Cercuri de navigație în jurul Sf. Martin. E80

Cercuri de navigație în jurul Sf. Martin.  E80

În acest episod, petrecem ceva timp navigând în jurul insulei St. Martin. Cunoscut și ca Sint Maartin (pe partea olandeză). Ne-am bucurat de plaje frumoase, de multă mâncare uimitoare și de o zi de lux la Loterie Farm, o stațiune de zi cu piscină, cabane, băuturi delicioase și servere foarte frumoase. (Da, eu, Adrienne, tocmai am spus asta cu voce tare.) Și Jeff? Ei bine, el face… ceva… cu un porc de ipsos… O las așa. Bucurați-vă!!!


8 thoughts on “Cercuri de navigație în jurul Sf. Martin. E80

  1. What a nightmare, you have a sail boat and you can go anywhere, why go to crowded places… must be lonely

  2. Thx for bringing back some great memories (used to go to SXM for many years prior to Irma). It's very sad that the island still hasn't really recovered. Marigot harbor used to be full and bustling most nights. I hope you were able to get up to Anguilla. It can be considered expensive to sail up there but it has some nice boat-accessible beaches (worth it IMO). Happy and safe sails! Thx for the videos!

  3. We vacationed in SXM for years around 2-3 times a year. So good to see some of our haunts and some new ones. Old age has stopped the travel but not the memories.

  4. I remember going on that teacup ride with you and two precious little munchkins! Thank goodness you weren’t sick that time, 😳😬😩 but if I remember properly we didn’t spin the cup too much in order to help you out! 🤢🥴😩😉😘

    Loved the rum comment. “Learning how to be good sailors.” I think it’s a good thing to try and master one’s craft! I guess as in most things in life… practice, practice, practice! It’s a tough job… so have fun practicing! Cheers! 🍹🥃🙃

    I love that you are doing Babble and discovering new languages! (Hashtag Babble in your description box and maybe work out a sponsorship in upcoming videos… especially since you are already using and enjoying their product!!!) But I think basic attempts at French should suffice if ever there is a real need. “La toilette, sil vous plait?” Use a questioning inflection in your voice and they will know “restroom, please?”! If you add in a potty dance they may understand any sense of potential urgency! 😉😂🤣

    Do you have to show passports like any other customs when checking in and out? I never really thought about the legalities in all the entering and exiting of countries when sailing about the world and entering in through a marina. It makes perfect sense but just never occurred to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  5. Takes me back 20 years when I lived there and did boat work. LMAO when you mentioned being too good looking for jail.
    Watching from New Zealand👍

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