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Refit interior creativ pentru barca cu pânze
31 thoughts on “Refit interior creativ pentru barca cu pânze”
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Oh Maia (Maya? I'm not sure how to spell your name) I so identify with your last sentiments in this video. The thinking grind is really, really hard. I know I'm an internet stranger, but please know, I feel for you and have been in a similar fruitless "think loop" about what to do with my lopsided activities and priorities recently. It seems as soon as it seems resolved, it's unresolved again. I wish I had good advice, but all I really have is empathy. It's hard.
Who has not dreamed of building their own home? And, for it to be boat, a beautiful, functional, comfortable seaworthy boat to call home is just one step past perfection. I too miss your music, such an important part of your journey, but that will come soon enough. In the interim your creative efforts need to focus on all those details needed so that the craftsman can complete your home on a beautiful ship.
It’s hard to keep your focus on long term goals, because short-term gratification tends to get in the way, e.g. I’m enjoying your video production instead of practicing the cello. The D minor suite can wait a little longer.
I’m curious, why did u make two new tops instead of make one and use the template?
You need to but a very big bucket because you are going to need it to contain all the happy tears you are going to cry when you hoist the sails for the first time! You are both doing such an awesome job on the boat and videos. The quality of both is off the charts. Thank you!
Building resilience. It will all be worth it soon enough!
Thank you Maya for the nuance.
Rooting for you, Maya! I think it's very cool and very brave (and takes some trusting your audience) to share your emotions and nuanced feelings. SMC2 IS really starting to look good too, I must say 🙂 -Janni
Dear Maya, I wish you all the best in overcoming this difficult time. I have been in similar situations. It is just a saying, but deep inside is the truth: "If going gets tough only the tough get going." Dear Aladino, I like to see how perfect your work looks. Sometimes maybe a 90% solution might also work? I wish you both all the best! I cross my fingers that you come along with this difficult "Kap Hoorn" passage.
Great work, almost there!!!❤
I am a 76 year old subscriber who can appreciate the frustrations of having goals take years to achieve by hours of work and delays to accomplish them. The work you two are doing seems well worth it. Aladino and Maya are doing is resulting in a stronger, safer vessel with an interior design that best suits them. I think you will appreciate your finished product even more than a couple who goes out and buys a newer boat that costs much more, sails it and finds many of the design elements do not suit them. I am looking forward to seeing how you design the cockpit and helm area to make it a weather tolerant place to sit or stand and steer the boat. Best Wishes. I truly enjoy your videos even more since you two are sharing the workload more. Best wishes in your work toward the splash down date while you focus on the daily steps.
So, hopefully you can get the low down on the special rig set up Kirsten put on Mini Haha and put it on your boat. Then , one of you can sail her in the next GGR and give Kirsten some competition !
I had stepped away from your channel for a while, congratulations on getting married and your boat project looks great. Looking forward to seeing you back on the water.
Maya the love and passion for what is that work is so important for us and for your man.. never under mind yourself or the work you are achieving in this project … we all agree that is not your passion but helping caring and editing those nice video is a thing of yours and you will see soon or later that you will have to indefinitely go back to building sending and faring… because that is what mainly we love seeing … I must admit I love your violin music too .. and yes I am missing those so maybe getting some music in that shade with your violin maybe helping you or maybe every three week getting out of that shade with other boat or yard or sailors maybe a thing of yours …. Just find a balance in between your love for this project and the culture of your country ….
You'll make it and be so glad you stuck it out!
Hang in there girl. It will be over before you know it and you may even miss this time of rebuilding.
I have been enjoying your channel for a few months including going back and getting caught up on many of the earlier refit and cruising videos. We have a 20 y.o. Force 10 and are generally happy with it. I have one thing to caution you on. You may have already found this through research, and it very well may not be unique to Force 10. That is if you are baking and using the stove top while underway with the latches free so that it will gimbal with the heel of the boat, be very careful when opening the oven door. After you unlatch it, which will tend to swing the front up, and lower the door down, the weight of the door will cause the unit to swing downward – a lot. It is all manageable but can be very dangerous depending on what is on the stove top at the time and whether your ready for it. Completely unrelated, I loved the tape on the paint can to make a V for easier pouring. I used that trick a week later as we began painting the bottom of our sailboat. Keep up the awesome work!
