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Cu capul ei | Pasul 350

25 thoughts on “Cu capul ei | Pasul 350”
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Darling the long-winded history of the head is boring and goes nowhere. A short clip of the old head would have sufficed.

I'm sorry, you must feel sad about all this. I commend your strength of spirit in starting the interior again. Knowing you two Uma will be Super Uma when you've finished. Antarctica on your bucket list?
Hehe! While you're at it American Magic might have a pair of hydrofoils for sale.. ..

THIS IS HILARIOUS !!….I sailed my boat with all the "BUGS"….in retrospect we were "SO LUCKY"and blessed on account we didnt come to greif. The refit takes into account all "THE SHIT" you now have become aware of…

A double wall should fix a LOT of "i want to hide these hoses/cables/whatevers" problems, make it as a door, and you have a perfectly and orderly place to hide anything you want.
Would absolutely love

to know the brand name/style name of her pants. I’ve searched far and wide but can’t find them. Does anyone know?
is uma for sail??????? OMG I'm watching the video right now and on TV and sending this message simultaneously on my laptop I see you guys completely torn her down and are going to rebuild her I would love the opportunity to assist in building and buying UMA .
Thank you!
Gotta get rid of the tiles. There's something operating at the primitive brain-stem level that bothers me about tile on a floating object. Other than that, you guys are great.
18:16 narrowly avoided a copyright strike for playing "We Will Rock You" by Queen.
CAD – cardboard aided design
Suck the marrow out of life.
Love your style but I'm frightened you're putting down roots
Btw since you got to the Med, I never know where you are.. ..?Italy I think.
Smart move
Did you guys consider using a foot pump as a method of getting around the issue with the head sink? I know you could design a button or something less open near the shower floor while keeping only a tiny pipe feeding the water to the sink.
We are also currently living on our sailboat in Italy and would like to obtain a visa. How did you go about obtaining your visa? How long did it take? If we leave Italie every three months; how long do you have to be outside of the country (3 days? 1 week? 1 month? Other? Thank you!
too bad you don't have a video of how you installed everything to make taking it apart easier
If you are shifting to fresh water flush AND you recognise the plumbing issues with the sink – maybe combine both ideas. There are products on the market which is essentially a toilet with cistern flush and the top of the cistern is a sink that drains into the cistern to provide the toilet flush.
Hello Kika and Dan,
thank you very much for your inspirations.
Your videos (esp. "free mooring in New York") inspired me to buy a boat.
I don't want to worry you, but if you stay longer than 1/2 year in a country you automatically become liable to income tax. No visa will help against this.
Maybe we see us, the world is small.
Forget the green flush button. Install a shower sump with an automatic "bilge" pump instead. Much much better.
I have always loved your design and build projects. (I also like your sailing adventures). But I'm so excited to see more of these types of videos. Good luck!
Stealing and keeping cardboard from a dumpster huh. Sounds like a good way to turn Uma into a Cocka Roach Hotel!
One day you guys are going to walk in and hear "Yay Dan and Kika are back, Please Feed Us"!! Like in the 90s movie "Joe's Apartment". Maybe they will do a Musical number for you guys. If they do, Get it on video please!
I remember when you installed that bathroom and drop down sink. Y'all were so proud and happy with it!
It was hard to remove because you did such a good job putting it in.
Love your shows , Ive been watching for ages , your shows are not only entertaining but very informative , well done .
Great to see how this project gives you guys new "know-how", and the best ting really is that you dident just buy a new boat!