După toate încercările și călătoriile din sezoanele dinainte, ne-am gândit că ar fi frumos să ne întoarcem la o veche și simplă navigație. În acest episod vă arătăm cel mai bun mod de a naviga prin Grecia (de la est la vest) și, de asemenea, împărtășim informații și sfaturi despre unele upgrade-uri utile pentru navigație, inclusiv noile noastre CĂști HOLLYLAND C1! PENTRU CĂTILE HOLLYLAND C1 UTILIZAȚI LEGĂTURILE DE MAI JOS…. SUA: https://amzn.to/3MWvExE CA: https://amzn.to/3oH5pRt Marea Britanie: https://amzn.to/41Qo0cm De asemenea, vă arătăm noul nostru Highfield Rib și outboard Yamaha! Ross vă arată cum să-l montați pe un cadru și începem, de asemenea, prima etapă a saltului nostru uriaș prin Grecia, începând cu Marea Egee îndreptându-se spre Ionic. O luăm pe traseul greu deoarece canalul Corint era închis! Scopul nostru este să vă arătăm cum am făcut-o… dar, cel mai important, cum am făcut-o ÎN SIGUR. Sperăm să vă bucurați de acest episod fericit de navigație, de prima experiență a lui Ronnie departe de uscat, de un paddle boarding epic și de incredibila insulă Koufounisia. Link-urile noastre: https://linktr.ee/sailinghollyblue Site-ul nostru – https://sailinghollyblue.com Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/join/sailinghollyblue Muzica: TheFatRat & Anjulie – Close To The Sun – https: //youtu.be/oJuGlqO85YI Lauras Song – https://sailinghollyblue.com/say-thanks Toate celelalte muzică – https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/xuglpc/ #sailing #boatlife #boating

34 thoughts on “Calea ULTIMĂ de a TRAVERSĂ GRECIA! • S4:Ep1”
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To Purchase your own Hollyland Solidcom C1 Full Duplex Headsets check out these links: UK: https://amzn.to/41Qo0cm US: https://amzn.to/3MWvExE
CA: https://amzn.to/3oH5pRt
Nice video. Love the editing, excellent!
Great video Laura & Ross. A real step change in cinematography and editing. I look forward to seeing the next chapter!
On a boat I wouldn't use swimsuits and other clothes.
So happy to follow you for a new season. We just got back from a week long bareboat Leopard 45 charter around Corfu and Paxos. You guys were a big influence on us choosing our first European sail to be go to Greece.
Great video
Beautiful beautiful video this week. Where did you acquire? Sweet Ronny? He’s adorable. And he has a lovely motor of his own.
. What a beautiful beautiful area. I think you guys are the only cruisers that I watch that I’ve been to the Greek Islands. Thank you so much for your fabulous vlog and wonderful editing! Sending love from California

Great video! Beautiful scenery, incredible photography including Laura. Great fun watching your adventures.
Why was Corinth Canal closed?
What a beautiful cat

Hi guys, welcome back. What's wrong about sailing south of Amorgos? Just wait till you do the Myconos – Ikaria passage…lol
Vídeo muito legal.

Good job. Thanks for letting us watch over your shoulder!
i m sailing around the Greek islands for 15 years and i still say i havent seen everything….so never say you ve seen it all,always another place to discover and probably better that the previous one….there is no way of sailing Greece….just sail and enjoy
Love following your groovy family through your sailing adventures in the Greek islands. Beautiful stories, cool photography and well thought out editing. Poor kitty, groovy dolphins. Hot mom, far out kids and a Captain that I am sure was an English pirate during the 18th Century. He's just that cool. Stay safe and stay groovy.
Woo Hoo Season 4 !! Hi guys awesome video n upgrades!!! Glad yer back up and running again! I love to watch the scenery of the islands there! And OMG!!! Ya got a cat aboard!! Lord! Anyway they is a cat on Laurens boat in the Bahamas and she dont buy cat litter she uses sand n baking soda in the litter box saves some coins that way!! Anyway them boys are growing like weeds!! lol Anyway say hey to all and fair winds n seas!! Take care!!
Just a fabulous start to a new season.

Captain, First Mate and crew look refreshed, alive and eager. First rate guys
See you next time.

Bravo guys, I saw you at Cleopatra, looking good! Keep on traveling and sailing us
Love the new dinghy and engine, Hollys. Very envious! Enjoy the Ionian. I sure you will.
Have you had any issues with Killer Whales? I heard a number of Killer Whales have been attacking sailboats.
It's so great to see you guys back again. I hope you all have a fantastic year of sailing and adventures. T
Great to see you all back at sea. The quality of editing and the video is greatly improved. Great job Ross. See you all soon in ep 2.
i came across a couple of your presentations during the lockdown
i did not subscribe for some stupid reason
however i have just made ammends on that
cheers folks
greece is beautiful
The water is so clear it looks like the dolphins are flying above it
Nice 1…

We just crossed the southern Aegean from Marmaris, Turkey to Lefkada, Greece, going around the Peloponnese. The Meltemi was 20 to 35 knots day and night, giving us some great sailing. Beating into it as we had a fishing net wrapped in our prop. 35 to 45 knots from Pilos to Zakinthos from the SE, we averaged 8.6 knots

So happy to follow you during your 4th season. Really amazing and niiiice rib. You will enjoy it for sure. And Ronnie is so cuuuute
Awesome episode. Learn so much from you guys. Keep safe out there.
Bare boat chartered a while back out of Paros, visiting Folagandros, Ios, Santorini, and Antiparos. All great but the favorite was the bay on the south side of Antiparos with Captain Peppino’s taverna on the beach.
Hey guys