Marina SUA a publicat o fotografie cu o navă de război chineză care navighează periculos de aproape de distrugătorul american în apropiere de Taiwan

Marina SUA a publicat o fotografie cu o navă de război chineză care navighează periculos de aproape de distrugătorul american în apropiere de Taiwan

SUA acuză China de proceduri nesigure, deoarece nava lor naviga pe o rază de 150 de metri de o flotă americană și canadiană.


46 thoughts on “Marina SUA a publicat o fotografie cu o navă de război chineză care navighează periculos de aproape de distrugătorul american în apropiere de Taiwan

  1. When Russian or Chinese naval fleets approach San Diego or New York, the United States will definitely allow them "freedom of navigation."

  2. We're getting what we asked for by switching recognition from Taiwan to CCP in the 70s. Greedy short term thinking on the US part enabled China to act this way.

  3. Just goes to show you they know what administration is in the White House right now. They wouldn't dare to do that if Trump was president right now

  4. “Mind your own business” as if endangering US sailors is none the US’s business. US will defend it’s friends. No wars of conquest. A government that openly talks about invading it’s neighbors and purging it’s population is everyones business.

  5. In case our "intelligence" hasn't noticed
    Russia to handle Europe and China hold the USA….. And if China or Russia succeeds then will help the other

  6. might as well kick off ww3 now fire on it.. either there is fear mongering going on or everyone is just crazy and ww3 is on the way

  7. If the US is in the business of sailing war ships in the straights while constantly criticizing China and openly calling for war against it, and interfering in the internal affairs of its trading partners, it should be prepared to be retaliated against.

    The thing is, it seems, listening to US officials over a number of years describe events like these, that everything they say is the opposite of the truth. Based on that, it is US officials goading China, rather than China picking a fight with the US.

    If this were happening off the coast of California or the Puget sound, US officials would be believable; maybe.

  8. Eventually, there will me military fight with China. I strongly feel they will attack us.

    1. They want the world to trade in the Yuan instead of the dollar. KSA has been kissy, kissy with China. Brazil, Russia, Iran and others will be happy to go with it. i am glad they didn’t destabilize the world economy with the debt ceiling or it would have played well into China’s goal there as the world can only tolerate being tossed upside down by US politics to a limit.

    2 China hoped to weaken the US and allies with Covid and succeeded but were caught in their own web.
    3. China is counting on the USA depleting our military resources in Ukraine while building up a naval fleet to challenge their desire to take and rule as much of the South China Sea and other global locations.
    They have invested heavily in African countries with stipulations, such as South Africa must teach Mandarin in all schools, which has already begun. They have used South Africa to traffic weapons to Putin for his goal take Ukraine.
    4. American companies shifted manufacturing to China which not only have them the money to do come to this point in history, but they have stolen technologies and products produced on the very machines the corporations bought and set up to manufacture their products, from Apple to designer apparel and accessories.
    5. Americans are dependent on cheap goods from China and must wean themselves from this addiction by reclaiming their labor rights and the market focus on the customer verses the current situation where workers and customers are squeezed like oranges to quench the thirst of Wall Street investors. Labor unions are a must to ensure the rights of the workers. This must coincide with returning manufacturing to the states and forcing corporations to pay their taxes regardless of where the money or branch is globally. After all, we spend $773 BILLION dollars this year on a military budget that protects those global corporate assets, while we have third world healthcare that costs more than anywhere else in the world, a homeless, drug trafficking and addiction and mental illness crisis at home.

    i could continue, but will conclude with the fact that when they attack is or actually cause a crash at sea and we rightfully place embargoes, Americans will also suffer a great deal by not having those cheap goods available. Covid supply chain was minuscule compared to what may come. 🙏🏼

  9. US military needs to take China down in self-defense. Stop tolerating and letting China break the laws, that no other country can get by with, w/out consequences. China cries if the U.S. is sailing in international waters near China but sends a spy balloon over the US and cries when the US shoots it down. The days of allowing China to pick and choose which international laws they will abide by r over!!

  10. They say American battleships never slow down or change course for oncoming vessels. Not true.

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