80 de idioți în bărci surprinși de camere!

80 de idioți în bărci surprinși de camere!

► Abonați-vă: https://goo.gl/vHN6qB ► FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/interesting.facts.yt.official 80 de idioți în bărci surprinși de camere! Epavele apar din cauza defecțiunilor mecanice, a furtunilor puternice, a erorii umane sau doar a prostiei cuiva. În acest videoclip vă vom arăta 80 de idioți în bărci surprinși de camerele de filmat și îi veți vedea pe mulți dintre ei prin ochii marinarilor. Cu viteză maximă înainte, să mergem! Pentru probleme legate de drepturile de autor, vă rugăm să ne contactați la: miniminter1992.29@gmail.com


50 thoughts on “80 de idioți în bărci surprinși de camere!

  1. The logs were there to be put into the water, of course the barges could handle the logs, it's what they are designed to do. Geese, just a tiny bit of research buddy, just a teeny tiny bit.

  2. at 1:48, the boat that got struck amidships was the stand on vessel (both are sailing ships). From the perspective of the camera operator, their boat should have turned to avoid the collision (turned to starboard) that it would pass behind the other vessel.

  3. Как да был молодой Салага! На катере зашёл в зад
    Танкера он шел уз10 ощущение ну ие на Хер больше так не когда не делал!!!!

  4. The boat running over the docks with the blue hull was barely 35ft in length, NOT 620ft as reported. Sorry, but not even close.

  5. Thumbs down for the stupid narration. I suspected as much from the introduction and the first incident confirmed it. He's commenting (pointlessly) on boats, and doesn't even know what a "yacht" is.

    Thumbs down and, "Don't recommend channel."

  6. Wear a life jacket. You never know when you will be capsized from your boat in open waters. You might be a good swimmer, but if you're alone or all in trouble then you'll wish you had one.

  7. The commentary on this video is one of the worst i have ever seen. Punctured his boat with a rod? It was a spear.
    Boat crashed because of the wind? It was a calm day, waves caused the crash.
    I could go on.. hopeless,
    I'm just wondering, have you ever seen a boat in person??

  8. At 0:48 if you did your homework the damn barges are suppose to tip you idiot to dump the logs !! Oh and at 0:18 that is not a 620 foot boat !!! but close though

  9. The yacht at 3:56 named IDOL if you did your homework you would know the Captain was not in control as it was being towed by 2 tugs after it was built and normally it would have fit as it was built to fit but that day there was a higher tide then normal

  10. This video showcasing the antics of individuals on boats is both hilarious and concerning. While it's entertaining to watch, it's crucial to remember the importance of boating safety and responsible behavior on the water.

  11. The bow being cut off is a Boston Whaler, they did it to show how they're practically unsinkable with the floatation foam you can see in the hull.

  12. "A 620 foot yacht". Shows a 50 footer.
    The biggest idiots are the ones that haven't figured out how to turn their phones sideways when shooting video.
    Whoever edited this video needs a few lessons. It's horrible, clips are cut off too soon and the transitions make you nauseous they're so swoopy.

  13. некоторые ситуации смешные, так как люди очень изобретательны 😂
    но, к сожалению, есть и такие случаи как на 12:14 когда гибнут люди

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