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PE O BARCĂ în California! Actualizare în timp real + planuri de viitor! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 124

47 thoughts on “PE O BARCĂ în California! Actualizare în timp real + planuri de viitor! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 124”
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Investing in your property is the best investment. Whatever you do to it you get to enjoy it first. And, if you need money later its your collateral. I've been in my home just shy of 50 years. The family has grown up on this Delta. Now that I've watched this video I'm going out tomorrow to Dawdling the Delta. That a quote from Hal Shell and his wife . Welcome to California.
Love the plans and look forward to the up coming videos!!
Cool episode, enjoyed the sail
Bring on the projects. Since watching you both leave Ca, seems like a lifetime ago, I have enjoyed your channel. I think
watching young people build a home, a few boats -lol!, and raise a family, is what I like best about this platform. Thank you!
Enjoyed watching your sail. Looks great.
Food forest is cool idea!
Wow and I am right here ur lucky there wasn't any May Gray. I like following your sailing decisions on types of boats. Trimaran are the way to go I had a 35 Piver Lodestar in Florida had to leave it in Cape Coral. It wouldn't have made it thru the canal. Growing your own food and being self sufficient makes you appreciate what you have and that's allot of acreage. I'm thinking about a 40' Rapido Trimaran out of Vietnam. 40 50 and 60 all foldable amas and trailer able. Good luck Captains
Do it. Sounds cool.
"if you build it, they, (WE), will watch" …….GO 4 IT ! ! ! ! ! !…. OnWard…..
I’ll watch you build your barn as long as there are sufficient bikini shots
Sometimes I think channels struggle retaining views when switching between topics so it might be better for your YT ranking if you spin off a second channel for the "farm stuff" and keep this one for sailing, then those of us who want to can subscribe to both and you'll probably get a bunch of new subscribers on the second channel who aren't interested in boat stuff
I grew up in San Diego. Great place. I learned to water ski on SD Bay. So many years ago that they built an island where I learned to waterski.
Renata is amazing!!! wow what a gem of a young lady you two are raising. Next time reach out to some of your subscribers.. We have sailboats, we know nice sailing afternoons, we would love to share with you too! Fair Winds!
Another great video, love your future plans. Just have fun and enjoy life
Two months ago is a “real time update”. Where are you now in the current month of June?
GO FOR IT !! Make the boat as big as you think you can…. and then a bit bigger. on the ocean every boat is small. Dont limit yourself
I quite like the way your future is evolving…
Thanks very much
We were sailboat owners for many years and enjoy your videos a lot. Now we are homesteaders in East Texas on 24 acres. We have a huge garden and a young orchard of about 20 fruit trees and 12 grape vines. We do a lot of canning, dehydrating and last year added a Harvest Right medium freeze dryer to our homestead. There is no better felling having the capability to create a robust food storage. We not only grow a lot of produce, but we take advantage of food that goes on sale. That's the great thing about a freeze dryer. If you ever any questions, please reach out to us, we enjoy talking food storage and lessons learned along the way.
Ditch the trailer home and build a small cabin. It will be a better investment over the long haul.
Build the boat house!
Between 4:06 – 4:10 is nothing but a black screen. Odd for your high quality level of videos. TA! For the current update on where you are at and what you are doing. Greatly appreciated and nice.
That was an awesome tie in to your sponsor. It fit very well with the story (or at least how you planned it). The extra bit later on though sounded a bit to commercially, which is fine considering that is how you got to sail. So long as we get to see a sailing episode. HOWEVER, I hate when YT channels with an international audience such as yours advertise companies that are only in the US or North America. Also a few in the Med. That just seems like a complete waste of time for a lot of their viewers to sit through. Having looked at the website in depth anyway, I am not impressed with their website at all. The main page is fine, but going anywhere else is a bit iffy on the Pale Moon browser. Often just get a blank white screen, which implies it is not coded very well. It does work better on other browsers. They even have at the bottom of the page for top locations a global link, which results in a 503 error. Pretty much implying they really are not that global. Clicking on the 'About' page says this "Thanks to our exclusive partnership with GEICO and BoatUS, we are the only insured peer-to-peer boat sharing marketplace in the U.S." Not sure what they do for the ones in the Med, does not say.
I still enjoyed the video though. AND to beat the rush before the next video on your grandiose plans … YES you are crazy
Should never paraphrase with a question asking such, because of course some will happily say yes just because. Do not give us such negative idea thoughts to think, let people come to that themselves lol. If you followed that. I am fine watching anything boat related, including watching construction for barn / shed to house it in, plus any boat work to be done. Am even up for house projects. Not so keen on watching a lot of gardening projects but meh will see how it goes. You need to do what you need to do, it is your life and your story.
Have followed you since sailing to Charlevoix the first time. Semi retired electrician and handyman business owner for 30 years would be happy to offer consulting on different things if it would help you achieve your life adventure goals a bit easier and make time more efficient. Living just 50 mins south in Williamsburg not far. I am a huge boat enthusiast with having quite a few power boats and sailboats of my own.
Count me in for the Barn raising project…

Ahhhhh, Glen Miller, music that is always "just right" for anyone at any time. Great video!
Thanks so much! Love you three!
Love the idea of documenting all of your land locked projects, mixes it up a little. Always love the content, selfishly wishing they were released closer together
Are you crazy? Out of your-minds?! Yes! Of course. That's why I watch. But, seriously: Your-minds are what make your-adventures so intriguing. Love this San Diego Sail Adventure! Renata is precious. Def. want to follow the boat barn build, the Homesteading Project, and yes, even the bathroom floor fail adventure. Your quality of filming/presentation, your endearing personalities and the genuineness makes following you a real joy.
DIY stuff is fun and I think you should make all of the videos you talked about. I think you should organize the different projects with reoccurring thumbnail logos/fonts/whatever to make it easier to know what project you’re about to watch.
Thank you for that amazing trip down memory lane for me. San Diego is where I learned to sail, and you took the same route I often took (including Coronado for lunch). Seems nothing has changed. Now I'm in Boston, pining to continue the dream. So great to follow your adventures!
Love it when content comes together… Sailing, Carpentry, barn building, home renovations…. bring it on!
Great; do all that other stuff, but don't forget the boatwork and sailing.
Lucky to film on like the only sunny couple days in San Diego the past 60 days. arrrrrgh.
Barn build will be interesting. Go for it! :¬) Webhead USA
Yes great lake sailing! I live in Michigan and would love to see your experience.
Sounds like some interesting plans. Love the little one reminds me of my grandkids.
Thanks for the update. Your daughter is adorable. I've been following you since the boat hunting in Milwaukee. I'm from Tomah, WI, been living in the New Orleans area for 43 years. I will be watching, looking forward to your upcoming adventures.
Holy cow! Is that your kid? Time flies! Seems no time at all since you were trundling downriver. Enjoy the warmth and the fun.
It’s great to see you have your priorities in order.
Yes please on the barn build!
Anything that both of you do will always be worth watching.
You should build a “Barndominium” for your house and your boat and document what you are doing along the way.
We say “ready about?” “Leo!” Old school! You are great fun and all your fixes are interesting so looking forward. Take care out there
Years ago our family lived in San Diego and we lived aboard a vagabond 47 that my 2 daughters loved. Great seeing a young couple duplicate that life style. My wife of 48 years absolutely loved being out on the water. All the best
Heat in your home is primary, for your daughter if no one else, lol
. Poll barn would certainly make sense. And vegetation.
Do and show it all!!! I’ll watch
Have you thought of building the barn big enough to include living quarters? A barndoimun