'Oh Glorius Sanding' (noun phrase)
1) Multiple rounds of sanding and fairing and sanding and fairing and sanding and fairing . . .
2) Doing a lot of thinking (perhaps too much) on what *this means*, and how I should move forward (with respect to, e.g., boat projects, relationships, life in general, and thier interactions) while doing def 1).
Chiefly marine usage, especially in DIY sailboat refitting and building in backyards and other inexpensive marina facilities. First documented use in Dane-glish, c.2016
Maya you are doing an amazing job on the new boat . Your long term goal is the envy of all of your viewers/subscribers. Sanding and templates my seem small but little things add up . In sport they talk about players doing the 1%_ers and that wins games. You are winning Maya . Your music and your book are going to thrive on the fruits of your labour.
That 80’s Jazz, though. 😎😝
I like the bulkheads, that is a nice way to open the interior up and yet not sacrifice space.
I looked after a boat with a similar stove.
Good products.
Not cheap however also not an unrealistic price.
I chose electric for my personal boat because of my personal belief that flames don't belong on a boat. Plus my solar system is big enough to charge the batteries back up in 2 hours most days.
Its coming along now! great episode.
I totally get it Maya. That kind of grunt work really takes its toll on a person’s mind and body. And it is so good that you are aware of the pain you are currently putting yourself through. Make sure give yourself pampering and appreciation each week if not each day. It looks also like the weather might also be contributing to some Seasonal Depression as well. So take care of yourself. A long bath or a just a manicure with hand & forearm massage will make you feel new again. Put them on your To Do List before this pain turns into resentment towards your partner. Like you said, you are both different and you need to respond to your own feelings which will then give both of you a break. 😊
Great work Maya, remember your a team, focus on the future and be zenn 🙏🙏🙏
When Aladino said “it keeps us going and it’s big, heavy, and expensive, and not an engine.” I was wondering where you were going to put an espresso machine of that size 🤔
P.S. I paused the video to comment, only to find out it will be an espresso maker…with a few other functions as well
Maya, Thanks for sharing your heart, many of us, for a season have put our passions down, in pursuit for long-term goals. There is an old sailing axiom, "The middle makes the man (or woman)" The concept is that leaving on an ocean crossing, is a beginning, then once that joy wears off, you are surrounded by the middle, the endless horizons, the lack of a feeling of progress, the days becalmed, then suddenly, the end. Most of the crossing is "the Middle" The middle is the part that makes a sailor, that changes us, that forced us to dig deeper. Your writing and music will be richer as a result of your current "middle" experience.
It's so fun to watch you guys and Duracell do your builds. Can't wait for you guys to meet Duracell at a safe anchorage somewhere tropical in the future.
😈What do you mean things do not always fit the first time, are you telling us you measure twice, maybe three times??That is big news, we all believed your cuts were guided by the hand of
Athena herself or at least half a dozen Muses,. So lets be clear, it is all you mere humans, no help from above ???Whoa !!!
Did you read that people? So what are you waiting for? Hit that THUMB UP and SUBSCRIBE, now!😍
One of the things that I really enjoy about your channel is how articulate, thoughtful, reflective and honest you are. Thank you for sharing with us as you do.
Maya, you speak of putting other interests on hold. This is the crux of the human condition. Some of those passions we will return to, some we will not. Regardless, if not returned to immediately the memories and love of them are timeless. In your case the music will always prevail. It’s OK to wander from the things we love and it is quite true the absence makes the heart grow fonder. Embrace the things you love knowing there is only so much time, but also enjoy the moment. Life is short.