Righto, nu mai mergem! Toată munca este gata, Marie este acasă în Franța și ne crește copilul și îi livrez barca la 4000 de mile de la Sydney, Australia la Lombok, Indonezia și trebuie să fiu acolo până la mijlocul lunii septembrie pentru a zbura în Franța pentru a fi cu Marie pentru nasterea. Alăturați-vă mie (și diverselor echipaje) în această aventură uimitoare. Multumesc pentru vizionare. GME AUSTRALIA https://www.gme.net.au/au/ Alăturați-vă ECHIPULUI nostru
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Mad Dash nr.1 Sydney – Nelson Bay. Ep227

27 thoughts on “Mad Dash nr.1 Sydney – Nelson Bay. Ep227”
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These passages will give you so much feedback about "Trade Runner’s" behavior, speed sailing angles, etc…It for sure is quite different over a monohull ..
At what point do you drop the dagger boards. Safe travels
I don't know why I chuckled when you first pointed the light at your crew at the beginning of the video – they looked like deer in headlights. I guess it pretty much summarized the way it feels to be onboard and on passage for the first time. What a great way to get some new folks sailing! Cheers.
Vernn that's a great yacht mate – she smokes along – your Nav picture must be totally different from your previous mono a slow plugga in comparison-
Congratulations to you both the world needs more sailors, so happy for you
Great video. Can't wait to see all the videos of your journey north. Maybe Marie could do an update video from France to let us all know how she is travelling?
Sweet run. The crew are settling in nicely.
Good vidio, looks like you are a good cook
Epic Ep, so good to see you back out on the water, loved the action segment
Nice work Vernon
Nice views of first leg of journey looking forward to the Mad Dash
Now you have become a real teacher, how lucky are your new newbie crew. Have a safe trip, I am tempted to sail and also explore Indonesia next year. All because of your and Marie’s fine videos on the country. Keep up your wonderful life adventures. Wishing you both the best of luck and health for your family with the new crew on the way. SV Skoiern IV
Really good video glad you are back onto the water. Hope this crew works out they both seem like good guys. Lets hope there isn't any boat work that comes up like major. I'm following you on Vessel Search I find that pretty cool. Hope Marie is doing well. 4000 mile to Lombok by mid Sept in doable. Safe sailing looking forward until next week I hope you have not thrown any crew over board lol
Hey Vernon great to see you out and on your way, boat looking awesome, looking forward to the Mad Dash, safe travels.
Ps the table is a great asset to the boat.
Good video.
Averaging 8 knots from 14/15 knots on the nose is pretty impressive, you can see why people love cats just for that aspect alone. I don't know if a 45 foot cat would be my choice for a first time boat. Thats a lot of boat, especially a cat, with the initial cost of the boat, then all the associated costs seems a deep dive for a first time boat owner. If you've done a lot of sailing on biggish yachts it maybe alright, but even then not ever owning a boat seems like a huge leap to make. I wonder what the insurance costs would be for a first time boat owner of a large cat, I'd guess it would be fairly hefty
Very enjoyable vid. It's neat to see sailing up the east coast of Australia, I've often wondered what it would be like. Congratulations on the new crew, they seem really nice, and capable. I haven't been on a large sailing vessel either, it must be very exciting for them. Nice one.
cracker sail… That 360 camera takes remarkable footage…
Nice Vernon. Looks like everything is great to go. Not too bad conditions for the first leg apart from that annoying North Westerly. That’s sailing for you! Love the Mad Dash. No cold weather jackets in the tropics for Marie.
Nice to see you Mr.Lee

Nice vid. Only issue. Skipper shouldnt be cooking. lol
Great to see you sailing again. I'd love to see you all wearing life jackets though. It sets a good example for other would be sailors. Would also love to see an explanation on when to use the daggerboards. Keep up the good work!
It is great to see folks learning by doing. No better way. Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
Wow Vernon, 8knts in 13knts wind that's great. ? Why are u sailing to Lomboc. Giday crew welcome to learning by doing!!. Hope Marie is healthy and no morning sickness
are u having the baby in France? Be safe, need some lifejacket please. Ur not super human.

mate ur even feeding the crew good Aussie Tucker. Boats looking good, sailing sweet.
That music has crazy erie intro, love it
Hi Vernon , love what you are doing mate , any chance you can message me your email address or let me know where I can find it , I’d like to reach out to you .
Marie is in the child way? Any idea who the father is? Lol! Congrats to you both. Now comes the real "Learning by Doing".
"Bust Out Another Thousand" pales compared to a child but it opens the kid's world to do much.
If the youngen is a boy, would you consider the name "Timothy"?