Viața unui adolescent care navighează prin lume…

Viața unui adolescent care navighează prin lume...

16 ani navigând prin lume. săptămâna aceasta explorând Cabo. Multumesc pentru vizionare!! Urmărește pentru mai multe pe instagram vezi canalul de youtube al familiilor mele @sailingcatalpa Instagramul familiilor mele


23 thoughts on “Viața unui adolescent care navighează prin lume…

  1. Hi, what some awesome looking pizzas 👍 your videos are getting better all the time and you are getting more confident with talking into the camera, your a natural. Keep up the good work.

  2. I see you wearing your hair in braids a lot. Is it just a preference or is it purposeful for some reason? I’m curious if the salt water damages your hair, skin, or nails living on the sea?

  3. Hey Bella, do you folks use sunscreen? We know rates of skin cancer are through the roof, and people of European descent seems to be at highest risk…

  4. Hi, Bella, I've watched your family for years. Nice job on this video. I subscribed because I think you're great Highest Blessings

  5. Hello Bella! I left a like. You know, I think one of your other videos someone asked what chores you have to do and I think you answered it very well in that video. But, I was kind of wondering… What do you do for schooling? Online? Mom and Dad? You are very well spoken and I imagine you do some type of schooling. The best education you are getting is sailing around the world with your family. If something breaks, you troubleshoot it and fix it. Navigation, responsibility, so many things you learn. Thanks for the video! Best wishes.

  6. Well…no surf Bella,but your mums right….just getting there and back can be a fun family adventure!
    Great gymnastics,,,something that will keep you fit and healthy all your life!

  7. Another great vlog Bella! You manage to pack SO much into a short video. There's always something we get to learn of your boatlife, those tantalising snippets of places you visit (and the food!), plus your sheer boundless energy. You make the start of a new week that much easier for us all 😊

  8. Far out I can't believe how fit you are which begs the question, do you reckon that living on a yacht makes people fitter .. or is it just because of your age and training?

  9. Well done Bella, just saw your channel come up and so I’ve sat and watched them all, and now subscribed and liked everyone of your videos. 😊

  10. Next time send a scout with a bike to look @ the break. Save ya lots of board totting! Ha! Thanx for the share. <3 😉

  11. Gday Bella,
    A couple of questions, 1) Have you thought of what career you would like to pursue?
    2) Can you see yourself still sailing in 5-10 years from now? Do you think you will still be sailing with your family or in your own boat (if you want to keep sailing in the future)?
    All the best from the east coast of Oz.

  12. How your feelings about seeing a shark close to you ? I would freak out for sure …but I would love to swim with Manta's . Have a good one !

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