Actualizări MASSIVE OSRS privind abilitățile de navigare

Actualizări MASSIVE OSRS privind abilitățile de navigare

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47 thoughts on “Actualizări MASSIVE OSRS privind abilitățile de navigare

  1. I’m sorry but you can explain add do whatever ya want wtf is sailing it don’t even make sense lol. Imagine thinking this is better than summoning idk wag1 with your real life

  2. If we were to have this I would like pirating where you go for loot and it’s a hybrid sailing/thieving xp. Where you would have to catch up to and damage a ship until it can’t move. Then board it a fight the enemies on board and higher tiers have boss fights and loot the ship. The portion of fighting and looting is timed before the ship sinks and rewards you with gold and jewels or whatever kind of ship it is with a possible drop to upgrade your ship. At the end a bill xp drop of sailing and maybe 25% being thieving after you are successful. If you don’t get back to your ship on time you wash ashore with little or no xp and just like raids you get rewards but bad rewards. Rewards rolled based off amount of loot obtained before time limit, kinda like points in raids

  3. I’ll give it a chance but I’m pretty sure it is going to be bad. The track record proves that. Toa good for new raiders bad for longevity monkey room is too long, wilderness bosses have been botted so bad a d pick is only with 1 mil now, the ruinous prayers got wrecked in the beta, bounty hunter is being boosted already and causing controversy, forestry boosts were looked bad on which I agree with. So why would adding a new skill be any different? Idk why the community thinks this is a good idea

  4. Does this mean 3 combat skillers will be able to finally get 99 slayer by another means than digging up finds for half of their life? That's crazy

  5. If the sailing races are as complicated as Hallowed Sepulcre I'd definitely need a lot of practice, but then again the only reason I'm so ass at HS is that absolutely nothing in the game prepares you for HS's required flawless mastery of the tick-based tile movement.

    To use an example, WoW recently added dragonriding, which is like flying but actually complicated and momentum-based. I started terrible at it, because it was new, but the game had many tiers of races starting at elementary level and working your way up to "I still can't get gold at but I've worked my way up to silver." Easy to grasp, hard to master.

  6. I kind of like the idea of POH aquariums. RS3 made their take on it tied to a whole sidegrade system for fishing but it doesn't need to be that complicated. A handful of fishing or sailing related benefits and creating a cool aquarium I can dive in as a sort of sailing trophy room would be reason enough!

  7. I was on the fence for adding a new skill too, but honestly there's so much thought going into Sailing where Jagex is really convincing me that Sailing will succeed!

  8. So osrs is taking rs3 player owned ports and making it a skill 😂 I'd rather them steal summoning or rs3 new skill coming new combat style.. necromancy 🎉

  9. I can say jagex has certainly gotten my attention with this new skill i just hope they can deliver on expectations i know not everyone will be 100% happy but i see this skill bringing the comunity together

  10. Every aspect of this seems awful. Can't wait to vote no on it for the braindead casual majority to vote it through anyway

  11. My biggest worry was that lvling this was gonna be construction 2.0, very happy to see that wont be the case atleast

  12. This is a waste I'd rather have dungeonering back over sailing like seriously what's the point with tele tabs and spells and all the other ways to travel around why the he'll would we need a sailing skill

  13. to me, the most exciting part of sailing is the new pathing mechanics & combat.
    the idea that this whole new aspect of the game will be released, where ships are like a new kind of gear that have different mobility, combat & cargo hauls is really exciting and I really hope they keep on the idea of making it a group activity since so often they forget their designing an MMO

  14. “Luff” the sound a sail makes when facing directly into wind. Sails produce movement by having wind hit them at and angle and pushing the sail and boat in that angle. When your sail is lifting your facing directly towards the wind and the wind is going around the sail on both sides. Like a knife cutting through the wind as apposed to a net catching all the wind

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