Abonați-vă la CANALUL YACHT BUILDERS YOUTUBE: Abonați-vă la CANALUL YACHTS FOR CHARTER YOUTUBE: Pentru a vă înscrie pentru Yacht-ul Buletin informativ de vânzare: Când cercetam acest vlog, am fost surprins de cât de puțini constructori de iahturi sunt specializați în iahturi Explorer care au o lungime de peste 24 m, dar sub 500 GT în volum. Iată patru exemple, dar care crezi că este cel mai bun dintre cei mai buni?



  1. Very Interesting video though I always consider it to be the under 24m Load Line Length category followed by the under 200GT category and then the sub 500GT category.

  2. Nordhavn specializes in smaller vessels to be sure. The 120 was an anomaly. Just one was built and no others have or will follow for what ever reasons. Nordhavn focuses on what they do really well 40 to 100 ft vessels that really work. Many other explorer vessels never really go to the extreme places that Nordhavn go to. Just like wannabes who buy suv cars thar never see dirt or mud let alone go off reading. A Nordhavn 57 made out off composite materials made the north west passage. How many others of any material have done that? The Nordhavn won't get a beauty contest award by any stretch of the imagination they are built as capt steve a tank..with a luxury feel. Nordhavn owners go around the world in 40 to 60 ft vessels how many shutter at the thought of doing that in a 40 to 60 meter vessel?. They just cruise the med or the Caribbean. Do they actually cross in thier yacht? No many would prefer shipping thier eye candy on a real boat . Nothing personal david just my 2 cents worth. I love your work

  3. Would love your opinion on the Numarine brand! Definitely one of my favorite looking yachts and a huge fan of their styles. Haven't seen much info about how people like them though. Thanks 😊

  4. Hi David, it would be beneficial for tall people like me if you could mention the headroom for all future yacht vlogs. Thanks and keep up the great work!

  5. Sea state also is a huge factor on range, so it's always a an estimate. Always to be taken with a pinch of salt, which I guess is a given in the middle of the ocean!

  6. I think the Benetti B.Yond 37m should have qualified for this list. Under 500GT build of steel, and a 5000 nm range. Others to mention might have been Lynx new 32m project and Jet Tern Selene 128 (Nordhavn's main competitor).

  7. As far as I’m concerned David it is just a matter of time before I hire you to broker (and film) my Bering build. And it seems that quite a few of your YouTube colleagues will be bought in to consult on the project

  8. The range is calculated by engine efficiency over distance, so it isn't arbitrary. As for storage, the Nordhaven 120 has a tank deck for quite a bit of storage. In fact, Aquaholic did a rather thorough exploration of the 120 a year or two ago.

  9. I know it's only 362GT but I like the Numarine 37XP especially for the money ,but my dream for exploring the world I think I would need to have a customized yacht built for all the toys I'd want to take. Any ideas where to go for that David, another great upload sir thank you 🤗👌🖖

  10. I know there only so much time and so many yachts, but im surprised you left Benetti's BYond off this list. Or am i wrong, and despite its steel hull and aluminium superstructure, it not truly a go anywhere like the yachts you presented?

  11. Nice but here is the list of true cheapest top one under 500 gt.1. EXPLORER CLASSIC

    Antonini Navi €20,460,000 46.6 m 2024, / 2. BRAY OCEAN ROVER 132

    All Ocean Yachts €14,900,000 40.23 m 2024 / 3. OVERING 120

    Inace $14,950,000 36.58 m 2024 / 4. PROJECT FOX

    Pendennis €15,500,000 34.86 m 2024 / 5. ALL OCEAN YACHTS 103 STEEL OR FIBERGLASS

    All Ocean Yachts $9,350,000 31.4 m 2024 The Market is full of upcomming new explorer for a dumpimg price. please make story above all of them!

  12. You failed to mention the Hybrid system on the Bering 145. This doubles the range of this boat. For the money I’m ordering a Bering soon.

  13. So the one explorer yacht holds 26000 thousand gallons of fuel for almost 5000 miles that’s around 125 to 135 thousand dollars to fill up tank along with crew pay and other types of fuel for toys and other expenses like insurance etc docking etc this type of luxury isn’t cheap at all

  14. I would bet that if these boats had diesel-electric hybrid propulsion systems, their range would increase drastically.

    That is of course, assuming they don't already.

  15. Great vid… I was just thinking over the last few days (dreaming) would I choose CDM or Bering… lol. I wonder what you think of Van Der Valk… seems they don't really have models on their website but I would think they could produce a yacht in this class upon request.

  16. I will go with your ' title, which is best'
    How the he'll would you know ?
    Half of your presentations are of you never being on board
    Chancer is a word that springs to mind
    But the Americans love the accent

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