Episodul 001: Sezonul 1 – Un podcast de navigație Marinarul James se așează pentru o vizită cu Anette și Anders de la SV Horizon în timp ce se află în Pago Pago, Samoa Americană. Linkuri SV Horizon: Site: https://horizon.rhodin.co/home-blog Tracker: https://www.noforeignland.com/boat/6524919175184384/journey Despre podcast: YARNS: CONVERSATIONS WITH CRUISERS cu Sailor James Bun venit la Fire: Conversații cu Cruisers. Cu acest podcast voi aduna povești despre marinari de croazieră pe care îi întâlnesc în întreaga lume. Când am fost în Polinezia Franceză, am întâlnit un marinar ale cărui povești erau bogate și fascinante. M-am trezit a doua zi regretând că nu am înregistrat conversația noastră, în timp ce îl priveam ieșind din golf. Acela a fost momentul în care m-am gândit că ar trebui să documentez poveștile colegilor mei marinari pentru a le împărtăși pe canalul meu YouTube, precum și sub forma unui podcast audio. Toate aceste podcasturi sunt înregistrate ca un videoclip cu doar o mică editare făcută în postare. Pornim camera și apoi începem conversația. Majoritatea marinarilor pe care îi intervievez s-ar descrie ca „doar oameni obișnuiți” și, din când în când, voi intervieva mai mulți marinari cunoscuți pe care se întâmplă să îi cunosc sau pe care îi cunosc, dar în cea mai mare parte îmi doresc ca această serie să se concentreze pe marinarii ale căror povești nu ar fi spus niciodată unui public mai larg. Firele vor fi lansate o dată pe lună, cu sezoane formate din 6-7 interviuri. Am petrecut 7 luni colectând toate interviurile pentru acest prim sezon al podcastului. Poți găsi acolo de oriunde îți iei podcasturile sau vizitând: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yarns-conversations-with-cruisers-with-sailor-james/id1687739487 Spotify: https:// open.spotify.com/show/5clErQbNrPg5MoHvEFH2f1?si=07d76e764b8a46be. Audibil: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C54CNTNY?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp8a46be libsyn.com/472977 –- The Cântecul introductiv și outro a fost cântat de Sarah Satya cu versuri noi pentru melodia clasică scrisă de James Frederick. Sarah Satya Link-uri: Muzică: https://sarahsatya.bandcamp.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahsatyasings –––––––– ––– Dacă doriți să contribui la spectacol, o puteți face la oricare dintre următoarele link-uri: Paypal: https://paypal.me/jamesthesailorman Venmo: https://venmo.com/u Aplicația /sailorjames Cash: https://cash.app/$triteia
YARNS: Conversations With Cruisers Podcast – Sailor James îi intervievează pe Anette și Anders de la SV Horizon
29 thoughts on “YARNS: Conversations With Cruisers Podcast – Sailor James îi intervievează pe Anette și Anders de la SV Horizon”
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That was so interesting. Thank you. Blessings
awesome talk. very engaging … and loved sarah's voice at the end
I listened to the podcast rather than watching the video. Great idea James, I really look forward to future episodes. This has great potential!
Looks like they have a nice boat. I like that they have a solid roof over the steering position
Such a great idea for your channel, nice work again
Hi James,
How are you? I love it. Hope you're coming over to the Mediterranean one day and explore it. It seems I'm travelling with you to such remote places and its fantastic. Thank you. Please, be safe.
What a great idea! Loved it.
Thanks that was great.⛵️
Outbound is my dream boat thry are so cool so one at boat show they are so well thought out for cruising
That was really nice. I didn't really notice the noise much at all. Wow 50mph winds for 3 hours, yeeee.That sounded like a horrible storm you were in too if it put your side in the water like that omg. They are just like you, they love to keep going ! This was a great First one IMO. Thank you~
This is priceless. Every time I watch one of your videos it adds a layer of knowledge for what I can expect once we push off. Sailing ain’t for sissies and sometimes you just want to ignore the chatter and just push off a little bit blindly and figure it out along the way. Thanks for making me pause to reflect on what I need to know before that happens.
I like the idea of this series. For my part, I'm mostly interested in their boat and their sailing journey. These guys talking about tracking storms on the radar was interesting. Stopping by Pitcairn was also very interesting.
This is great, it’s wonderful being a fly on the wall for this conversation. The Pitcain discussion perked my ears up as I read all three of Nordhoff’s Mutiny books because of your comments. Also cool seeing the background move as the boat lulls back and forth. Dig it.
Fantastic idea- great yarn, can’t wait for more
Hi James! Love the conversations and meeting new people. Great new idea and I look forward to future Yarns. Kudos to you!
interesting stuff
Hi James, been watching since being introduced by Wind Hippie. I love your conversation with A & A. It's good to hear how others are getting along. Good work. Someday I hope we cross paths. Thanks.
Well done mate, Really enjoyed the new video and look forward to your next as always🙂
Love this idea man!! Really enjoyed the conversation. Keep up the great work!!
Love it dude
Excellent 1st… really looking forward to more.
Go James. So much to learn from other sailors, That couple were really great cruisers as per their destinations. Awesome
50 knots wind fore 3 h IS STORMWIND LOLOL Over 55 is FULLSTORM…..LOLOL and thy are trying to hold down what? LOLOL……..
That was excellent, really enjoyed hearing where they had been, where they plan to go, and the stories. Really lovely people. Looking forward to watching more of these Yarns.
I love you and your channel, James! YOU are very interesting! What does YARNS stand for?
James, I really love this Yarns series. It is so facinating hearing you guys talk about your experiences and stories