. Lots of good info here. Thanks 🙂 Ps, undecided on the swimming.

  3. Beautiful scenery, you struck gold with the weather, coming from Scotland I can guarantee the weather is not always so lovely.

  4. Thank you Guys, I do enjoy your movies. FYI: A Gongoozler is a person who enjoys watching activity on the canals of the United Kingdom. The term is also used more generally to describe those who harbour an interest in canals and canal life, but do not actively participate………Ray in Dublin

  5. The story about the Loch keeper meeting his wife some 30 odd years ago was priceless, falling in love with the Loch keeper’s daughter later to become a Loch keeper himself. And you all swimming in that water is crazy. For Brazilians that’s unthinkable and for Californians, we stay out of the water once water temp dips below 60°F.

  6. Two Freds!?! Double trouble or double the pleasure? Great show, I really look forward to starting Friday off with a dose of Bushpoint

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