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Viața de zi cu zi la bordul unei bărci cu canale (croazieră în Marea Britanie)
30 thoughts on “Viața de zi cu zi la bordul unei bărci cu canale (croazieră în Marea Britanie)”
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Possibly the most awesome type of #BoatLife Relaxing, scenic beauty, cute animals and just the right amount of drama and excitement. Get a 1 year supply of Vitamin D + 5 individual travel packs FREE with your first purchase, go to https://athleticgreens.com/gonewiththewynns
Catchy music. Who sings it.
Idiots looking for commodification
Have you guys ever thought about doing something with Kara and Nate. Both you couples seem like it we get along great.
Thank you great video
That old lady keeps so thin,good for you.
Love this series. The scenery is fantastic but not sure I could stand the stress of the tightness of the canal. Cheers. Enjoy.
This just made my bucket list! Thanks for bringing this voyage to us👍. I don’t think you have to worry about getting in your workouts. Going through the locks looks like a full body workout!😅
That is a beautiful canal and obviously with the aqueduct quite popular. One for the future I hope.
I really like you guys! Glad to have found you, I’ll be back!
We are loving this series! They are sooo long and narrow and it's amazing how well you are navigating those canals and locks! 😊
You should meet up with Cruising The Cut
He actually told me about you two!!!
Locks are so neat. Gracias
"little babies" as they go by ducklings last week it was "little babies" when they spotted lambs, its easy to spot a townie
You would think they’d have to blow a horn on a blind curve at a bridge.
Absolutely magical! Thank you for sharing this!!
Yay! The tour was so much fun! So excited for you both!❤ ❤❤❤❤
I've been to England I'd never heard of the canals….wonderful to see.
Creating water sheer forces as you pass
Do you have a bow thruster on the narrow boat?
that does look fun. better for me, less risk than on the ocean.
how fun! I need one of Jason's hats! they aren't in the shop
Can I ask, when you pull up to rest or for a meal or overnight is there a limit on how long you’re allowed to stay? And, do you need a license to drive a boat on the UK canals (I’m in Australia) is it expensive to do what you’re doing, Oh, also, thanks for explaining in such a great way, much appreciated, from Peter in Sydney Australia
I realy enjoyed your vlog, it brought back some lovely memories. My wife, my cousen and her husband and myself did the Llangollen from Trevor to Grindley Brook and back a year ago last September. What a wonderful week that was.
You are blessed as its not for ever we all must count our blessings to know we dont live on the street having to eat crap or nothing and no roof over our head. I been eating healthy for years and years its not a fashion for me its life my life. Great video lovely boat enjoy your nature and wildlife i hope you stay on the boat for ever.
That was so cool! Thanks so much for posting this you guys!! Quick question… Would 1-2 guitar players, singing and playing original songs, plus a huge catalog of country/rock/folk, in the evening outside go over ok?? Thanks again! –gary
hi you two you have a horn use it before you go under the bridges or tunnels
I had a dresm about boat and a narrow body of water.
Canals were built in the 1700s not 1800s, good video